uakari | short-tailed, long-haired monkey
uberous | yielding an abundance of milk; abounding
uberty | fruitfulness; abundant productiveness
ubi | whereabouts; permanent or present location
ubication | condition of being in a certain location
ubicity | whereabouts
ubiety | location; state of being in a definite place
ubiquarian | one who seems to be everywhere at once
ubique | everywhere
ubiquitarianism | belief that Christ is everywhere
ubity | place or locality
ucalegon | neighbour whose house is on fire
udal | form of land tenure in Orkney and Shetland islands
udometer | instrument for measuring rainfall
ufology | study of alien spacecraft
ughten | morning twilight
uguisu | olive-plumed bush warbler
uintathere | extinct Pleistocene hoofed herbivore
ukase | edict; proclamation by an autocratic government
ukeke | Hawaiian mouth harp with two or three strings
ulatrophy | atrophy of the gums
ulcuscle | a small ulcer
uletic | of, like or pertaining to the gums
uliginous | slimy; oozy; swampy; growing in swampy places
ullage | quantity by which vessel is under full capacity
ullagone | cry of lamentation; funeral lament
ulmaceous | of or like elms
uloid | like a scar
ulosis | formation of a scar
ulotrichous | having woolly hair
ultimation | process of bringing to a conclusion
ultimo | of last month
ultimogeniture | inheritance by the last son
ultion | revenge; vengeance
ultracrepidate | to criticize beyond sphere of one's knowledge
ultradian | of physiological cycles longer than an hour and shorter than a day
ultrafidian | going beyond faith
ultrageous | violently extreme
ultraism | holding extreme opinions on a subject
ultramarine | deep blue
ultramicroscope | instrument for viewing extremely small objects
ultramontane | south of the Alps; supporting the Pope
ultroneous | spontaneous; voluntary
umbe | around; about
umbel | mass of flowers springing from a single center
umbelliferous | bearing umbels
umber | brownish red
umbilical | of, like or pertaining to the navel; related on the mother's side
umbilicanimism | looking at the navel in search of enlightenment; omphaloskepsis
umbiliciform | shaped like a navel
umbo | central knob or boss of a shield
umbracious | shady
umbraculiform | shaped like an umbrella
umbraculum | umbrella or umbrella-like structure
umbrage | shade; foliage; offence
umbratic | shadowy; providing shade
umbratilous | shadowy; shaded; indoor; secluded
umbriferous | giving or bearing shade
umbril | visor on helmet to protect the eyes from light
umbrose | shade-giving; dusky
umlaut | two dots placed over a vowel to indicate change in vowel sound (Führer)
umstroke | circumference; edge
unalist | priest holding one benefice
unaneled | without extreme unction
unasinous | being equally stupid
unberufen | exclamation to avert ill luck following boasting
unbosom | to pour out; to tell freely
uncate | hooked
uncial | of, like or pertaining to an inch or an ounce
unciform | shaped like a hook
unconsentaneous | not in agreement
unction | anointing as right of consecration or healing; warmth of address
unctuous | slimy; oily; greasy; offensively suave and smug
undate | wavy
undecennial | happening every eleven years
undeify | to deprive of the nature of a god
underbreath | subdued voice; rumour
underbridge | bridge carrying a road or railway
undercroft | crypt or vault under a church
underlap | piece of material that extends under another
undern | light midday meal
underwit | inferior wit; half-wit
undigenous | produced by the action of water
undight | to take off; to doff; to undo
undine | female water spirit
undinism | psychological obsession with urine and urination
undulationism | theory that light consists of waves
uneath | difficult; distressing; hard; scarce
ungual | of a claw, hoof, or talon; clawed
unguentary | of, like or pertaining to unguents; one who makes or sells unguents
unguiculate | clawed
unguicule | fingernail
unguiferous | bearing nails or claws
unguiform | shaped like a claw
unguinous | oily; fatty
unguligrade | walking on hoofs
unhouseled | not having received the Eucharist shortly before death
unicity | uniqueness; oneness
unicorn | carriage drawn by three horses in triangular formation
unicornic | resembling a unicorn
unifarious | arranged in a single row or series
unifilar | having only one thread or wire
unigeniture | state or fact of being the only begotten
unigenous | of the same origin, kind or sort
unipara | woman having given birth only once
uniparous | producing only one offspring at birth
uniphonous | producing only one variety of musical note
uniplicate | having only one fold
unipotent | powerful in one direction only
unisonous | in unison or agreement
unition | conjunction
universalism | belief in universal salvation
univocal | unmistakeable; unequivocal
univocalic | having only one vowel; written passage using only one vowel
univoltine | having one brood a year
univorous | living on only one host or source of food
unleal | unfaithful
unligable | unable to be bound together
unprevaricate | not perverted
unreeve | to withdraw a rope from an opening
unseel | to unsew the eyes of
unsinew | to take the strength from
unstercorated | not manured
untimeous | untimely
untreasure | to despoil
unwithdrawing | liberal; lavish
unzymotic | fabulous
upaithric | roofless; open to the sky
upas | poisonous or harmful institution or influence
upbuilding | development; edification
upcast | upward throw; material thrown up
upher | rough pole made of fir and used in scaffolding
uplong | extending upward from
uprist | rising; uprising
upspeak | to begin to speak
upstay | to sustain
upsy | in the manner of; thoroughly
upwith | up along
uranic | of the palate
uraniferous | bearing uranium
uraniscus | roof of the mouth
uranism | male homosexuality
uranography | descriptive astronomy and mapping
uranology | study of the heavens; astronomy
uranomancy | divination by studying the heavens
uranomania | obsession with the idea of divinity
uranometry | measurement of distances between heavenly bodies
uranophobia | fear of heaven
uranoplasty | plastic surgery on the hard palate
uranoscopy | star-watching
uraster | starfish
urbacity | excessive pride in one's city
urbanist | expert in urban planning
urbanology | study of cities
urbarial | founded on a register of landed property
urbicide | destruction of a city
urbicolous | dwelling in cities
urbiculture | cultivation or development of urban life
urceiform | shaped like a pitcher
urceolate | shaped like a pitcher
urceus | single-handled jug or pitcher
urdé | pointed; having points
urdee | of a heraldic device, pointed or broken into parallel pointed projections
ure | use; custom
uredo | burning feeling in the skin
urenology | study of rust molds
urent | burning; stinging
uresis | urination
urethroscope | instrument for viewing the interior of the urethra
uretic | of, like or pertaining to urine
urial | wild central Asian sheep with reddish coat and long curved horns
urimancy | divination by observing urine
urinator | diver
uriniferous | bearing urine
urinometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity of urine
urkingdom | taxonomic group of organisms larger than a kingdom
urman | swampy pine forest
urochs | extinct wild ox or bison
urogenous | producing or produced in urine
urolith | small stone in the urinary tract
urology | study of urine; urinary tract
uromastix | spiky-tailed ground-dwelling lizard
uropoietic | secreting or excreting urine
uropygium | rump of a bird
urosthenic | having a tail designed for propulsion
urraca | noisy South American bird
ursal | fur seal
ursicide | killing or killer of a bear
ursiform | having the shape or appearance of a bear
ursine | of, like or pertaining to bears
urtext | earliest version of a text; original unmodified version
urticaceous | of, like or pertaining to nettles
urticant | stinging; irritating
urticate | to sting; to flog with nettles
urubu | black tropical New World vulture
usageaster | self-appointed and conservative language usage expert
usance | habit; custom
ushabti | figurine of deceased person placed in Egyptian tomb
usitative | signifying a usual act
ustion | action of burning or searing
ustulation | burning; roasting
usucaption | acquisition of property by long usage and enjoyment
usufruct | the right to use and enjoy something
usward | toward us
utile | profitable; useful
utilitarianism | belief that utility of actions determines moral value
utinam | earnest wish or desire
utraquist | person speaking two or both of two languages
utricide | one who stabs an inflated skin vessel instead of killing someone
utricle | small cavity or sac
utriculiform | shaped like a small cavity or sac
utriform | shaped like a leather bottle or flask
uvala | irregular depression in a karst terrain
uvelloid | resembling a small cluster of grapes
uvid | moist; wet
uxorial | of, like or pertaining to a wife
uxoricide | killing of one's own wife
uxorious | excessively fond of one's wife
I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2021 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.