The Phrontistery



Word Definition
uakarishort-tailed, long-haired monkey
uberousyielding an abundance of milk; abounding
ubertyfruitfulness; abundant productiveness
ubiwhereabouts; permanent or present location
ubicationcondition of being in a certain location
ubietylocation; state of being in a definite place
ubiquarianone who seems to be everywhere at once
ubiquitarianismbelief that Christ is everywhere
ubityplace or locality
ucalegonneighbour whose house is on fire
udalform of land tenure in Orkney and Shetland islands
udometerinstrument for measuring rainfall
ufologystudy of alien spacecraft
ughtenmorning twilight
uguisuolive-plumed bush warbler
uintathereextinct Pleistocene hoofed herbivore
ukaseedict; proclamation by an autocratic government
ukekeHawaiian mouth harp with two or three strings
ulatrophyatrophy of the gums
ulcusclea small ulcer
uleticof, like or pertaining to the gums
uliginousslimy; oozy; swampy; growing in swampy places
ullagequantity by which vessel is under full capacity
ullagonecry of lamentation; funeral lament
ulmaceousof or like elms
uloidlike a scar
ulosisformation of a scar
ulotrichoushaving woolly hair
ultimationprocess of bringing to a conclusion
ultimoof last month
ultimogenitureinheritance by the last son
ultionrevenge; vengeance
ultracrepidateto criticize beyond sphere of one's knowledge
ultradianof physiological cycles longer than an hour and shorter than a day
ultrafidiangoing beyond faith
ultrageousviolently extreme
ultraismholding extreme opinions on a subject
ultramarinedeep blue
ultramicroscopeinstrument for viewing extremely small objects
ultramontanesouth of the Alps; supporting the Pope
ultroneousspontaneous; voluntary
umbearound; about
umbelmass of flowers springing from a single center
umbelliferousbearing umbels
umberbrownish red
umbilicalof, like or pertaining to the navel; related on the mother's side
umbilicanimismlooking at the navel in search of enlightenment; omphaloskepsis
umbiliciformshaped like a navel
umbocentral knob or boss of a shield
umbraculiformshaped like an umbrella
umbraculumumbrella or umbrella-like structure
umbrageshade; foliage; offence
umbraticshadowy; providing shade
umbratilousshadowy; shaded; indoor; secluded
umbriferousgiving or bearing shade
umbrilvisor on helmet to protect the eyes from light
umbroseshade-giving; dusky
umlauttwo dots placed over a vowel to indicate change in vowel sound (Führer)
umstrokecircumference; edge
unalistpriest holding one benefice
unaneledwithout extreme unction
unasinousbeing equally stupid
unberufenexclamation to avert ill luck following boasting
unbosomto pour out; to tell freely
uncialof, like or pertaining to an inch or an ounce
unciformshaped like a hook
unconsentaneousnot in agreement
unctionanointing as right of consecration or healing; warmth of address
unctuousslimy; oily; greasy; offensively suave and smug
undecennialhappening every eleven years
undeifyto deprive of the nature of a god
underbreathsubdued voice; rumour
underbridgebridge carrying a road or railway
undercroftcrypt or vault under a church
underlappiece of material that extends under another
undernlight midday meal
underwitinferior wit; half-wit
undigenousproduced by the action of water
undightto take off; to doff; to undo
undinefemale water spirit
undinismpsychological obsession with urine and urination
undulationismtheory that light consists of waves
uneathdifficult; distressing; hard; scarce
ungualof a claw, hoof, or talon; clawed
unguentaryof, like or pertaining to unguents; one who makes or sells unguents
unguiferousbearing nails or claws
unguiformshaped like a claw
unguinousoily; fatty
unguligradewalking on hoofs
unhouselednot having received the Eucharist shortly before death
unicityuniqueness; oneness
unicorncarriage drawn by three horses in triangular formation
unicornicresembling a unicorn
unifariousarranged in a single row or series
unifilarhaving only one thread or wire
unigeniturestate or fact of being the only begotten
unigenousof the same origin, kind or sort
uniparawoman having given birth only once
uniparousproducing only one offspring at birth
uniphonousproducing only one variety of musical note
uniplicatehaving only one fold
unipotentpowerful in one direction only
unisonousin unison or agreement
universalismbelief in universal salvation
univocalunmistakeable; unequivocal
univocalichaving only one vowel; written passage using only one vowel
univoltinehaving one brood a year
univorousliving on only one host or source of food
unligableunable to be bound together
unprevaricatenot perverted
unreeveto withdraw a rope from an opening
unseelto unsew the eyes of
unsinewto take the strength from
unstercoratednot manured
untreasureto despoil
unwithdrawingliberal; lavish
upaithricroofless; open to the sky
upaspoisonous or harmful institution or influence
upbuildingdevelopment; edification
upcastupward throw; material thrown up
upherrough pole made of fir and used in scaffolding
uplongextending upward from
upristrising; uprising
upspeakto begin to speak
upstayto sustain
upsyin the manner of; thoroughly
upwithup along
uranicof the palate
uraniferousbearing uranium
uraniscusroof of the mouth
uranismmale homosexuality
uranographydescriptive astronomy and mapping
uranologystudy of the heavens; astronomy
uranomancydivination by studying the heavens
uranomaniaobsession with the idea of divinity
uranometrymeasurement of distances between heavenly bodies
uranophobiafear of heaven
uranoplastyplastic surgery on the hard palate
urbacityexcessive pride in one's city
urbanistexpert in urban planning
urbanologystudy of cities
urbarialfounded on a register of landed property
urbicidedestruction of a city
urbicolousdwelling in cities
urbiculturecultivation or development of urban life
urceiformshaped like a pitcher
urceolateshaped like a pitcher
urceussingle-handled jug or pitcher
urdépointed; having points
urdeeof a heraldic device, pointed or broken into parallel pointed projections
ureuse; custom
uredoburning feeling in the skin
urenologystudy of rust molds
urentburning; stinging
urethroscopeinstrument for viewing the interior of the urethra
ureticof, like or pertaining to urine
urialwild central Asian sheep with reddish coat and long curved horns
urimancydivination by observing urine
uriniferousbearing urine
urinometerinstrument for measuring specific gravity of urine
urkingdomtaxonomic group of organisms larger than a kingdom
urmanswampy pine forest
urochsextinct wild ox or bison
urogenousproducing or produced in urine
urolithsmall stone in the urinary tract
urologystudy of urine; urinary tract
uromastixspiky-tailed ground-dwelling lizard
uropoieticsecreting or excreting urine
uropygiumrump of a bird
urosthenichaving a tail designed for propulsion
urracanoisy South American bird
ursalfur seal
ursicidekilling or killer of a bear
ursiformhaving the shape or appearance of a bear
ursineof, like or pertaining to bears
urtextearliest version of a text; original unmodified version
urticaceousof, like or pertaining to nettles
urticantstinging; irritating
urticateto sting; to flog with nettles
urubublack tropical New World vulture
usageasterself-appointed and conservative language usage expert
usancehabit; custom
ushabtifigurine of deceased person placed in Egyptian tomb
usitativesignifying a usual act
ustionaction of burning or searing
ustulationburning; roasting
usucaptionacquisition of property by long usage and enjoyment
usufructthe right to use and enjoy something
uswardtoward us
utileprofitable; useful
utilitarianismbelief that utility of actions determines moral value
utinamearnest wish or desire
utraquistperson speaking two or both of two languages
utricideone who stabs an inflated skin vessel instead of killing someone
utriclesmall cavity or sac
utriculiformshaped like a small cavity or sac
utriformshaped like a leather bottle or flask
uvalairregular depression in a karst terrain
uvelloidresembling a small cluster of grapes
uvidmoist; wet
uxorialof, like or pertaining to a wife
uxoricidekilling of one's own wife
uxoriousexcessively fond of one's wife

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