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Nationalist Uses of the Atlantis Myth in a Nordic Framework
Vanessa Ward
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In a theoretical arena where it is
difficult to prove any hypothesis beyond all doubt, interpreting the archaeological
record of the distant past can be a highly speculative and, in some
circumstances, dangerous activity. The
malleability of myth and the lack of written records make it especially
vulnerable to appropriation by a nationalist agenda, particularly in the search
for superior origins. The perception of
lacking a past, as exemplified by German National Socialists in the Third
Reich, makes an exalted origin story all the more coveted. What grander origin story than to claim descent
from the lost kingdom of Atlantis, described so impressively by the ancient
Greek philosopher Plato? The Atlantis
myth has been used in various nationalistic contexts, but perhaps never more
forcefully and with such widespread ramifications than in seventeenth century
Sweden and, in particular, Nazi Germany.
The use of the Nordic interpretation of Atlantis as a nationalist tool
in Sweden provided the background for its much more lethal use in the Third
Reich. The theories of Olof Rudbeck,
the Swedish engineer of the “Atlantis in the North” interpretation of Plato’s
account, influenced the ideas of prominent German figures in the Third Reich,
such as Schafer, Kiss, Wirth, Huth, and most importantly Himmler – the
mastermind of the intellectual basis for German racial superiority.
The first recorded mention of Atlantis
is in Plato’s Timaeus and Critias, in which he describes a
powerful rival of ancient Athens that existed beyond the Pillars of Hercules (assumed
by most scholars to be the Straits of Gibraltar), before its decline into
debasement attracted the anger of the gods and assumedly brought about its
destruction (Forsyth 1980: 8-29). Often
seen as an allegory used by Plato to explore his notion of the ideal state and
to critique the Athenian society of his day, many others have read his story
literally, though quite often taking liberties with his location of Atlantis. Olof Rudbeck (1630-1702), the anatomist, botanist,
and eventual rector of Uppsala University in Sweden, was one such man. He devoted the later part of his life to the
search for lost Atlantis and believed himself to have found it – in his beloved
homeland of Sweden with Old Uppsala as its capital, no less. In his hefty four-volume work, Atlantica,
the first volume of which was published in 1679 in Latin and Old Swedish, he
proposed that one of Noah’s heirs, Japheth, settled in Sweden after the
Biblical flood and fathered Atlas, the first king of Atlantis (Vidal-Naquet
1992: 318). To him, the abundance of
Sweden’s natural resources corresponded to the bounty of Atlantis. He wrote, “Our banks and possessions are in
the mountains and the forest rich with metals and wild animals, the lakes
filled with fish, and the air filled with birds” (qtd. in Ekman 1962: 62). Rudbeck’s pride in Sweden arose out of the
period of military achievements and economic prosperity that began during the
reign of Gustavus Adolphus (1611-1632), which Swedish historians refer to as
the “Age of Greatness” (King 2005: 14).
As a relative newcomer to power, Sweden was often viewed by the rest of
Europe as an “upstart nation”, prompting Rudbeck’s nationalist attempts to
prove that the other European powers in fact owed their cultural heritage to
the North (Ekman 1962: 59).
Rudbeck’s primary lines of evidence
for his theory of a Nordic Atlantis were linguistic and geographical. Using supposed similarities between
particular Nordic runes and Greek and Roman letters, he proposed a Scandinavian
origin for the alphabet (Ekman 1962: 61).
He equated Plato’s Atlas with the mythological Swedish king Atle who, according
to the Norse Eddas in which he is mentioned, also ruled a flourishing
kingdom that was eventually destroyed due to his own greed (King 2005:
146-147). The discrepancy in names was
compensated for by the fact that, as Plato himself had attested, the names had
been translated from Atlantean to Egyptian and finally to Greek, via Solon’s
interpretation of their meanings (Forsyth 1980: 20). Rudbeck pointed out that Sweden even had its own Atlas Mountains,
the Atlefjall, and that an old name for Sweden was Atland (King 2005:
147). He circumvented the geographic
problem of Plato’s location being beyond the Pillars of Hercules by arguing
that this phrase was used to refer to numerous straits other than the Straits
of Gibraltar. He located the specific
Pillars of Hercules referred to in the Atlantis story as the Oresund, perilous
straits that separated Denmark and Sweden (King 2005: 149). Again taking a philological approach,
Rudbeck asserted that though the Greek word used by Plato to describe Atlantis,
nesos (νήσος), was most often translated as
“island”, it could also be translated as “peninsula” – a more fitting
interpretation for a Swedish Atlantis (King 2005: 146). As proof for the validity of this
translation, he pointed to the fact that the same term “νήσος”
was used in Greek texts to refer to the Peloponnesian peninsula.
Rudbeck’s Nordic-Atlantean theories,
a product of his genuine love of country, were appropriated by the nineteenth
century mystic Madame Helena Blavatsky and through the influence of Theosophy,
of which she was the co-founder, eventually reached Nazi intellectuals. Theosophy was an esoteric philosophical and
religious movement that, as a conglomeration of various occult beliefs and
mystical traditions borrowed from around the world, remained largely undefined
(Cranston 1993: 145). The opportunity
for diverse interpretations this allowed and its exaltation of the Aryan race
made Theosophy particularly appealing to early German nationalists. Vidal-Naquet (1992) claims that, “The last
disciples of Rudbeck were to be found among Hitler’s National Socialists even
before they came to power” (323). One
such disciple was Alfred Rosenburg who argued in his book, Myth of the
Twentieth Century (1930), that the people of Atlantis were Aryans and had
spread over much of the civilized world including Palestine, implying that
Jesus himself, a foreigner, was likely to have been Aryan instead of Jewish
(Vidal-Naquet 1992: 323). Theosophy
became popular in Germany after 1933 when citizens were encouraged by the new
administration of the Third Reich to discard Christianity, with its weighty
Jewish influence, and find an alternative religious system (Hale 2003:
26). Blavatsky herself, though of
Russian heritage, had claim to German blood from her father’s side of the
family, who were descendents of the Hahn’s – well known German counts and
countesses (Cranston 1993: 5). In her
book, The Secret Doctrine, published in 1888 with the Tibetan symbol of
the swastika on the cover, Blavatsky proclaimed that the people of Atlantis
were a fourth root race in a series of evolutionary stages, succeeded by the
Aryans (Hale 2003: 25-26). She placed
the location of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean, and described how the
Atlanteans’ ambition and misuse of power led to their divinely orchestrated
destruction. From this point she
continued where Plato left off, describing how an elite priesthood escaped the
submergence and took refuge in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, before settling in
Shambhala, a mythical place in the Himalayas.
The Aryans, a new race in Northern Asia, inherited the wisdom of these
surviving Atlanteans and spread southwest bringing this wisdom with them (Hale
2003: 26). Her theories had a
significant impact on German thought, at all levels of the emerging Nazi power
One such figure, at the highest
rungs of power, was Heinrich Himmler himself.
Convoluted occult beliefs such as Blavatsky’s appealed to him; he had
been involved in numerous occult societies in the early 1920’s, including the
prodigious Artamanen-Gesellschaft (Hale 2003: 30). This society, which drew in part on Blavatsky’s work, incorporated
Nordic mysticism into a glorified German folk culture. Himmler was fascinated by the Atlantis myth,
eastern mysticism, and pseudoscientific theories, such as the World Ice Theory
– a glacial cosmogony developed by the Austrian engineer Horbiger in which the
driving creative force in the universe was a constant conflict between fire and
ice (Hale 2003: 118). Conjectures such
as this were especially appealing because they rejected the “Jewish” science of
widely accepted theories like Einstein’s.
Himmler set up the Ahnenerbe, the national heritage institute, as a part
of the SS in order to indulge his somewhat peculiar interests and to provide
support for Hitler’s claims of racial superiority. Through the Ahnenerbe, archaeologists were sent to diverse
geographic regions to find evidence of scattered Aryan populations. Himmler’s primary training had been in
agriculture and the military; he was not well versed in international historical
scholarship (Oesterle 1994: 198). As
such, he preferred to surround himself with scientists and scholars of
questionable scientific practice, rather than recognized authorities, who would
not scorn his odd beliefs and interests (Oesterle 1994: 198).
Himmler oversaw a number of
expeditions led by his favoured archaeologists, scientists, and scholars, to
regions that he believed might have a connection to Atlantis and the ancient
Aryans. Hitler, not altogether
approving of these archaeological interests, may have been unaware of some of
the uses to which Himmler was putting SS resources. Hale (2003) asserts that, “Archaeological digs in search of Aryan
remains and cult objects obsessed Himmler to such a degree that it provoked
even Hitler’s scorn” (123). One of the
Ahnenerbe expeditions that seems to have been dearest to Himmler’s heart was
the Tibet project, led by the ambitious ornithologist, hunter, and adventurer Ernst
Schafer. This expedition, influenced by
Blavatsky’s theory of Atlantean precursors to Aryan wisdom living in the Himalayas,
even included a stop in the Gobi Desert (Pringle 2006: 150). Schafer’s team included both an entomologist
and a geophysicist, demonstrating the holistic and somewhat ambiguous nature of
an expedition that sought to take advantage of any and all research
opportunities that might present themselves along the way. The team also included the anthropologist
Bruno Beger, who was responsible for investigating potential Nordic fossils and
skeletons, as well as studying the local Tibetans through various “racial
scientific” methods such as craniometry, composing trait lists, taking bodily
measurements, and molding face masks (Hale 2003: 129). While not personally believing in
Aryan-Atlantean remnants in Tibet, Schafer seems to have kept his scepticism to
himself so as to enjoy the continued support of the SS leader (Pringle 2006:
150). This demonstrates that individual
scholars may have supported the National Socialist use of the Atlantis myth in
their research without actually being indoctrinated into it themselves. It is also likely that the Tibet expedition
had aims completely unrelated to Atlantis, such as political and military
espionage (Hale 2003: 15).
Edmund Kiss, another favourite of Himmler, was a far more fervent
believer in the myth of Atlantis. He
proposed, along with his friend the Austrian amateur archaeologist Posnansky,
that the Andean city of Tiwanaku had been built by Nordic survivors of Atlantis
(Hale 2003: 119-120). During his
independent trip to Tiwanaku in 1928, Kiss believed himself to have found a
calendrical inscription on the Gateway to the Sun that portrayed the Earth’s
primordial conditions, thus making Tiwanaku millions of years old (Pringle
2006: 182). He also claimed to have
found a large sculpture of a man’s head that clearly reflected Nordic facial
characteristics. He said that the art
and architecture of Tiwanaku were “probably the creations of Nordic men who
arrived in the Andean highlands as representatives of a special civilization”
(qtd. in Pringle 2006: 181). Kiss and Posnansky
rejected any claim that indigenous Andeans were responsible for the origination
of Tiwanaku, and suggested that the immigrant Aryans had engaged the locals to
help with the basic construction (Pringle 2006: 181). Kiss’ ideas were popularized in a series of fantasy novels, and Die Hitler Jugend, the official Hitler
Youth magazine, ran well received articles on his research (Pringle 2006: 182).
Perhaps most similar to the seventeenth century theories of Olof Rudbeck
are those of Herman Wirth, who was placed in charge of the Ahnenerbe by Himmler
in 1935 (Pringle 2006: 62). He
fervently believed that the original Atlanteans were a circumpolar Nordic
people, whose continent of Atlantis ended up in the Atlantic Ocean due to his
imagined process of polar shift (Hale 2003: 86). Like the majority of other hyperdiffusionists who promoted the
Atlantis myth, he proposed that the ancient Atlantean system of runes became
the basis of all writing systems that later developed (Tumasonis 1992: 85). To confirm his theories, he undertook the
first major Ahnenerbe expedition in search of Aryans abroad – to Bohuslan in
southwestern Sweden, to study the region’s thousands of granite engravings
(Pringle 2006: 62). He interpreted the
numerous circular designs and disc shapes he observed as ideograms for the sun,
claiming that they traced its annual movements across the sky (Pringle 2006:
72). Based on the long periods of
darkness in the North followed by periods of light, the worship of a Nordic
rebirth or resurrection god seemed logical to Wirth, whom he referred to as
Odal (Tumasonis 1992: 85). Thus, the
monotheistic religion of Nordic Atlantis preceded that of Christian monotheism;
the notion of divine resurrection came from the North.
Wirth’s theories drew attention and support from prominent German figures
other than Himmler, such as the coffee mogul Ludwig Roselius. As part of his architectural building
project, the Bottcherstrasse, Roselius included a building called the Haus
Atlantis, to be built by the architect Hoetger and dedicated to Wirth’s research
(Tumasonis 1992: 87). Unfortunately for
the three of them, Hitler despised the “decadent” and “idolatrous” architecture
of the Bottcherstrasse (Tumasonis 1992: 89).
Exasperated with Wirth’s open animosity towards the Catholic and
Protestant churches which seemed likely to incite conflict, and his portrayal
of ancient Aryan civilization as a matriarchy, Hitler publicly denounced both
Roselius and Wirth at a party convention in 1936 (Pringle 2006: 91-92). While Himmler favoured Wirth, he valued his
precious Ahnenerbe much more. To avoid
further derision from Hitler and the Reich education minister Harmjanz, who
scorned Wirth’s theories, Himmler decided to silence Wirth and withdraw any
further support for him (Oesterle 1994: 205).
This illustrates that there was not a unified view of German origins and
the Atlantis myth even at the top of the power hierarchy. It seems that as far as most Nazi officials
were concerned, the myth of Atlantis was accepted only so long as it promoted
Aryan racial superiority, rather than for any historical merit in and of
Based on his secondary studies of the North Atlantic Ocean floor, Wirth
had estimated that Atlantis, after its continental shift, had stretched from
Iceland to the Azores islands. The only
parts to remain above water after the submergence were Cape Verde and the
Canary Islands (Pringle 2006: 60-61).
Influenced by this theory, a former protégée of Wirth’s, Otto Huth,
planned an expedition to the Canary Islands that would include an archaeologist
to search for potsherds and stone tools similar in form to those of the ancient
Nordic peoples. Inspired by accounts
written by some early European explorers who described the Canary Islanders as
being blond and fair skinned, Huth proclaimed, “Separated from the disturbances
of European world history, the ancient Nordic civilization blossomed
undisturbed on the happy islands until it was destroyed” (qtd. in Pringle 2006:
187). The discovery of mummies with
pale hair further encouraged this sort of speculation, despite the warnings of
the American anthropologist Hooton that chemically based preservatives and the
effects of time could bleach the hair (Pringle 2006: 186). As so many of his colleagues before him,
Huth simply ignored or rationalized any evidence contrary to his belief in a dispersed
Nordic Atlantean civilization.
That the Nordic Atlantis myth could be have been applied to such geographically
diverse and unrelated areas as the Canary Islands, Tibet, Tiwanaku, and Sweden,
profoundly demonstrates the malleability of mythic history to fit almost any
requirements in the construction of a national origin story of monumental
proportions. The nationalistic use of
the Atlantis myth in seventeenth century Sweden and in Nazi Germany also
illustrates the power of individual agency in shaping history. Olof Rudbeck almost single-handedly
developed the Swedish-Nordic interpretation of Atlantis that trickled down to
Nazi Germany, and without Himmler’s obsessive fascination with an Aryan
connection to Atlantis, it is doubtful that this theory would have been so
influential. Inherent in these
Atlantean origin stories are an assumption of some form of racial and
ideological continuity from the distant past and a belief in hyperdiffusionism
– that some peoples are dispensers of culture while other peoples simply pick
up the scraps. In response to Himmler’s
intense interest in German prehistory, Hitler once complained, “Why do we call
the whole world’s attention to the fact that we have no past?” (qtd. in Pringle
2006: 66). It was precisely this ingrained
assumption of lacking a history that Himmler was striving to wipe out with his
conjectures of an exalted past, a past that would place the Aryans in the role
of cultural dispensers on a scale of unbeatable proportions.
Cranston, S. (1993). HPB: the extraordinary life and influence of Helena Blavatsky, founder of the modern Theosophical movement. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons.
Ekman, E. (Mar., 1962). Gothic patriotism and Olof Rudbeck. The Journal of Modern History, 34 (1), 52-63.
Forsyth, P.
Y. (1980). Atlantis: the making of myth. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Hale, C. (2003).
Himmler’s Crusade: the Nazi expedition to find the origins of the
Aryan Race. New Jersey: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
King, D. (2005).
Finding Atlantis: a true story of Genius, Madness, and an
Extraordinary Quest for a Lost World.
New York: Harmony Books.
Oesterle, A. (1994). The office of ancestral inheritance and folklore scholarship. In J. R. Dow and H. Lixfeld (Eds.), The Nazification of an academic discipline: Folklore in the Third Reich (pp.189-246). Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
Pringle, H. (2006). The master plan: Himmler’s scholars and the Holocaust. London: Fourth Estate.
Tumasonis, E. (Spring, 1992). Bernhard Hoetger’s tree of life: German expressionism and racial ideology. Art Journal, 51 (1), 81-91.
Vidal-Naquet, P. (Winter, 1992). Atlantis
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