The Phrontistery

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Lipogram Links

Main Origins Links Works Compositions

The following links will take you to other lipogram-related pages on the Web, including several that contain lipogrammatic works of fiction. Some of them also deal in a more general way with the sub-genre of constrained writing. Please let me know if you think I have neglected any lipogram-related sites.

Update (May 14, 2003): To any of you who have reached this page from Memepool, welcome! This page is a component of The Phrontistery, a site devoted to the appreciation of obscurities in the English language, including not only lipograms, but also obscure and lost words, Scrabble, and numerals. I hope you'll take a few moments to wander about the Phrontistery.

Lipograms and Other Constraints: An extremely informative essay by Ross Eckler, one of the grand masters of wordplay of this or any other century. Arguing that the lipogram is far too easy (and easily missed), he proceeds to show how other forms of constrained writing are more challenging, but also more rewarding.

Maria had a little sheep: Literary Lipograms: A brief and general article by Tony Augarde on the subject of lipograms, including a number of Ross Eckler's offerings.

Gadsby: The complete text of Gadsby by Ernest Vincent Wright (1939, now copyright-expired) available to be read or downloaded online for free.

Table of Forms: A masterful table classifying dozens of types of constrained writing (certainly not limited to lipograms and univocalics) and including an enormous bibliography of lipogrammatic works of fiction. You should absolutely check out this site.

Lipograms and Antilipos: An interesting twist, introducing the 'antilipo' (also sometimes known as a reverse lipogram), a work in which every word contains a particular letter. Provides lipogram and antilipo transliterations of 'The Owl and the Pussycat'.

Monday's Child - The Lipograms: Three lipograms on the folk poem 'Monday's Child'. Also Lipomania - Sixpence, three more, this time on 'Sing a Song of Sixpence'.

Espaces des Folles / Cybership of Fools - A very interesting page (bilingual English & French) devoted to constrained writing of all sorts, including lipograms, including a number of very interesting examples composed by the page's authors.

Vademe.cum - Mail Books - "The Restrictive Muse"; an homage to George Perec. A very interesting selection of lipograms, a review of A Void, and a large number of other works of poetry and prose involving wordplay.

Translation and the Lipogram: A brief essay on lipograms by John David Collins, including a lipogram on Yeats' poem 'Sailing to Byzantium'.

Paper Jam 27: Eunoia: This review essay starts out as a review of Christian Bök's multi-univocalic masterpiece Eunoia, then proceeds to a wider discussion of lipograms in general. This page is a highly intelligent must-read.

Georges Perec: A long and exhaustive biography of Georges Perec, including discussions of his constrained literary writings.

Other Pages

Review: The Book of Bachelors - Philip Terry
Review: Ella Minnow Pea - Mark Dunn
No El
Rules Rule! A Writer's Intensive Companion
Wikipedia - Writing With Constraints
Word Factory - Lipograms

I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2021 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.