wack | old name for decomposed basalt
wadmal | thick coarse wool
waftage | transportation through water or air
wafture | act of waving or wafting
wagonette | carriage with one crosswise seat in front, two seats in back
wagtail | an obsequious person; a harlot
wainage | team and implements needed for cultivation of land
wainscot | to line with boards or panels; fine oak panelling
wair | timber of six feet in length and one foot in width
waits | musicians employed to play on ceremonial occasions
wakerife | wakeful; indisposed to sleep
waldflute | organ flute stop of 4 feet in length
waldgrave | old German title of nobility
waldhorn | French valveless hunting horn
wale | to choose; the act of choosing
walleteer | one who carries a wallet
wallfish | snail
wallflower | yellowish-red
wallydrag | feeble or worthless person or animal
walm | to spout; to boil up
walty | inclined to tip over or lean
wamble | churning of the stomach; wobbling or rolling motion
wame | the womb or belly; a protuberant hollow part
wamus | cardigan or jacket buttoned at neck and wrists
wanchancy | unlucky; uncanny
wang | the cheek; a molar
wanhope | despair
wanigan | pay office in a lumber camp
wanion | ill luck; misfortune
wankle | unstable or unsteady
wantage | deficiency; shortage
wanze | to decrease; to waste away
wapenshaw | periodic gathering to evaluate readiness of men for combat
wapentake | archaic sub-division of certain counties
wapiti | elk
waqf | charitable donation for Islamic religious purposes
warble | small tumour suffered by horses under the saddle area
wardcorn | payment of corn in place of military service
warden | kind of pear used in cooking
wardmote | meeting of a ward or a court of a ward
wardroom | quarters for ship's officers
warison | wealth; reward; punishment
warrantise | the act of guaranteeing or warranting; an assurance
warray | to make war on
warren | heart-shaped hoe
warrener | keeper of a warren of rabbits
wase | small bundle of hay or straw for resting one's head
washball | ball of toilet soap
washboard | broad thin plank along ship's gunwale to keep out sea water
washery | location where industrial washing takes place
washeteria | laundromat or launderette
washi | thin Japanese paper used to make kites and lanterns
washland | area periodically flooded by river
wasm | an outdated policy, doctrine or theory
wassail | toast to someone's health; to go caroling or carousing; spiced ale
wasserman | man-shaped sea monster
wastel | sweet flaky bread made with fine flour and butter
wastelot | unused lot of land in a built-up area
waster | wooden sword used for practicing fencing
wastive | liable to waste
watchet | pale blue
watchglass | small dish used for holding small amounts of a solution
watching | fully afloat
waterage | fee paid for travelling on water
waterish | resembling or filled with water; insipid or diluted
waterman | boatman or ferryman
waterwork | piece of fabric painted to resemble a tapestry
wattmeter | instrument for measuring electrical power
waulk | to full cloth
waulker | cloth fuller
wavemeter | instrument for measuring wavelengths
waveson | goods floating on the sea after a shipwreck
waxcloth | oilcloth; linoleum
wayboard | thin geological seam separating larger strata
waygone | exhausted from long travels
wayment | lamentation; grief
waywiser | instrument for measuring distance travelled
wayzgoose | annual employees' dinner or outing
wear | to turn a ship's stern to windward to alter its course
wearish | tasteless; savourless
weasand | the gullet or windpipe
weatherboard | weather side of a ship
weatherly | able to sail close to the wind with little leeway
weatherometer | instrument for measuring weather-resisting properties of paint
webcast | live broadcast transmitted on the World Wide Web
weber | unit of magnetic flux equal to 100 million maxwells
webster | a female weaver
webwheel | wheel in which spokes, rim and centre made from one piece of material
wedeln | skiing in a swiveling motion with skis close together
weed | garment or outfit worn during mourning
weedicide | something that kills weeds
weedy | dressed in widow's mourning clothes
weftage | texture
wegotism | excessive use of the pronoun 'we' in speech or writing
weighage | fee paid for weighing goods
weirdward | bordering upon the supernatural
weld | yellow dye; plant from which it is extracted
welk | to twist about
welkin | the vault of the sky; firmament; heaven
wellaway | expression of sorrow or lamentation; alas
welter | to be in a state of turmoil or chaos
wen | enormously congested city
wergild | fine paid by family of murderer to family of murder victim
wertfrei | without value judgement; neutral
westing | space or distance westward
wether | castrated ram
wey | old measure for dry goods usually equal to 40 bushels
whang | a leather thong; a thick slice
whangam | an imaginary animal
wharfinger | keeper or owner of a wharf
whatabouts | things with which one is occupied
wheal | a Cornish mine
wheaten | the golden colour of ripe wheat
wheelhouse | shelter where ship's steering wheel kept
wheep | sound made by a steel weapon when drawn from a sheath
wheeple | to whistle feebly
whelky | knobby; rounded
whelve | to cover with an upside down vessel
whemmle | to overturn; to throw into a state of disorder
whenas | when
whencesoever | from whatsoever place or source
whereagainst | against which
whereinsoever | in whatsoever respect or place
whereinto | into which; into what
whereof | of what
whereon | on what
whereout | out of which
wherethrough | through which; through the agency of
whereuntil | to what
wherewith | with what
wherret | a blow on the ear or side of the head
wherry | light shallow boat; barge
whey | off-white
whichsoever | every one that
whicker | to neigh; to bleat
whiff | to fish with hand line towed behind a boat
whiffet | paltry person; little dog
whiffler | official who clears way for a procession
whifflery | levity; trifling
whift | a slight puff or blast
whiggarchy | government by Whigs
whilom | formerly; once; former
whin | gorse; furze
whinger | dirk or short sword
whinstone | hard and compact rock
whinyard | short sword
whipcat | tailor
whipcord | fabric with bold twill used for making dresses
whipjack | whining beggar who pretends to be a sailor
whippet | a small tank
whippletree | crosspiece of a carriage to which harnesses attached
whippy | pliant; supple
whipsaw | narrow saw for cutting timber lengthwise
whipstaff | vertical lever controlling ship's rudder
whipstall | airplane stall causing nose to whip forward and down
whirret | to give a sharp blow to
whiskerando | a whiskered person
whiskerine | beard-growing contest
whiss | to hiss or whistle
whistler | mythical bird whose whistle is fatal to the listener
whitecoat | white-furred seal pup
whither | to what place
whithersoever | to any place whatsoever
whitherward | toward what or which place
whitleather | leather dressed with alum
whitlow | abscess around a fingernail
whitster | bleacher of cloth and clothing
whittawer | one who makes saddles or harnesses
whittle | a woollen shawl or blanket
whodunitry | genre of writing poor mystery novels
wholestitch | weaving stitch that fills in a pattern
whoreson | bastard; whore's son; term of contempt
whosoever | every one who
wicket | small door forming part of larger door of a church or castle
widdershins | counterclockwise
widgeon | freshwater duck
widget | any small manufactured object
wieldless | unmanageable
wigan | stiff plain-woven cotton
wight | a supernatural man-like being
wight | nimble; strong; courageous
wilder | to cause to stray
wilding | that which grows without cultivation
williwaw | sudden squall, tumult or disturbance
willowish | of the colour of willow leaves
wimble | instrument for boring holes; gimlet; auger
wimple | cloth covering for head and neck worn by nuns
wincey | plain or twilled cotton
windbound | hindered from sailing by contrary winds
windcheater | windproof jacket
windgall | puffy swelling around a horse's joints
windlass | circuitous movement; indirect action
windlass | winch used to raise a ship's anchor
windle | appliance for winding yarn
windlestraw | anything light or insubstantial; feeble person
windrose | diagram showing yearly wind strengths for a locality
windrow | hay raked together into a line
windthrow | the blowing over of trees by the wind
winglet | a small wing
winkler | one who extracts or forces something out little by little
winterbourne | intermittent spring of water
winterim | short winter term at a private school designed for personal study
winterkill | to kill by exposure to cold
winze | small ventilating shaft between two levels of a mine
wippen | part of piano hammer raised when note played
wirble | to whirl; to turn round and round
wiredraw | to reduce fluid pressure by passing it through a small orifice
wirewove | very fine quality of writing paper
wis | to know, to believe
wiseacre | someone who unduly assumes air of superior wisdom
wiseling | one who pretends to be wise
wisent | European bison
wisent | extinct European bison
wisket | a basket
wist | to know
wistly | longingly; earnestly
witchknot | knot in hair supposedly tied by witches
witeless | without fault; blameless
witenagemot | early English national council
withal | besides; therewith; nevertheless; with
withe | elastic tool handle to save the hand from shock of blows
withe | partition between chimney flues
witherling | withered or decrepit person; an adversary
withinside | on the interior of
withoutside | on the exterior of
withy | flexible; wiry and agile; willow
witling | one who utters markedly feeble witticisms
witticaster | a petty or inferior wit
wittol | one who knows wife's faithlessness and submits to it
witwanton | to engage in irreverent wit
wive | to take for a wife; to marry a woman
wivern | mythical two-legged winged monster
woad | broad-leafed plant yielding blue dye
woggle | ring of leather or plastic used to thread neckerchief
wold | open tract of country
womanthrope | a hater of women
womby | hollow; capacious
wondermonger | one who promises miracles
wonderwork | prodigy; miracle; thaumaturgy
wone | a dwelling-place; custom or habit
woning | state of dwelling; dwelling-place
wontless | unaccustomed
wood | mad; insane; wild
woodmeal | sawdust and other wood waste used as industrial filler
woodreeve | overseer of a wood
woodshedding | spontaneous barbershop singing
woodwose | wild man of the woods, used in heraldry as supporter; satyr or faun
woofits | an unwell feeling; depression
woolage | untidy hair
woolbird | sheep
woold | to wind a rope or chain around
woolfell | skin with the wool still on it
woolpack | cirrocumulus cloud; a bale or bundle of wool
woolsack | large wool-filled scarlet sack for the Lord Chancellor
woolsey | cotton and wool blend
woolward | with wool next to the skin as punishment
woonerf | road in a residential district which uses various measures to calm traffic
woopie | well-off older person
worcester | fine wool
wordbound | unable to find expression in words
wordbreak | point of division in a word that runs onto the next line
wordish | verbose
workerist | one who supports worker's rights
workshy | hating or avoiding work; lazy
worksome | industrious
worldling | a person engrossed in concerns of the present world
wormcast | spiral heap of earth left by burrowing worm
wormery | place where worms are bred
wormil | lump in the skin of an animal's back
wormwood | something bitter, galling, or grievous
worricow | scarecrow; hobgoblin; frightening-looking person
worsement | deterioration or deprecation of property without the owner's consent
worsification | the composition of bad poetry
wort | any herb or vegetable
wort | infusion of malt before fermentation
wortle | perforated plate through which wire drawn to make thinner
woubit | a small and shabby person
woundless | harmless
woundy | causing wounds; characterized by wounds
woundy | excessively; extremely
wrack | seaweed or wreckage cast up on shore
wrackful | destructive
wranglership | position of being a wrangler at Cambridge University
wrawl | to caterwaul
wreakless | unpunished
wretchock | smallest or weakest of a brood
wrick | to twist; to sprain; to strain
wright | maker; repairer
wristlet | wristband; small strap worn around the wrist
writative | characterized by an inclination to write
writhled | wrinkled; shriveled
wrongous | unjust; wrongful
wroth | wrathful; in commotion; stormy
wrox | to decay; to rot
wuffler | agricultural machine for turning and fluffing bales of hay
wurley | a nest; an aboriginal hut
wurst | large sausage
wurzel | kind of beet
wuthering | blowing strongly with a roaring sound
wye | a Y-branching pipe or railroad track arrangement
wyn | old English rune having value 'w'
wynd | narrow street or lane
wyrd | the personification of fate or destiny
I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2021 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.