babeldom | a confused sound of voices
babirusa | large wild pig of Indonesia
baboonery | foolishness; stupidity; nonsense
baccate | having berries; berry-like
bacchanal | drunkard; reveller
bacciferous | bearing berries
bacciform | shaped like a berry
baccivorous | eating berries
bacillicide | killer of berries
backpiece | armour covering the back
backstay | stay extending from ship's mastheads to the side of the ship
bactericide | killer of bacteria
baculiform | rod-shaped
baculine | of, like or pertaining to the stick or cane; of, like or pertaining to flogging
baculum | penis bone in some mammals
baculus | rod, staff or scepter of power
badigeon | plaster and ground stone mixture for repairing masonry
badinage | playful repartee or banter
badious | chestnut-coloured
baedeker | guide book
baetyl | magical or holy meteoric stone
baft | cheap coarse cotton fabric
bagarre | scuffle or brawl
bagging | coarse fabric for making bags or sacks
bagnio | bathing house
bahadur | self-important official
bahuvrihi | compound word whose second part is a noun but that acts as an adjective
bail | barrier or pole separating horses in an open stable
bailivate | office of a bailiff
bailment | delivery of goods in trust
baisemain | kiss on the hand
baize | coarse napped cotton or wool fabric
bakelite | type of solid plastic
balaniferous | acorn-bearing
balanism | use of suppositories
balanoid | acorn-shaped
balatron | joker; clown
balbriggan | knitted cotton fabric
balbutient | stammering
baldachin | rich embroidered silk and gold fabric
baldaquin | covering or canopy over a throne or altar
balderdash | nonsense; a jumble of words
baldric | shoulder strap for holding sword
balefire | bonfire or beacon-fire
balisaur | long-tailed badger
balistarius | crossbowman
balistraria | cross-shaped opening in wall for firing arrows
balize | pole mounted on seashore as beacon
ballaster | one who supplies ships with ballast
balletomania | abnormal fondness for ballet
ballistocardiograph | instrument for detecting body movements caused by heartbeat
ballistophobia | fear of missiles
ballottement | diagnosis of pregnancy by applying sharp force to abdomen
ballyhoo | bombastic or pretentious nonsense
balmorality | superficial enthusiasm for Scottish culture
balneary | bath
balneography | written description of baths
balneology | the science of the therapeutic use of baths
balustrade | row of columns supporting a stair rail
balzarine | light cotton dress material
bambosh | deceptive nonsense
banausic | materialistic; merely mechanical; pertaining to workshops
bandelet | small flat moulding around a column
banderol | flat band with an inscription; small banner
bandicoot | small long-nosed ratlike marsupial
bandobast | detailed organization; settlement
bandolier | shoulder belt for carrying ammunition
bandore | bass cittern
bangtail | mustang or wild horse
banjolin | combination of banjo and mandolin
banjulele | combination of banjo and ukulele
bannock | flat unleavened loaf of bread
banquette | raised way or footway above a parapet
banteng | wild ox of Southeast Asia
bantling | brat; whelp; bastard child
baptistery | part of church reserved for performing baptisms
bar | unit of pressure of one million dynes per square centimeter
baragnosis | loss of ability to distinguish weight
baragouin | any jargon or unintelligible language
barasingha | deer dwelling in swamps of India
barathea | pebbly silk or worsted fabric with broken rib weave
barathrum | an abyss; an insatiable person
barbarocracy | government by barbarians
barbate | bearded
barbet | stout-billed tropical bird
barbette | earthen terrace inside the parapet of a rampart
barbican | projecting watchtower over the gate of a castle
barbigerous | bearded; bearing a beard
barbiton | lute or lyre with many strings
barbula | small tuft of hair just below the lower lip
barcarole | gondolier's song
bardel | pack saddle
bardocucullus | hooded cloak worn by monks
bardolatry | excessive devotion to or worship of Shakespeare
barege | gauzy fabric of silk, cotton, wool, or worsted
bargemaster | owner of a barge
barkentine | three-masted vessel
barleycorn | old unit of length equal to one-third inch
barm | yeast; froth on fermenting liquor
barmaster | local judge among miners
barmcloth | an apron
barmkin | battlement or turret on the outer wall of a castle
barn | unit of area measurement of particles equal to 100 square femtometres
barnard | member of gang of thieves who acts as decoy
barodynamics | science of the support and mechanics of bridges
barognosis | ability to perceive weight
barograph | instrument for recording air pressure
barology | study of gravitation
baroscope | weather-glass
barouche | four-wheeled hooded carriage
barracan | fine silk cloth
barracoon | depot for slaves
barras | coarse linen fabric
barrateen | some kind of fabric
barratry | inciting riot or violence
barre | placing capo or finger across guitar strings
barrulet | narrow heraldic bar
bartisan | parapet or battlement
barton | farmyard
baryecoia | deafness; hardness of hearing
baryphonic | having difficulty speaking
bascule | apparatus of which one end rises as the other sinks
basial | of, like or pertaining to kissing
basiation | kissing
basilica | Roman Catholic church given special privileges
basilicon | kind of ointment
bassinet | light, conical helmet
bastinade | to beat with a stick or baton, especially on the feet
bastion | tower at the corner of a fortification
bastle | fortified house with vaulted ground floor
bateleur | short-tailed African eagle
bathmism | directive evolutionary force
batholith | large mass of intruded igneous rock
bathophobia | fear of falling from a high place
bathos | appearance of the commonplace in elevated matter for rhetorical effect
bathykolpian | deep-bosomed
bathymeter | instrument for recording contours of deep oceans
bathyorographical | of, like or pertaining to depth underwater or elevation above sea level
bathypelagic | found in the depths of the sea
bathysmal | of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean
bathythermograph | instrument for recording water temperature as compared to depth
batik | method of dyeing fabric by covering certain sections with wax
bating | except
batiste | fine soft sheer fabric of plain weave
batology | the study of brambles
baton | heraldic sign of bastardy
batophobia | fear of heights or being close to tall buildings
batrachian | of, like or pertaining to frogs or toads
batrachivorous | frog-eating
batrachophobia | fear of frogs and toads
batraquomancy | divination using frogs
batten | timber used to fasten down a door or hatch
battledore | bat used to strike shuttlecock; game played with such a bat
battology | futile, futile repetition in speech or writing
battue | indiscriminate slaughter; driving game towards slaughter
baud | unit of data transmission speed of one signal event per second
bausond | having white spots on the forehead
bavardage | chattering; prattle
bavian | insignificant or unskilled poet
bavin | a bundle of brushwood
bayadere | fabric with horizontal stripes in strongly contrasting colours
bdellism | use of leeches for blood-letting
bdelloid | of, like or pertaining to leeches
bdellotomy | act of cutting a leech to increase its suction
beadle | church caretaker or usher; mace-bearing official of an institution
beadsman | monk or almoner who prays for benefactor
beata | beatified woman
Beatlemania | obsession with the Beatles
beatster | fish net repairer
beatus | beatified man
beaupers | linen fabric used for flags
beaver | hinged face guard on a helmet
beblubbered | disfigured from weeping
bechic | relieving coughs
becket | large hook or bracket used to hold tackle or spars
beckets | rope handles
bedaggle | to soil by dragging along the wet ground
bedswerver | unfaithful spouse
bee | hardwood on either side of bowsprit through which forestays are reeved
beele | double-pointed miner's pick
beerocracy | government by brewers or brewing interests
beeskep | straw beehive
beestings | the first milk drawn from a cow after calving
beforetime | formerly
behither | on this side of; on the near side of
behoof | a benefit resulting from some course of action
beira | pygmy antelope
bel | unit of noise intensity equal to ten decibels
belay | to secure a rope by winding on a pin or cleat
belcher | coloured; spotted neckerchief
beldam | an old woman; a hag; an ancestress
belemnoid | shaped like a dart
belike | most likely; probably
bellarmine | large jug with rounded belly and narrow neck
bellcote | ornamental structure to hold one or two large bells
bellecism | inclination towards violence; hawkishness
belleter | bell-founder
belliferous | bringing war
belling | deer's mating call
bellipotent | militarily powerful
bellonion | mechanical instrument combining trumpets and drums
bellwether | one who takes the lead; indicator of trends
beloid | shaped like an arrow
belomancy | divination by means of arrows
belonephilia | sexual obsession with sharp objects
belonephobia | fear of pins and needles
belonoid | shaped like a needle
belvedere | raised covered terrace or pavilion
belvedere | raised turret or lantern on the top of a house
bema | raised part of an Eastern church containing the altar
benedict | a newly married man who has long been a bachelor
benefactive | indicating for whom or which
benefic | kindly; benign; beneficent
benefice | ecclesiastical office to which revenue is attached
beneficiate | to treat ores to remove impurities
benet | exorcist
bengaline | crosswise ribbed fabric
benish | long-sleeved Middle Eastern outer garment
benthic | of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean
benthos | flora and fauna of the ocean floor
berceau | covered walk
berceuse | lullaby
bergamask | country dance
berge | spy glass or telescope
berlin | four-wheeled covered carriage
berline | crude winter sled
berm | narrow shelf or ledge at the top or bottom of a slope
bersatrix | baby-sitter
besom | curler's broom
bestiarian | individual opposed to vivisection
bestiocracy | rule by beasts
bethel | a place of worship for seamen; nonconformist chapel
betimes | in short time; speedily
bêtise | foolish act or situation
betwixt | between
bewray | to reveal; to betray; to divulge
bezel | oblique side or face of a cut gem
bezesteen | Eastern marketplace
bezique | card game played with two decks of cards
bezoar | stony material found in ruminants' stomachs
bharal | bluish-gray Himalayan goat
bialate | two-winged
biarchy | government by two people; diarchy
bibacious | overly fond of drinking
bibelot | trinket; miniature book of elegant design
bibitory | of, like or pertaining or pertaining to drinking
biblioclasm | destruction of books or the Bible
bibliogenesis | production of books
bibliognost | well-read individual; person with wide knowledge of books
biblioklept | book-thief
bibliolatry | worship of the Bible or other books
bibliology | study of books
bibliomancy | divination by opening a book at random
bibliomania | craze for books or reading
bibliopegist | bookbinder
bibliophagist | one who devours books, literally or figuratively
bibliophily | love or fondness for books or reading
bibliophobia | fear of books
bibliopoesy | making of books
bibliopolist | bookseller
bibliopoly | bookselling
bibliotaph | one who hoards or hides books
bibliotics | study of documents to determine authenticity
bibulous | addicted to alcohol
bicapitate | two-headed
bickern | anvil pointed at both ends
bicollateral | having two identical sides
bicorn | having two horns or points
biddery | metal alloy inlaid with silver and/or gold
bidenticulate | having two teeth
biduous | lasting two days
bienséance | something appropriate or proper
bifarious | organized in two rows
bifid | divided in two by a deep split
bifilar | having two threads
bigential | consisting of two races, genera, or subspecies
biggin | a building
bight | a wide bay; a bend or coil in a rope
bijugate | having heads on both sides of a coin
bilbo | iron bar used to shackle prisoners' feet
bilge | lower point of inner hull of a ship; nonsense or rubbish
bilious | ill-tempered; very unpleasant
billingsgate | coarsely abusive language
billon | base metal, alloy of copper, tin or silver
bilocation | ability to be in two places at once
biloquist | one capable of speaking with two distinct voices
bimetallism | currency exchange on both the gold and silver standards
binarchy | government by two people; diarchy
binate | doubled; coupled
binaural | of, pertaining to or heard by both ears
bindle | blanket roll
binnacle | case in which a ship's compass is kept
binotonous | consisting or comprised of two musical tones
binturong | civet of southeastern Asia with long prehensile tail
biobibliography | annotated biographical bibliography
biocenosis | state of association of creatures in a certain region
biocentric | having life as main principle
biocide | killing living material
bioecology | study of interaction of life in the environment
biogenesis | theory that all life is derived from living matter alone
biognosy | general study or theory of life
biolith | rock formed by living creatures
biometrics | study of biological measurement
bionergy | vital essence or force
bionomics | study of organisms interacting in their environments
biopic | film telling the life-story of a celebrity
biotaxy | classification of living organisms
biotope | region of uniform environment and types of organisms
bipennate | two-winged
biramous | forked; with two branches
bireme | rowed ship or galley with two banks of oars
biretta | square three-ridged cap worn by Catholic clergy
birl | to make a log spin by walking on it
birostrate | double-beaked
bis | twice; in two places
biscacha | burrowing South American rodent
biserial | in two rows or columns
bismer | shame; disgrace; scorn
bisociation | association of an object with two or more ideas
bisontine | of, like or pertaining to bison
bistoury | narrow surgical knife
bistre | pigment with brownish colour derived from soot
bisulcate | cloven-footed; cleft in two
bitheism | belief in two gods
bittern | small heron
bitts | posts mounted on a ship for fastening ropes
biune | combining two entities into one
biverbal | of, like or pertaining to two words; having a double sense
bivious | offering a choice; splitting between two directions
blackguard | a menial helper
blackguard | to vituperate; to portray as a scoundrel
blackmaster | undertaker
blague | pretentious nonsense
blain | a boil or blister
blandiloquence | complimentary speech; flattery
blandish | to flatter and coax; to cajole
blanket | coarse woollen cloth
blarney | skilful flattery; nonsense
blastogenesis | reproduction by budding
blattnerphone | instrument used to record sound on magnetic tape
blattoid | of, like or pertaining to cockroaches
blauwbok | extinct bluish-coloured antelope of southern Africa
blazon | heraldic arms painted on knight's shield or surcoat; to describe heraldically
blench | to shrink or flinch
blendling | hybrid
blendure | mixing
blennoid | of or resembling mucus
blennophobia | fear of slime
blenny | small elongated marine fish
blepharal | of, like or pertaining to eyelids
blesbok | South African antelope with white patch on forehead
blesiloquent | speaking with a stammer or lisp
bletcherous | having an ugly design
bletherskate | a garrulous talker of nonsense
bletonism | alleged ability to find an underground water supply
blewit | type of edible toadstool
blissom | subject to or having strong sexual desires
bloomery | factory where iron bars are manufactured
bloviate | to write or speak windily
blucher | leather half-boot
bluepeter | blue flag with white square in centre used as ship's signal
bluestocking | early feminist; educated or literary woman
blunge | to mix clay with water
blype | piece of skin that peels off after a sunburn
boanerges | skilled orator with powerful voice
boatswain | ship's crewmember in charge of equipment and maintenance
bobbinet | machine-made cotton lace
bobeche | circular wax catcher that fits over a candle
bobstay | rope used on ships to steady the bowsprit
bocking | smoked herring
bodach | old man; churl; goblin or spectre
bodement | prediction or prophecy
bodewash | cow dung
bodge | piece of poor or clumsy workmanship
bodkin | small tool for pricking holes; small dagger
boeotian | stupid; dull
boethetic | helpful, curative
bogan | quiet tributary or backwater
boggart | spectre; bugbear; goblin
bolar | of, like or pertaining to clay
bolection | moulding around a panel
bolero | Spanish dance with sudden pauses and sharp turns
bolide | large meteor that bursts; a fireball
bollard | short post on a wharf or ship to which ropes are tied
bolometer | instrument for measuring radiant energy or infrared light
bolthead | straight-necked distillation vessel or flask
boltrope | strong rope stitched to edges of a sail
bolus | rounded mass
boman | well dressed criminal
bombard | instrument like the bassoon
bombardon | large keyless bass trumpet
bombaster | one who stuffs or pads things
bombastry | bombastic language or composition
bombazine | twilled silk and worsted fabric
bombé | bulging outwards
bombic | of, like or pertaining to silkworms
bombilate | to hum, buzz or drone
bombosity | the buttocks
bombous | convex; rounded
bombycine | of, like or pertaining to silk or cotton
bombylious | humming or buzzing
bonasus | bison
bonbonnière | small box used for sweetmeats
bonce | large marble used in games
bongo | reddish African antelope with white vertical stripes
bongre | agreeably
bonification | paying of bonus or reward
boniform | having the form of good
bonify | to improve or ameliorate
boning | estimating straightness by looking along a row of poles
bonism | the doctrine that the world is good but not perfect
bontbok | South African antelope with unusual coloration
bonzery | Buddhist monastery
bonzoline | artificial ivory-like substance used to make billiard balls
boodle | counterfeit money; funds obtained by corruption
boopic | ox-eyed
borage | rough-stemmed herb used in salads
borasco | violent wind squall
borato | thin fabric
borborology | filthy talk
borborygmus | rumbling noise in the intestines
bordar | tenant who holds land at his lord's pleasure
bordereau | detailed bill or invoice
bordure | border surrounding a heraldic shield
bore | tidal flow of water up estuaries
borné | limited; narrow-minded
borsella | instrument for shaping glass vessels
bort | diamond fragments or dust
borzoi | wolf-hound
boscage | thick foliage; woodland
boschveldt | bush country; wilderness
bosket | thicket; plantation
bosky | covered with trees or shrubs
bossa-nova | Brazilian dance similar to samba
bosselated | knobby
boston | waltz-like dance
bosun | boatswain
bot | larva of a botfly that infests horses
botanomancy | divination using burning branches or plants
botonée | having three buds like a trefoil
botryoidal | like a bunch of grapes
bottine | small boot
bottomry | using the ship as collateral to finance a sea voyage
bouclé | fabric of uneven looped yarn
bouillotte | card game resembling poker
bouleuterion | meeting-place; assembly hall
bouleversement | overturning; reversal; ruin
boult | to sift through cloth; to examine by sifting
boun | to prepare; to dress; to set out
bourasque | tempest
bourdon | drone bass of a bagpipe or organ
bourgeoisification | conversion to a bourgeois way of life or perspective
bourrée | French baroque dance with quick rhythm
boursocrat | stock exchange official
boustrophedon | writing alternating left-right then right-left
boutade | sudden outburst
bovicide | slaughter of cattle; one who kills cattle
boviform | cow-shaped
bower | anchor carried at bow of a ship
bowery | seedy or run-down district of a city
bowline | rope used to keep weather edge of a sail taut
bowsprit | spar that extends at bows of a ship
boyau | communication trench
boyg | a problem difficult to get to grips with
brabble | to squabble or quarrel
braccate | having feathered legs or feet
bracciale | bracket or socket mounted on a wall
bracer | armour for the lower arm
brach | female hunting hound
brachal | armour for the arm
brachet | whelp; brat; bitch hound
brachiation | act of swinging by one's arms from place to place
brachiferous | bearing or having branches or arms
brachiotomy | amputation of an arm
brachycatalectic | lacking two syllables from end of a line of verse
brachycerous | having horns or antennae clipped or removed
brachydactylous | having short or stubby fingers
brachygraphy | writing using abbreviations or shortened characters; shorthand
brachymetropia | short-sightedness
brachyology | laconic, abbreviated or interrupted speech
brachypodous | short-legged
brachypterous | short-winged
brackish | saltish; very salty
brackle | to break bread or cake into pieces
bracteate | thin beaten plate of gold or silver
bradawl | small boring tool
bradyseism | slow up-and-down movement of the earth's crust
braguette | armoured codpiece
brail | leather strap to bind a hawk's wing
brails | ropes on edge of sail for hauling up
braird | to appear above ground (of crops)
branchial | of, like or pertaining to gills
branchiferous | having or bearing gills
branchiform | gill-shaped
brandling | striped earthworm used as fishing bait
brank | to prance; toss the head; to strut
bransle | an old French follow-the-leader dance
brasero | a place where criminals and heretics are burned
brash | collection of broken pieces of rock or ice
brassage | difference between cost of minting coin and its value
brassard | badge worn on the arm; piece of armour for the arm
brattice | fixed tower of wood on a castle wall
brattice | partition in mine shaft used to support walls and roof
braxy | disease of sheep causing fits
bray | heraldic device of a barnacle or horse's bit
brayer | instrument for spreading ink in printing
bream | to clean a ship's bottom by burning off seaweed
breastsummer | beam supporting front of a building; bressummer
breccia | geological formation of angular fragments of rock
breedbate | someone looking for an argument
brehon | judge or magistrate in ancient Ireland
breloque | an ornament attached to a watch
breme | fierce; cruel; keen
bressummer | beam supporting a wall over an opening
bretasche | partition to control ventilation in a mine
breve | mark over letter to indicate a short vowel sound
brevet | commission enabling officer to take higher rank
breviary | book containing daily church service
breviate | a brief compendium; a lawyer's brief
brevicaudate | short-tailed
breviloquence | short-windedness; tendency towards brevity in speech
breviped | short-legged creature
brevipennate | having short wings
briarean | many-handed
bricole | harness for humans to pull heavy loads
bridewell | house of corrections; jail
bridgewater | anything undesirable or worthless
bridoon | light military bridle
brigandine | leather armour with metal scales
brigantine | two-masted ship
brigue | to intrigue
brilliantine | light lustrous cotton and worsted fabric
brilliantine | perfumed oil for making hair glossy
brimborion | worthless nonsense; trash
brindled | marked with streaks or spots
brio | enthusiastic vigour
briquet | heraldic device of a flint and steel
brisure | part of a parapet breaking from the general direction
britska | open four-wheeled carriage
broadcloth | dense twilled wool or worsted fabric
brobdingnagian | immense
brocade | rich silk fabric with raised patterns
brocard | elementary law or principle; canon; axiom; maxim
broch | luminous ring around the moon
broché | with raised pattern
brochette | skewer for holding food steady while cooking
brocken | two-year-old stag
brockfaced | having a white mark on the face or snout
brodequin | light boot worn inside heavier boots
broderie | embroidery pattern
brogan | strong and tough working shoe
broma | food; aliment
bromatology | study of food
bromidrosis | strong-smelling sweat
bromography | a treatise on food
bromography | written description of food
bromopnea | bad breath
bronchos | temporary loss of voice; laryngitis
bronchoscope | instrument for examining the windpipe
brontology | scientific study of thunder
brontomancy | divination using thunder
brontophobia | fear of thunder and lightning
brouette | small two-wheeled carriage
brougham | one-horse closed carriage
bruit | something rumoured widely; to report or spread rumour
brumal | of, like or pertaining to winter
brumous | foggy; wintry
brunneous | dark brown
bruxism | habitual grinding of the teeth
bruxomania | compulsion for grinding teeth
bryology | the study of mosses and liverworts
bubaline | of, like or pertaining to buffalo or antelopes
bubonalgia | painful inflammation of the groin
buccal | of, like or pertaining to the mouth or cheek
buccan | metal frame on which meat is dried and/or roasted
buccina | Roman curved trumpet
buccinal | shaped or sounding like a trumpet
buccula | double chin
bucentaur | legendary half-man and half-ox
buck-and-wing | solo tap dance with many leg flings and leaps
buckminsterfullerene | stable carbon molecule with structure like a geodesic dome
buckram | stiff-finished cotton or linen used for linings of garments
bucoliast | writer of pastoral poems
bucolic | of, like or pertaining to the tending of cattle; rustic; rural
buddle | sloping container for washing ore
buffe | chin-piece for helmet with breathing holes
bufoniform | shaped like a toad
bufotenine | hallucinogen found in certain tropical toads
bugaboo | loud or empty nonsense
buhl | inlaying of precious material onto furniture
bulbiferous | bearing bulbs
bulbul | gregarious songbird
bulgur | cooked broken wheat
bulimy | extreme hunger
bulla | round seal attached to a papal bull
bullace | wild plum
bullantic | capitalized and ornamented, as letters used on papal bulls
bullary | collection of papal bulls
bullate | having a blistered or puckered appearance
bulliform | shaped like a blister or boil
bullionism | belief in the importance of metallic currency in economics
bullition | the act of boiling
bullock | an ox or castrated bull
bullyrag | to assault with abusive language; to badger
bulse | a small bag for diamonds or gold dust
bulwark | the side of a ship above the deck
bumboat | small boat used in harbours to carry provisions
bumicky | cement mixed with stone chips used in masonry
bummel | stroll; leisurely journey
bump | coarse cotton fabric
bumpkin | spar projecting from stern of ship
bumptious | offensively conceited or self-assertive
buncombe | speech-making intended for the mass media; humbug
bunt | middle of sail, fish-net or cloth when slack
bunting | light loosely woven fabric used for flags
buntline | rope attached to middle of square sail to haul it up to the yard
burdet | cotton fabric
burgage | tenure in socage for a yearly rent
burganet | light helmet with nose and cheek protection
burgee | small ship's flag used for identification or signalling
burgensic | of, like or pertaining to a borough or its citizens
burgrave | commander of a German town or castle
burke | to suppress quietly; to bypass or avoid
burlap | coarse plain-woven jute or hemp fabric
burnet | dark brown; dark woollen cloth
burrel | coarse russet cloth
burrole | an eavesdropper
burrstone | type of rock used to make millstones
bursal | of, like or pertaining to a state's revenues
bursary | treasury of a monastery or college
burse | square cloth case to carry the corporal during Communion service
bursiculate | resembling a small pouch
bursiform | shaped like a pouch or purse
bushwa | nonsense
buskin | tragedy as a dramatic genre
buss | rude or playful kiss
buteonine | of, like or pertaining to buzzards
butt | unit of volume equal to two hogsheads or 126 gallons
buttery | storeroom for provisions and liquors
butyraceous | resembling, producing or having the qualities of butter
butyric | of, like or pertaining to butter
byre | a cow barn
byrnie | coat of mail or breastplate
byssaceous | delicately filamentous
byssiferous | having tufts or threads
byssine | silky; soft; having many threads
byssoid | fibrous; cottony soft
byssus | mummy-wrapping fabric
bywoner | agricultural labourer
I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2021 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.