sabaton | foot-covering as part of suit of armour
sabbatarian | one who keeps the sabbath strictly
sabbulonarium | gravel pit
sabelline | sable fur
sabin | unit of acoustic absorption of one square foot of a perfect absorber
sable | black; dark; of a black colour in heraldry
sabliere | sand pit
sabot | attachment to guide projectile through bore of firearm
sabot | wooden shoe; clog
sabretache | satchel suspended from cavalry officer's belt
sabulous | sandy; gritty; growing in sandy places
saburration | application of hot sand as medical treatment
saccade | sharp lateral movement of the eye as it changes fixation
saccadic | jerky; twitching
sacchariferous | bearing sugar
saccharimeter | instrument for measuring amount of sugar in a solution
sacciferous | bearing a sac or sacs
sacciform | shaped like a sac
saccular | sac-like
sacculiform | shaped like a small sac
sacerdotal | priestly; pertaining to priestly interests
sacerdotalism | belief that priests are necessary mediators between God and mankind
sachet | small plastic envelope holding liquid or cream
sack | dry white wine or sherry from Spain
sackbut | early wind instrument resembling the trombone
sacralgia | pain in the sacrum
sacralized | prepared to be used in sacred ceremonies
sacramentarianism | belief that sacraments have unusual properties
sacrarium | place where sacred objects are kept
sacring | hallowing; consecration
sacristan | church official in charge of vessels and the sacristy
sacristy | room in church where sacred objects are kept
sadogue | fat; easy-going person
saeculum | astronomical or geological age
saffron | orange-yellow
sagathy | light blend of silk and cotton or wool
sagene | fishing-net; network
sageship | state or quality of being a sage
saggar | clay box in which pottery is packed for baking
saginate | to fatten animals
sagittal | shaped like an arrow
sagittary | centaur; archer
sagittiform | shaped like an arrowhead
saiga | migratory Russian antelope
saki | South American monkey
sal | a salt
salacious | indecently erotic; lecherous
salamandroid | like a salamander; able to withstand fire
salariat | salary-earning class collectively
salempore | broad white or blue cotton fabric
saliferous | salt-bearing
salify | to impregnate with salt
saliniform | like salt
salinometer | instrument for measuring amount of salt in a solution
sallet | light round helmet
salmagundi | stew of many mixed ingredients; a medley or miscellany
salpiform | shaped like a barrel
salpinx | Fallopian tube
salpinx | ancient Greek trumpet
salsa | fast Latin American jazz-influenced dance
salse | mud volcano
salsipotent | ruling the salt seas
salsitude | saltiness; brackishness
salsuginous | salty; brackish; growing in salty soil
saltant | leaping; dancing
saltarello | lively Italian dance
saltation | jumping or leaping; abrupt variation
saltationism | punctuation in evolution
saltativeness | ability to jump
saltern | salt-works
saltigrade | progressing by leaps
saltire | X-shaped cross
saltus | breach of continuity; jump to a conclusion
salubrious | favourable to or promoting well-being
salutary | producing good effects; beneficial
salutiferous | conducive to health or well-being
salvific | having the purpose or intention of saving
salvo | excepting
samaj | Hindu religious assembly; congregation of worshippers
samara | propeller-like winged fruit
samarra | flame-decorated cassock worn by those condemned by the Inquisition
sambar | large reddish deer of southern Asia
samel | underburnt
samite | rich and heavy silk, sometimes interwoven with gold or silver
sanable | able to be healed
sanative | healing
sanatory | producing health
sanbenito | yellow or black sackcloth garment worn by heretics prior to execution
sanctanimity | holiness of mind
sanctiloquent | speaking on heavenly or holy matters
sangfroid | coolness; composure
sanguiferous | bearing blood
sanguine | optimistic; having a bright complexion
sanguineous | bloody; of, like or pertaining to blood; blood-red
sanguinolent | containing blood; bloodthirsty
sanguisugent | blood-sucking
sanguivorous | blood-drinking
sanies | watery foul discharge from wounds or sores
sansa | set of small cymbals played with the thumbs
sansculotte | strong republican; democrat or violent revolutionary
sapid | having a perceptible or decided taste; savoury; agreeable
sapience | discernment; judgement
sapiential | providing wisdom
saponaceous | soapy; soaplike
saponifiable | able to be converted into soap
saponify | to convert into soap
sapor | property of substance of taste; flavour
saporine | of, like or pertaining to the sense of taste
Sapphism | homosexuality in women
saprobic | characterized by decaying organic matter
saprodontia | tooth decay
saprogenous | growing on decaying material; causing putrefaction
saprophagous | feeding on decaying material
saprophyte | plant living on dead or decaying matter
saprostomous | having foul breath
sapsago | hard green Swiss cheese
sapwood | soft tissue beneath bark of tree
sarabande | stately Spanish Baroque court dance
sarangi | Indian fiddle
sarangousty | waterproof stucco
sarcoid | flesh-like
sarcoline | flesh-coloured
sarcology | study of fleshy parts of the body
sarcophagous | feeding on flesh; carnivorous
sarcophilous | fond of flesh
sarcotic | promoting growth of flesh
sarcous | of flesh or muscle
sard | deep orange chalcedony
sarinda | stringed instrument of India played with a bow
sarment | long weak twig
sarmentum | vine, long twig or runner
sarod | bowed or plucked South Asian string instrument
saron | Indonesian instrument with seven bronze bars struck with mallet
sarrusophone | double-reeded musical instrument resembling the bassoon
sarsenet | fine and soft silk; soft or gentle
sartorial | of, like or pertaining to a tailor or tailored clothes
sastruga | long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains
satanology | study of the devil
satanophany | an appearance of the devil
satanophobia | fear of the devil
satara | ribbed lustred wool
sateen | glossy cotton or wool
satinet | thin silk satin or imitation thereof
satisdation | provision of security
satisfice | to aim for or achieve that which will suffice
sative | cultivated
satnav | satellite-assisted navigation
saturnalian | riotously merry
saturnine | of a gloomy or surly disposition; sardonic
saturnism | lead poisoning
satyrism | uncontrolled licentiousness
satyromania | abnormally great male sexual desire; satyriasis
sauf | except for; excepting
saurophagous | eating lizards
sauterelle | mason's tool for making angles
sautoir | long necklace or pendant
saw | saying or proverb
sawder | to flatter
saxatile | rock-dwelling
saxhorn | brass instrument like a trumpet
saxicavous | rock-boring
saxicolous | living in or among rocks
saxifragous | breaking stone
saxigenous | growing in rocks
saxony | fine soft woollen fabric
say | delicate woollen fabric
scaberulous | somewhat scabrous or rough
scabious | of, like or pertaining to scabies or scabs
scabrous | having scaly or rough surface; risqué or obscene
scacchic | of, like or pertaining to chess
scaffmaster | steward
scagliola | stone-like plasterwork for interior decoration
scalariform | shaped like a ladder
scalary | formed with steps or rungs
scallion | onion with a slim bulb; leek
scallom | rod with thin or spliced end used to form base or frame of baskets
scalpeliform | shaped like a scalpel
scalpriform | shaped like a chisel
scalpture | art of engraving on metal or stone
scamander | to take a winding course; to meander
scambling | haphazard meal
scammony | plant root used as strong purgative
scandent | climbing
scanderoon | homing pigeon
scansorial | climbing; adapted for climbing
scantling | dimensions of a cross-section of timber; a small amount
scapegrace | scoundrel; incorrigible man or boy
scaphion | kind of sundial
scaphism | execution by deserting honey-covered person in the sun
scaphoid | boat-shaped
scapiform | shaped like a stalk
scapigerous | having a scape
scapple | to work smoothly, without smoothing to a finish
scapular | badge of monastic order worn on the shoulders
scapulomancy | divination by examining burnt shoulder blade
scarabaean | of, like or pertaining to scarabs
scaramouch | ruffian; scoundrel
scarfskin | surface skin
scarify | to scratch or scar
scarious | thin and tough
scarlatina | scarlet fever
scarlet | fine cloth
scarp | to make steep
scarpetti | climbing shoes with hemp soles
scarpines | instrument of torture for the feet
scatch | a stilt
scatebrous | flowing or bubbling out; abounding with springs
scatology | study of excrement or obscene literature
scatomancy | divination by studying excrement
scatophagous | dung-eating
scatoscopy | divination by studying excrement; scatomancy
scattery | dispersed; sparse
scaturient | flowing out; gushing
scaturiginous | abounding with springs
scauper | semicircular gouging chisel
scavage | refuse scavenged from the roads
scavager | officer in charge of keeping streets clean
scazon | limping verse
scelerat | villain
scelestic | wicked; villainous
scelotyrbe | disease causing hesitation in walking
scenography | representation of an object in perspective
scepsis | philosophic doubt
schadenfreude | malicious pleasure in others' misfortunes
schapska | flat-topped cavalry helmet
schediasm | impromptu action; an extemporized work
schematism | theory that categories derive from applying schemata to perceptions
schematomancy | divination using the human form
schematonics | art of using gesture to express tones
schesis | deriding opponent's argument by referring to his way of thought
schetic | of a disease, not deeply rooted in the body
schiller | bronze lustre
schistous | formed of schist
schizogenesis | reproduction by division
schizotrichia | splitting of hair
schiztic | of, like or pertaining to or marked by splitting
schmegeggy | nonsense; an idiot
schoenabatic | of, like or pertaining to rope walking
schola | church choir led by a cantor
scholarch | head of a school
scholasticate | preparatory college for those intending to enter Catholic order
scholiast | commentator; writer of marginal notes
scholion | annotation to an argument written in margin
schorl | tourmaline
schottische | old polka-like round dance
schryari | old and very loud double-reed wind instrument
schwa | letter indicating a neutral vowel in unstressed syllables
schwärmerei | sentimental enthusiasm; wild devotion
schwerpunkt | point where main effort of a military attack is directed
sciagraphy | art of shading
scialytic | dispelling shadows
sciaphobia | fear of shadows
sciapodous | having large feet
sciatheric | of, like or pertaining to measurement of time by shadows
sciatic | of, like or pertaining to the hip
scible | that which is knowable
scientaster | petty scientist
scientism | belief that the methods of science are universally applicable
scilicet | to wit; namely
scincoid | of or resembling a skink
scintilla | hint; trace; spark
scintillant | sparkling
scintillescent | twinkling
scintillometer | instrument measuring scintillation of star
scintilloscope | instrument for measuring gamma rays emitted by a radioactive body
sciolism | superficial pretensions to knowledge
sciomancy | divination using ghosts
sciophilous | thriving in or loving shady conditions
scioptic | of, like or pertaining to formation of images in darkrooms
sciosophy | system of knowledge without basis in science
scissel | metal clippings; scrap metal
scissile | able to be cut; readily splitting
scission | cutting; division; splitting
scissure | a cleft; a splitting; fissure; rupture
sciurine | of, like or pertaining to squirrels
sciuroid | of, like or pertaining to squirrels or chipmunks
sciuroid | shaped like a squirrel's tail
sclerodermous | hard-skinned
scleroid | hard; hardened
sclerometer | instrument measuring hardness
scobiform | like sawdust
scoliograptic | marked by oblique lines
scoliometer | instrument measuring curvature
scolopacine | of, like or pertaining to snipes
sconce | small protective fortification or earthwork
scop | Anglo-Saxon poet and harpist
scopate | brush-like
scopic | visual
scopophilia | obtaining sexual pleasure from seeing things
scopophobia | fear of being looked at
scoptophobia | fear of being looked at
scopula | little tuft of hairs
scopulate | brush-like
scorbutic | of or suffering from scurvy
scoria | dross or slag from metal-smelting; slag-like mass of lava
scorify | to reduce to slag
scorpioid | scorpion-like; curved at the end
scortation | fornication
scoteography | writing in the dark or without sight
scotograph | instrument for writing without seeing
scotoma | dizziness with headache and impairment of vision
Scotophilia | admiration for Scotland or the Scots
scotophobia | fear of the dark
scotopia | vision in dim light or darkness
scotoscope | instrument for detecting objects in darkness
scranch | to crunch
scrannel | thin; meagre; squeaking
scree | sloping mass of loose rock at base of a cliff
screed | lengthy discourse; informal piece of writing
scribable | capable of being written upon
scribacious | given to writing
scribbleomania | obsession with scribbling
scride | to crawl on all fours
scrim | durable plain-woven cotton fabric
scrimshank | to evade work or duty
scrimure | fencer
scriniary | keeper of archives; archivist
scripophily | collection of bond and share certificates
scriptorium | writing room; room used by monastic scribes
scriptory | by, in or pertaining to writing
scripturient | having a violent desire to write
scrivello | elephant's tusk
scrobiculate | having many small pits or depressions
scrobiculus | small depression or pit
scrotiform | shaped like a pouch
scrow | a scroll; writings
scrumpy | strong apple cider as made in western England
scruple | unit of weight used by apothecaries equal to 1/24 of an ounce
scrutator | close examiner
scruto | stage trap door
scud | to sail swiftly before a gale
scullion | mean; contemptible person
scumble | softening a painting using a dry brush
scuncheon | inner part of a door jamb or window frame
scupper | hole allowing water to drain from ship's deck
scurriour | scout
scutage | tax on a knight's fee
scutal | of, like or pertaining to shields
scutch | to beat out impurities from flax or wool
scutellate | shaped like a platter
scutellation | arrangement of scales or plates on an animal's body
scutiform | shaped like a shield
scutiger | squire
scutigerous | bearing a shield or scales
scuttlebutt | cask of drinking water aboard a ship; rumour, idle gossip
scuttles | portholes on a ship
scyphiform | shaped like a cup
scytodepsic | of, like or pertaining to tanning leather
se | twenty-five-stringed Chinese zither
seacock | bold sea rover
seahog | porpoise
sealine | the sea horizon
sebaceous | of or like tallow
sebastomania | religious insanity
sebiferous | bearing fatty matter
secateurs | pruning-shears
secco | painting on dry plaster
secern | to discriminate or distinguish; to secrete
secodont | having cutting teeth
secque | lightweight clog
secreta | products of secretion
secretagogue | substance inducing or stimulating secretion
secretaire | writing desk
secretum | private seal
sectile | capable of being cut easily with a knife
sectiuncle | small section
secularism | theory that morality should not be governed by considerations of God
secund | on one side only
secundine | afterbirth
secundogeniture | custom where second-oldest child inherits property
secundum | according to
securiform | shaped like an axe
securigerous | bearing an axe
secus | otherwise
sedent | seated
sederunt | sitting of a court; gathering; long discussion
sedigitated | six-fingered
sedilia | stone seats for clergy in wall of chancel
sedimentology | study of sediment
sedulous | assiduous; diligent
seel | to sew up the eyelids of; to blindfold
seen | considering; inasmuch as
seersucker | light puckered cotton or linen fabric
seg | stud or metal plate in sole of a shoe to prevent wear
segnity | sluggishness; slothfulness
segregant | having a genotype derived from segregation
seguidilla | Spanish folk dance
seicento | style of art in Italy in the seventeenth century
seiche | periodic side-to-side fluctuation of body of water
seine | large vertical fishing net
seisin | freehold possession of land in a feudal system
seismicity | degree of vulnerability to earthquakes
seismograph | instrument for recording earthquakes
seismology | study of earthquakes
seismometer | instrument for measuring earthquake intensity
seismoscope | instrument for detecting earthquakes
seismotherapy | medical therapy using vibrations
seismotic | causing earthquakes
seity | self; selfhood; personal identity
sejant | sitting (especially of a heraldic animal)
sejugate | to separate
sejunction | separation; disjunction
sejungible | able to be disjoined
selachian | of, like or pertaining to sharks or rays
selcouth | strange; unfamiliar; marvellous
selenic | of, like or pertaining to the moon
selenocentric | relating to the moon as a centre; as seen from the centre of the moon
selenodesy | study of the shape and features of the moon
selenography | description of the moon's surface
selenolatry | worship of the moon
selenology | study of the moon
selenomancy | divination by studying the moon
selenoscope | instrument for viewing the moon
self-determinism | doctrine that the actions of a self are determined by itself
sellate | having a saddle
selliform | shaped like a saddle
selvage | differently finished edging of cloth
semanteme | word expressing an idea, such as a noun
semantics | study of meaning
semantology | science of meanings of words
semasiology | study of meaning; semantics
sematic | serving for recognition, attraction or warning
sematography | writing in signs rather than letters
semelincident | occurring only once in the same individual
semelparous | reproducing only once in its lifetime
semese | half-eaten
semestral | half-yearly
semic | of, like or pertaining to a sign or signs
semilunate | shaped like a half-moon
seminative | producing growth
seminiferous | seed-bearing
seminivorous | seed-eating
seminule | small seed or spore
semiography | description of signs or symptoms
semiology | study of signs and signals
semiotics | study of signs and symbols
semioviparous | bringing forth young in incomplete developmental state
semiquote | single quotation mark
semitaur | mythical half-man; half-bull
semiterete | half-cylindrical
semolina | hard grains of wheat that resist grinding
semon | sub-element of a grammatical unit of meaning
semovedly | separately
sempect | extremely elderly Benedictine monk
semper | always
sempervirent | evergreen; always fresh
sempiternal | of never-ending duration; eternal
sempiternum | durable wool
sempster | one who sews
senary | involving or based on six; having a numerical base of six
sendal | thin silk or linen
senectitude | old age
senectuous | very old
senescent | growing old
senicide | killing of old men
sennet | musical fanfare
sennit | plaited straw or rope
senocular | having six eyes
sensationalism | belief that ideas originate solely in sensation
sensibilia | whatever may be perceived by the senses
sensifacient | producing or converting into sensation
sensiferous | conveying sensation
sensile | sentient; capable of affecting the senses
sensitometer | instrument for measuring sensitivity of photographic material
sententia | opinion; aphorism
sententious | full of meaning; aphoristic; tending to moralize
sepal | division of the calyx of a flower
separatrix | straight vertical line formerly used to separate integers from decimals
sepelible | that may be buried
sepelition | burial
sephiroth | ten essences of God emanated into the physical world
sepia | fine brown
sepian | inky
sepicolous | dwelling in hedges
sepiment | hedge; fence; barrier
sepometer | instrument for measuring septic matter in the air
seposit | to set aside; to give up
sept | division of a tribe; clan
septarchy | government by seven rulers; heptarchy
septate | partitioned; having a septum
septemfid | split into seven
septemfluous | in seven streams
septenary | in seven portions; grouped in seven; of base seven
septentrional | northern; of, like or pertaining to the north
septiferous | having barriers
septiform | shaped like a partition
septimal | of, like or pertaining to or based on the number seven
septimanal | weekly
septum | division; partition; barrier
sepulchral | funereal; gloomy; dismal
sepulchre | receptacle in an altar for holding religious relics
sepultre | interment
sequacious | ready to follow a leader or authority; compliant
sequela | after-effect of any trauma; consequence or result
sequestrate | to confiscate; to set income aside to meet claims
serac | pillar of glacial ice
seraglio | harem
seral | of, like or pertaining to the development of ecological communities
seraphic | serene; blissful; angelic
seraphine | reed keyboard instrument
sere | threadbare; withered
serein | fine tropical rain falling from cloudless night sky
serge | strong twilled worsted
seriate | in rows
seriatim | in succession; one after another
seric | silken
sericeous | silky; covered with soft silky hairs
sericterium | silk spinning glands
sericulture | breeding of silkworms
seriema | large crested Brazilian bird
serific | silk-producing
serigraphy | silk-screening
serimeter | instrument for testing quality of silk
seriocomic | partly serious and partly humorous
serment | oath
sermocination | making of speeches or sermons
sermuncle | short sermon
serology | study of serums
seron | crate or hamper
serotinous | flowering late
serous | of, like or pertaining to serum; watery
serow | Himalayan and South Asian goatlike antelope
serpentcleide | musical instrument like an ophicleide with a wooden body
serpenticide | killing or killer of a snake
serpentiferous | bearing a snake; abounding in snakes
serpentise | to wind; to cause to wind
serpentry | serpents collectively
serpette | pruning knife
serpigo | ringworm
serpivolant | mythical flying serpent
serratic | like a saw
serratiform | saw-shaped; serriform
serried | close-set; packed together without gaps
serriform | saw-shaped
serrurerie | wrought iron work
sertule | scientific collection of plants
serval | tawny carnivorous South African catlike quadruped
servilism | system of slavery or serfdom
servitor | one who serves; clerk or assistant; adherent
sesquialter | in a ratio of three to two
sesquiduplicate | having a ratio of five to two (2.5 to 1)
sesquipedalian | tending to use long or cumbersome words
sesquiplicate | of or as the square roots of cubes
sesquitertial | having a ratio of four to three
sessile | stalkless, sedentary, fixed or stationary
seta | bristle or bristle-like organ
setaceous | having the form of a bristle; bristly
setiferous | bearing bristles
setiform | shaped like a bristle
setigerous | bearing bristles
setline | fishing line suspended between buoys
seton | thread passed under skin acting as channel for discharge
setose | bristly
settee | long seat with a back
setulous | covered with small bristles
severalty | separateness; separate ownership of property
severy | compartment of vaulted ceiling
sevum | tallow
sexenary | six-fold
sexology | study of sexual behaviour
sext | prayer service held at noon
sexton | church caretaker or bellringer
sferics | study of storms using electronic detectors
sgraffito | scratching surface of pottery to reveal different colour
shabrack | saddle cloth
shag | dance where participants hop energetically
shagreen | green dyed untanned leather
shail | to shamble; to stumble
shake | unit of one hundred millionth of a second used to measure nuclear processes
shakuhachi | end-blown bamboo Japanese flute
shalloon | light twilled wool or worsted
shallop | light river boat with sail and oars
shallot | onion with garlic-flavoured bulbs
shambles | a butcher's shop; a street or district for butchers
shambolic | chaotic
shambrough | heraldic depiction of a boat or ship
shammel | platform of boards for shovelling unrefined ore upon
shandry | light cart on springs
shantung | plain rough silk or cotton
sharkskin | smooth durable wool or worsted fabric
shaugh | thicket
shawm | double-reeded wind instrument
sheading | administrative division on the Isle of Man
shearling | one-year-old sheep
sheer | fore-and-aft curvature of a ship from bow to stern
shenango | a casually employed dock worker
shend | to destroy; to ruin; to disgrace; to corrupt
sheol | hell; place where the dead live a shadowy existence
shetland | lightweight loosely twisted wool fabric
shide | piece of wood split off from a timber
shimmy | jazz dance featuring rapid shaking of the body
shindle | wooden roofing tile; shingle
shiv | straight-razor
shivaree | noisy mock serenade for newlyweds
shoddy | woollen fabric made from rags
shofar | ram's horn trumpet used in Jewish ceremonies
shopocracy | government by shopkeepers
shrieval | of, like or pertaining to a sheriff
shrive | to hear a confession from and give absolution
shroff | to test money to detect impurities
shrouds | ropes supporting the mast of a ship
shuck | nonsense
shuftiscope | instrument used to explore interior of dysentery case
shunamitism | rejuvenation of an old man by a young woman
sial | outer part of the earth's surface
sialic | of, like or pertaining to saliva
sialogogue | anything that stimulates flow of saliva
sialoquent | spitting greatly while speaking
siamang | southeast Asian gibbon-like black ape
siamese | to join pipes in a way suggestive of Siamese twins
siblicide | killing or killer of a sibling
sibylline | prophetic; oracular
sic | thus
sicarian | murderer; assassin
siccaneous | dry; arid
siccar | sure; certain; firm
siccative | drying; a drying agent
siccimeter | instrument for measuring liquid evaporation
sicilienne | ribbed silk
sidelight | coloured lights on side of a ship under way at night
sidelight | lamp or light above or at the side of a door
sideral | sent from the stars; omenous or evil
siderate | to blast or strike
sideration | use of green manure
sidereal | of, like or pertaining to the stars
siderism | belief that the stars influence human affairs
siderization | addition of iron to alloy
siderognost | instrument measuring magnetic intensity
siderography | art of engraving on steel
sideromancy | divination using stars; divination by burning straws
sideroscope | instrument using magnets to detect presence of iron
siderose | like or containing iron
siderurgy | metallurgy of iron and steel
sideslip | oblique offshoot
siege | seat or throne
siemens | unit of electrical conductance equivalent to one ampere per volt
siffilate | to whistle
siffleur | professional whistler
sightworthy | worth looking at
sigillary | of, like or pertaining to a seal
sigillate | sealed; with seal-like impressions
sigillative | tending to form scars
sigillography | study of seals
sigillum | seal of the confession
sigla | abbreviations, symbols and signs
sigmate | shaped like an S or a sigma
sigmoid | S-shaped
sigmoidoscope | instrument for examining the interior of the rectum and sigmoid colon
signary | system of symbols; alphabet
signate | distinct; distinguished
significs | science of meaning
silage | any green crop stored for use as animal fodder
silentiary | any official who calls for silence
silenus | tipsy person
silesia | thin twilled cotton or linen
silicicolous | growing in silicate or sandy soil
siliciferous | bearing or containing silica
silkaline | soft light cotton fabric resembling silk
sillograph | one who writes satires
sillometer | instrument measuring speed of ship
silva | assemblage of trees in a region
silverskin | fine skin of a coffee bean
silvicide | substance that kills trees
silvicolous | living in woods
silvics | study of tree's life
silviculture | growing of trees
simian | of, like or pertaining to apes
similative | indicating similarity to
similiter | in a similar manner
similize | to liken; to compare
simillimum | remedy chosen for symptoms it emulates
simity | state of being pug-nosed
simnel | sweet fruit cake covered with marzipan and eaten at Easter
simoniac | one who practices simony
simony | buying or selling of ecclesiastical offices
simous | having a flat; upturned nose
simplex | figure with minimum number of vertices
simpliciter | simply; not relatively; unconditionally
simpliciter | simply; absolutely
simplism | affected simplicity; oversimplification
simpliste | simplistic; naïve
simular | counterfeit; feigned
simultanagnosia | inability to experience perceptions as components of a whole
sinal | of, like or pertaining to the sinuses
sinapise | to sprinkle; to powder
sinciput | the forehead
sindon | fine linen
sindonology | study of the shroud of Turin
sine | without
sinecure | ecclesiastical office or other job requiring little work
singillatim | singly
singspiel | semi-dramatic play in dialogue and song
singularism | doctrine that all phenomena derive from a singular principle
singult | a sob
singultous | hiccuping; suffering from hiccups
sinister | of or on the left side of a heraldic shield
sinister | towards the left side
sinistrad | towards the left
sinistration | moving to the left
sinistromanual | left-handed
sinistrorse | rising spirally and turning from right to left
Sinology | study of China
Sinophile | one who admires China or the Chinese
sinopia | preparatory drawing for a fresco; reddish-brown colour
sinter | deposit from hot springs; iron dross
sinuate | having a wavy edge or margin; winding; sinuous
sipe | to percolate or ooze through
siphonic | of, like or pertaining to a siphon
siphoniform | shaped like a siphon
siphonogamous | reproducing by seeds
sipidity | savour; flavour
sippet | morsel of bread to be eaten with soup
sirenize | to bewitch, allure or enchant
siriasis | sunstroke
sisal | fibre used for making rope
siserary | a scolding; a blow
siskin | small finch-like songbird
sistrum | thin oval Egyptian percussion instrument shaken in the hand
sisyphean | laborious, endless and futile
sitar | long-necked Indian plucked string instrument
sitatunga | medium-sized east African antelope with elongated hooves
sith | since
sitiomania | morbid aversion to food
sitiophobia | fear of food
sitology | dietetics
sitophobia | fear of food or eating
situationism | belief that aesthetics and ethics are dependent on the contemporary situation
situative | indicating comparison of two things
situla | a holy bucket
situs | position; normal position of an organ in the body
skald | ancient Scandinavian bard
skaw | low cape or headland
skean | dagger
skeg | part of ship connecting the keel with the bottom of the rudderpost
skelder | to beg; to swindle; to cheat
skeletogenous | producing a skeleton
skelic | of, like or pertaining to the skeleton
skellum | villain; rascal; scoundrel
skep | straw beehive
skerry | small rocky island
skeuomorph | retained but no longer functional stylistic feature
skewbald | bearing patches of white and some other colour
skiagram | shadow picture or photograph
skiagraphy | telling time by sundial
skiamachy | sham fight; shadow boxing
skiascope | instrument for measuring eye's refraction from movement of shadows
skink | small north African lizard
skintle | to separate and rotate half-dry bricks to permit drying to complete
skippet | flat box for protecting documents
skittles | rubbish; nonsense
skive | to pare or split leather
skoptsy | self-castration
skothending | rhyme in which final consonant is same but preceding vowel differs
skua | large north Atlantic gull
skysail | sail above the royal sail
skyscraper | triangular sail on a ship above the royal
slade | little valley or dell
slangwhang | to assail with violent or abusive language
slantindicular | slanting; oblique
slate | dull dark blue-grey
slatternly | slovenly
slavocracy | government by slave-owners
Slavophile | one who admires the Slavs
sleathy | slovenly
sleech | slimy mud; a mudflat
sley | weaver's reed
slickenside | smooth; polished rock surface produced by friction
slipe | skip or sledge
slipslop | nonsensical talk
slipway | ramp sloping into water for supporting a ship
sloyd | Swedish system of teaching manual skills through woodcarving
slug | unit of gravitational mass of approximately 32.174 pounds
slugabed | one who spends much time in bed due to laziness
slumberous | inviting or causing slumber
slummock | to move slowly and awkwardly
slurvian | speech characterized by slurring
slype | covered passage between walls, or between transept and chapterhouse
smallage | wild celery
smalt | deep blue
smalto | piece of coloured glass used in mosaic
smaragdine | emerald green
smectic | purifying; cleansing
smeddum | fine powder; spirit
smegmatic | like soap; cleansing
smeuse | hole in a hedge or wall
snaffle | jointed bit for horses
snallygaster | mythical monster of Maryland
snaste | burnt part of a candle wick
snath | curved handle or shaft of a scythe
sneap | to nip; pinch; put down; repress; snub
snell | quick; keen; sharp
snell | short line used to attach fish-hook to main fishing line
snift | to sniff; to blow out steam
snipocracy | leading members of the tailoring profession
snobocracy | government by snobs
snood | ornamental hair band or hair net
snooperscope | instrument for viewing infrared radiation
snotty | naval midshipman
snye | natural channel bypassing rapids or body of river
sobeit | provided that; if only
soboliferous | bearing shoots or suckers
sobriquet | nickname
socage | feudal land tenure by fixed service
sociable | four-wheeled open carriage with side-seats
sociative | indicating association with the subject
sociobiology | study of biological basis of human behaviour
sociocracy | government by society as a whole
sociogenesis | origin of human societies
socius | member; associate; companion
socle | moulded member at base of pedestal
sodality | a fellowship or fraternity
soffit | ornamented underside of a stair or archway
soigné | well-groomed; sleek
soilure | stain; pollution
solacious | giving solace
solander | box in the form of a book
solarimeter | instrument for measuring solar radiation
solarise | to expose to sunlight
solarism | excessive use of solar myths in explaining mythology
solation | liquefaction of a gel
solatium | compensation given as solace for suffering or loss
soldatesque | soldierlike
solecism | a grammatical mistake; a breach of etiquette
soleiform | slipper-shaped
solemnsides | excessively solemn or serious
solenodon | large Caribbean ratlike insectivore with long snout
solenoid | cylindrical wire coil acting as a magnet when charged
solfatara | volcanic vent emitting only gases
solferino | purplish red
solidary | marked by solidarity; joint and several
solidum | large moulding along base of a pedestal
solidus | forward slash
solifidianism | doctrine that faith alone will ensure salvation
soliform | sun-like; resembling the sun
soligenous | produced by the sun
soliloquent | speaking in soliloquies; prone to giving soliloquies
soliloquy | talking or conversing with oneself; dramatic production of this nature
solipsism | theory that self-existence is the only certainty
solisequious | following the course of the sun
soliterraneous | of, like or pertaining to the joint effect of the sun and earth
solivagant | wandering alone
solive | joist or beam of secondary importance
solleret | armoured shoe made of scales or plates
sollevation | insurrection
solmisate | to sing; to set to musical notation
solonist | wise man
solum | ground; soil; piece of ground
solus | alone
solvolysis | decomposition of dissolved substance
somatasthenia | weakness of the body
somatism | materialism
somatism | materialism
somatogenic | caused from within the body or by the cells of the body
somatognosis | diagnosis of bodily conditions
somatology | science of the properties of matter
somatopsychic | concerning a person's bodily self-image
somatotrophic | promoting growth of the body
somedeal | somewhat
somewhither | to some place; somewhere
sommelier | butler; wine steward
somnambulate | to walk in one's sleep
somnial | of, like or pertaining to dreams
somniate | to dream
somnifacient | sleep-inducing
somniferous | bearing sleep
somniloquence | talking in one's sleep
somnipathy | sleep produced by hypnotism or mesmerism
somnolence | sleepiness; drowsiness
somnolescent | half-asleep
somnorific | causing sleep; soporific
sonance | sound; a sounding of an instrument
sondage | trial bore or excavation; sounding out of opinion
sondation | sounding of the earth by boring
sone | unit of loudness on a scale based on subjective or perceived loudness
songket | silk woven with gold or silver threads
soniferous | producing sound
sonification | act of producing sound
sonograph | instrument for recording and analysing sound
sonorescent | emitting sound under influence of radiation
sooth | truth; reality; in truth
soothfast | truthful; honest; faithful
soothly | in truth; truly
sophianic | of, like or pertaining to wisdom
sophic | full of wisdom; learned
sophiology | science of ideas
sophism | deceptive but plausible intellectualism
sophomania | delusion that one is incredibly intelligent
sophomoric | bombastic
sophrosyne | soundness of mind; self-control; moderation
sopite | to dull; lull; put to sleep; put an end to
sopitive | causing sleep
soporiferous | bearing sleep
soporific | tending to produce sleep
soporose | sleepy
sorbefacient | promoting absorption
sorbile | able to be sipped or drunk
sord | flock of mallard
sordor | refuse; foul matter
soricident | having teeth like a shrew's
soricine | of, like or pertaining to shrews
sorites | string of statements where end of one is subject of next
soroche | mountain sickness
sororal | of, like or pertaining to sisters
sororicide | killing of one's own sister
sorosis | women's club
sorrel | reddish-brown; light chestnut
sortation | sorting out
sortilege | divination by drawing lots
sortition | casting of lots; assignment by casting of lots
soterial | of, like or pertaining to salvation
soteriology | study of theological salvation
sottisier | collection of jokes, quotes, or ridiculous remarks
sottoportico | covered passage or alley under the overhanging first floor of a building
soubrette | coquettish and intriguing maid; such a role in drama
sough | drain; sewer; adit
sough | to sigh or murmur as the wind does
sounder | herd of pigs; young boar
soupçon | hardly perceptible quantity; dash
sourdine | muted trumpet
soutache | narrow braid used for trimming
soutane | priest's cassock
souteneur | prostitute's pimp or bully
souterrain | underground chamber; earth-house
sovenance | remembrance; memory
spadassin | swordsman; fighter
spadiceous | chestnut-coloured
spadiceous | shaped like a palm branch
spadix | fleshy spike of flowers
spado | castrated or impotent person or animal
spagyric | alchemical
spagyrist | alchemist
spall | to splinter or split; to chip
spanandry | extreme scarcity of males in a biological population
spancel | to hobble
spandrel | design in corner of postage stamp
spandrel | space between curve of an arch and mouldings
spaniolate | to hispanicize
spanker | sail on the mast nearest the stern of a square-rigged ship
spansule | time-release capsule
spar | any ship's mast, boom, yard, or gaff
sparable | small headless shoemakers' nail
sparagmos | ritualized tearing apart of a person prior to rebirth or renewal
sparge | to sprinkle with moisture
spargefication | act of sprinkling or scattering
spargosis | swelling
sparsim | here and there
sparver | canopy for a bed
spasmatomancy | divination by twitching or convulsions of the body
spatangoid | kind of sea-urchin
spatchcock | to insert into a text inappropriately; to interpolate
spathodea | African tulip tree
spatialism | doctrine that matter has only spatial, temporal and causal properties
spatialism | belief that matter has only spatial, temporal, and causal properties
spatiate | to ramble; to saunter
spatilomancy | divination by means of feces
spatiography | scientific description of outer space
spatiotemporal | of, like or pertaining to time and space
spattee | protective outer stocking
spatulate | shaped like a spatula
spavin | hard bony tumour on a horse's leg
spavined | lame; broken down; decrepit
specie | coined money
speciesism | belief that humans are more important and valuable than other animals
speciocide | destruction of an entire species
specious | apparently good but not actually so; superficially plausible
spectrofluorimeter | instrument for measuring and recording fluorescence spectra
spectrograph | instrument for viewing a spectrum
spectroheliograph | instrument for taking pictures of the sun
spectroheliokinematograph | camera for taking pictures of the sun
spectrohelioscope | instrument for viewing solar disc in light of a single wavelength
spectrology | study of ghosts
spectrometer | instrument measuring wavelengths of light of a spectrum
spectrophobia | fear of looking in a mirror
spectrophotometer | instrument for measuring speed of different parts of light spectrum
spectroscope | instrument for forming spectra by dispersing rays of light
spectroscopy | study of spectra
specular | mirrorlike; by reflection; visual
speculum | mirror; reflector; coloured patch on a bird's wing
speed | prosperity; success
spelaeothem | depositional features found in caves
spelean | cave-dwelling
speleology | study and exploration of caves
speleothem | structure in a cave formed by deposition of minerals in water
spelter | zinc
speluncar | of, like or pertaining to caves
speos | ancient Egyptian cave temple
spermatic | of, like or pertaining to sperm
spermatogenesis | producing sperm
spermatorrhoea | frequent and involuntary ejaculation
spermiogenesis | producing sperm
spermologer | one who gathers seeds
spermology | study of seeds
spermophile | member of family of seed-loving rodents
spetch | piece of undressed leather used in making glue
sphacelate | to cause or affect with gangrene or mortification
sphacelated | necrosed; dark and shrunken
sphagnicolous | living in peat moss
sphagnology | study of peat moss
sphairistic | tennis-playing
sphecoid | wasp-like
sphenic | wedge-like
sphenogram | cuneiform character
sphenoid | wedge-shaped
spheristerion | place for exercise in ball-play
spheromancy | divination using a crystal ball
spherometer | instrument measuring curvature
spheterize | to make one's own; to appropriate
sphingal | of, like or pertaining to sphinxes
sphragistic | of, like or pertaining to seals and signets
sphragistics | study of seals and signets
sphygmic | of, like or pertaining to the pulse or heartbeat
sphygmodic | pulsating
sphygmograph | instrument for recording pulse
sphygmology | study of the pulse
sphygmomanometer | instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure
sphygmometer | instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure
sphygmophone | instrument for hearing the pulse
sphygmoscope | instrument for making arterial pulsations visible
sphygmus | the pulse
sphyrelaton | metalwork done with hammers
spicaceous | shaped like a spike
spicate | spiked; spikelike
spicigerous | bearing spikes
spicula | prickle or splinter
spiculate | covered in prickles or small spikes
spiculate | to sharpen to a point
spider | light high-wheeled carriage
spiflicate | to destroy; to quell; to confound
spikenard | sweetly scented ointment
spile | device for tapping sap from maple trees
spiloma | birthmark; nevus
spinach | nonsense
spinescent | developing spines; developing into a spine
spinet | keyed instrument like the harpsichord
spiniferous | bearing spines
spiniform | like a thorn or spine
spinigerous | bearing spines
spinnaker | large triangular sail opposite the mainsail
spinnbar | capable of being drawn into strands
spinneret | silk-spinning organ of an insect or spider
spinney | copse or small clump of trees
spinosity | thorniness
spinthariscope | instrument for visually detecting alpha particles
spintherism | seeing of sparks before the eyes
spintrian | of, like or pertaining to orgies or male sexual deviance
spinulate | furnished with small spines
spinuliferous | bearing spinules
spiracle | breathing hole; orifice; vent
spiraculate | having air-holes
spiraliform | shaped like a spiral
spiralism | advancement through a spirally structured career
spirate | voiceless
spiration | act of breathing
spiritualism | belief that nothing is real except the soul or spirit
spiritualism | belief in the existence or importance of spiritual entities
spirketting | inside planking between ports and waterways of a ship
spirograph | instrument recording movements of breathing
spirometer | instrument measuring lung capacity
spirulate | spirally arranged
spissated | thickened
spissitude | density
spiv | petty criminal with no regular employment
splanchnic | visceral; intestinal
splanchnology | study of the entrails or viscera
splat | thin strip forming upright middle part of the back of a chair
splenetic | marked by bad temper or spite; melancholy
splenial | splint-like
splenic | of, like or pertaining to the spleen
spleniculus | small detached part of the spleen
splenitive | fiery; ill-tempered
splenium | surgical bandage
spodium | bone charcoal; powder obtained from calcination of substances
spodogenous | caused by waste matter
spodomancy | divination by means of ashes
spokeshave | plane or knife used to round spokes
spoliate | to despoil; to plunder
spoliative | serving to take away or diminish
spondulicks | available money; funds
spondyle | vertebra
spongology | study of sponges
sponsal | spousal
sponsalia | espousals
sponsion | act of becoming surety for another
sponson | platform jutting from ship's deck for gun or wheel
sporicide | killing of spores
sporiferous | bearing spores
sporogenesis | reproduction by means of spores
sporran | ornamental pouch worn in front of kilt
sportulary | relying on charity or the generosity of patrons
sporulation | formation or production of spores
sprachgefühl | innate feel for essential character of a language
sprag | bar inserted to stop a wheel
spraints | otters' dung
sprauncy | smart; dapper
spreagh | cattle raid; foray
sprent | sprinkled
springald | active young man; youth
springbok | South African antelope known for leaping
springe | snare with noose and spring
springhare | South African jumping hare
sprit | spar crossing a fore-and-aft sail diagonally
spritsail | sail extended by a sprit
spuddle | to work feebly or ineffectively; to perform shallow agricultural ploughing
spumescent | foamy; frothing
spumid | frothy; foamy
spurcidical | foul-mouthed; speaking dishonestly or foully
spurcitious | foul; filthy; obscene
spuria | spurious works
spurion | any hypothetical subatomic particle used to facilitate calculations
spurrier | one who makes spurs
spurtle | Scottish stirring stick for porridge
sputative | habitually spitting
sputum | matter spat out
squab | fat; clumsy; unfledged; newly hatched
squadrism | control of government by armed squadrons of loyalists
squaliform | shaped like a shark
squaloid | of, like or pertaining to sharks
squamate | scaly
squamation | scaliness
squamiform | shaped like a scale
squamoid | like a scale
squandermania | irrational propensity for spending money wastefully
squarrose | having scales sticking out at right angles
squarson | clergyman who is also a land-holding squire
squarsonocracy | government by landholding clergymen
squassation | form of torture involving hanging weights and shaking or whipping victim
squatterarchy | government by squatters; squattocracy
squattocracy | government by squatters
squill | sea-onion
squinancy | quinsy
squinch | arch across the corner of a room
squintifego | squinting greatly
squirage | the landed gentry
squirearchy | government by squires
squirocracy | government by squires; squirearchy
squit | silly talk; nonsense; an insignificant person
stabile | stationary
stack | old unit of measure for firewood equal to 108 cubic feet
stactometer | pipette with hollow bulb for counting drops
staddle | support for a haystack
stadial | of, like or pertaining to a stage
stadiometer | instrument for measuring the length of a curved line
staffage | decorative accessories or additions to work of art
stagiary | law student
stagmometer | instrument for measuring number of drops in volume of liquid
stagnicolous | living in stagnant water
stalactiform | shaped like a stalactite or icicle
stalagmometer | instrument for measuring surface tension by drops
stallenger | keeper of a stall
staminiferous | bearing stamens
stammel | coarse woollen fabric, usually dyed red; bright red colour
stampomania | obsession with stamp-collecting
stanchion | upright beam, bar or support
standpipe | vertical pipe for conveying gas or water to a higher level
stang | stake; pole
stanhope | light open one-seated carriage
stanjant | heraldic animal in profile with head towards the viewer
stannary | tin-mining district
stanniferous | bearing tin
stapediform | shaped like a stirrup
staphyline | like a bunch of grapes
staphylorrhaphy | surgical closure of a cleft palate
starbolins | sailors of the starboard watch
starets | Eastern Orthodox spiritual advisor
starveling | starving, weak, hungry or pining person
stasiarch | ringleader in sedition
stasimorphy | structural modification by arrested development
stasiology | study of political parties
stat | immediately
statant | heraldic animal standing in profile with all feet on the ground
statics | study of bodies and forces in equilibrium
statim | immediately; at once
stative | indicating a state rather than an action
statocracy | government by the state alone, without ecclesiastical influence
statolatry | worship of the state
statolith | small calcareous stone used by invertebrates to maintain equilibrium
statoscope | instrument for measuring small changes in atmospheric pressure
statuary | of, pertaining to or suitable for sculpture
statuminate | to support; to prop up
statuvolism | mesmerism; hypnotism
staurolatry | worship of the cross or crucifix
stauroscope | instrument for studying structure of crystals with polarised light
stay | large rope used to support a mast
staysail | fore-and-aft sail hoisted on a stay
steading | range of building surrounding a farmhouse
stearin | hard fat
steatite | soapstone
steatogenous | producing fat
steatopygous | fat-buttocked
steatorrhoea | excretion of fat through the bowels
steen | to line with stone
steenbok | small South African antelope
steeve | angle of elevation in relation to the horizontal
steeve | to set a ship's bowsprit at an upward inclination
steganograph | cryptogram
steganographer | cryptographer; one who works with ciphers
steganography | writing in a secret, hidden, or encoded manner
stegmonth | period of recuperation after childbirth
stegnosis | constipation
stegophilist | one who climbs buildings for sport
stellate | star-shaped; starry
stelliferous | having many stars
stelliform | shaped like a star
stellify | to set among the stars
stellion | lizard with starry spots
stellular | star-like; having star-like spots
stelography | practice of writing inscriptions on columns or pillars
stemma | scroll; garland; pedigree; family tree
stemmatology | study of relationships between texts
stemson | supporting timber of a ship
stenometer | instrument for measuring distances
stenopaeic | with a narrow opening
stenosis | narrowing of an orifice
stenotone | breve; mark over letter to indicate a short vowel sound
stenotopic | able to tolerate only small environmental changes
stentor | loud-voiced person
stentorian | extremely loud
stephane | diadem or coronet worn by soldiers or statues of ancient deities
stepney | spare wheel
stercomancy | fortune-telling by studying seeds in dung
stercoraceous | of, like or pertaining to feces
stercoranism | belief that the consecrated Eucharist is digested and evacuated
stercorate | to shit
stercoricolous | living in dung or filth
stercovorous | feeding on dung or excrement
stereobate | substructure; foundation; basement
stereochromy | colourful wall painting
stereognosis | ability to perceive the weight and form of an object
stereography | stereoscopic photography
stereometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity
stereometry | measurement of volumes of solid figures
stereophony | reproduction of sound
stereopsis | stereoscopic or three-dimensional vision
stereoscope | instrument for viewing special three-dimensional photographs
stereotaxis | reaction of organism to contact with a solid body
stereotomy | cutting of stone or other solid materials
steric | of, like or pertaining to the organization of atoms in a molecule
stern | back part of a ship
sternpost | main member at stern of a ship extending from keel to deck
sternutation | sneezing
sternway | movement of a ship backwards
sterquilinian | of, like or pertaining to a dunghill
stertorous | with a snoring sound
stet | to restore after marking for deletion
stethometer | instrument measuring chest expansion during breathing
stevedorage | fee levied for loading and unloading cargo
stevedore | dock worker who loads and unloads ships
steven | outcry; loud call
sthenia | strength
sthenic | strong; robust; morbidly active
stibadium | semicircular couch
stibial | of, like or pertaining to antimony
stibialism | antimony poisoning
sticharion | vestment like an alb worn by Orthodox priests
sticheron | short hymn
stichology | metrical theory
stichomancy | divination by picking passages from books at random
stichometry | numbering or counting lines in books or documents
stichomythia | dialogue in alternate lines
stiction | frictional force occurring when surfaces set together
stifle | joint above the hock of a horse
stigmatic | giving infamy, stigma or reproach, marked or branded
stigmatiferous | bearing stigma
stigmatophilia | obsession with tattooing or branding
stillage | frame or stand for keeping things off the floor
stillatim | drop by drop
stillatitious | issuing in drops; falling in drops
stillatory | still; distillery
stillicide | drip; eavesdrop
stillion | cask stand
stilp | to walk with stilts or crutches
stipe | a stalk
stipiform | shaped like a stalk
stirious | shaped like an icicle
stirk | yearling ox or cow; pasture for yearlings
stirpiculture | selective breeding
stirps | branch of a family; pedigree
stithy | blacksmith's forge or anvil
stiver | thing of little or no value
stochastic | of, like or pertaining to a sequence of random events
stockinette | soft elastic cotton fabric
stodge | to cram, stuff or gorge with food
stoichiology | science of elements of animal tissues
stoichiometry | measurement of proportions of chemical reactions
stoicism | belief in indifference to pleasure or pain
stokehold | ship's furnace chamber
stole | narrow ecclesiastical vestment or scarf
stolisomancy | divination by observing how one dresses oneself
stolon | runner or shoot from base of a plant
stoloniferous | bearing or having runners
stomacher | armour for the chest; covering or ornament for the chest area
stomachous | resentful; haughty; spirited
stomatiferous | having an orifice or mouth
stomatolalia | speech produced with clogged nostrils
stomatology | study of the mouth
stomp | jazz dance featuring heavy stamping of the feet
stonk | a heavy concentration of artillery fire
stope | steplike excavation in mining
storge | natural or parental affection
storiate | to decorate with historical designs
storiated | decorated with elaborate ornamental designs
storiology | study of folk tales
stoss | side of a hill facing upstream
stotious | drunk
stoup | vessel for holding holy water
stover | fodder
strabismometer | instrument measuring degree of squinting
strabismus | squint
strabometer | instrument for measuring strabismus in the eyes
strabotomy | surgical removal of a squint
stradometrical | of, like or pertaining to the measurement of streets and roads
strahl | flow of beams of electrons from the sun to earth
strait | strict; rigorous; constricted
strake | continuous band of plates on side of a ship
strake | trough for washing ore
stramineous | strawy; light; worthless; straw-coloured
strapontin | folding seat in a theatre
strappado | form of torture in which victim is left dangling from a rope
strass | paste for making false gems
stratarchy | rulership over an army
strathspey | reel-like Scottish dance of moderate tempo
straticulate | composed of parallel strata
stratiform | layered; forming a layer
stratigraphy | study of geological layers or strata
stratocracy | military rule or despotism
stratography | art of leading an army
stratonic | of an army or armies
stratous | in layers
strepent | noisy
strephosymbolia | visual disorder where letters are mirror image
strepitant | loud; noisy; clamorous
strepor | noise; clamour
strepsis | twisting
stretcher | brick placed lengthwise in masonry
striated | striped; with fine lines
strickle | tool used to sharpen a scythe; template
stridor | harsh shrill sound
stridulate | to make a chirping or scraping sound
stridulous | squeaky
striga | flute of a column
strigate | bristled; streaked
strigiform | shaped like an owl
strigil | scraper used to clean the skin after bathing
strigilation | scraping
strigine | owl-like; of, like or pertaining to owls
stritch | straightened alto saxophone
strobic | like a spinning top; appearing to spin
stroboscope | instrument for studying motion using flashes of light
strombuliferous | bearing spirally coiled organs
strombuliform | shaped like a spinning top; spirally twisted
strophosis | twist; turn
structuralism | theory that emphasizes structure or order of ideas to produce meaning
strumpetocracy | government by strumpets
struthiform | ostrich-like
struthious | of, like or pertaining to ostriches
stulm | adit; draining-shaft
stultiloquence | foolish or senseless talk
stummel | bowl and adjacent part of a pipe
stunsail | light auxiliary sail to the side of principal sails
stupe | medicated cloth used to treat fever
stupefacient | narcotic; stupefying
stupent | astounded; dumbfounded
stuprate | to ravish; to violate; to rape
stupulose | downy
stygian | having a gloomy or foreboding aspect; murky
styliferous | bearing a bristle
styliform | shaped like a bristle
stylite | monk who spends much time on tops of pillars
stylobate | continuous pedestal supporting a row of columns
stylogalmaic | of, like or pertaining to figures serving as columns or pillars
stylography | mode of writing or engraving with a pen
stylometer | instrument for measuring columns
stylometry | studying literature by means of statistical analysis
styptic | drawing together; astringent
stythe | choke-damp
suable | that may be sued
suasion | persuasion
suaveolent | fragrant
suaviloquence | pleasing or agreeable speech
sub dio | outdoors; in open air
sub rosa | secretly; in confidence
subact | to work up; to subdue
subaerial | in open air
subalary | beneath the wings
subaltern | ranked quantitatively but not qualitatively; subordinate
subarmale | coat worn under armour
subarrhation | mode of betrothal where gift given by man to woman
subboreal | very cold
subdolous | crafty
subduct | to withdraw; to take away
subduple | in the ratio of one to two
subduplicate | expressed by a square root
suberic | of or pertaining to cork
suberous | of, like or having the appearance of cork; pertaining to cork
subessive | indicating location under or below
subfocal | of which one is only dimly aware
subfusc | dusky; sombre
subhastation | sale by public auction
subindicate | to hind
subinfeudate | to grant to another land held by another feudal lord
subintelligitur | implication understood though not stated
subitaneous | sudden; hasty; hastily made
subitize | to perceive number of items in a group without counting
subito | at once; immediately
subjacent | underlying
subjectivism | doctrine that all knowledge is subjective
subjoin | to add at the end or afterwards
sublate | to deny; to contradict; to resolve a contradiction
sublative | indicating movement towards the top of
sublineation | act of underlining
sublunary | under the moon; of this world; earthly; terrestrial
subluxation | state of being almost dislocated
subnascent | growing up from beneath
subniveal | under snow
subnubilar | under clouds
suborn | to bribe or procure to commit an unlawful act
subreptary | adapted to crawling
subreption | misrepresentation; false deduction
subrident | smiling
subrogate | to substitute
subsecive | remaining over; spare
subserve | to be useful to; to promote
subsidiarity | state of being subsidiary; secondary importance
subsolar | beneath the sun; between the tropics
substantialism | belief that there is a real existence underlying phenomena
substitutionalism | theory that memory substitutes for independent reality of past experience
substractor | detractor
substratose | imperfectly stratified
substruct | to build beneath; to lay as a foundation
subsultive | moving by leaps and starts; twitching
subsultus | convulsive movement
subtend | to be opposite to or to extend under
subternatural | less than natural
subtopia | suburbs of a city
subtrist | somewhat sad
subtrude | to push in stealthily
subturbary | beneath turf
subulate | awl-shaped
subungual | beneath a nail or hoof
suburbicarian | of, like or pertaining to suburbs
subvention | granting of money in aid
succedaneous | serving as a substitute
succedaneum | substitute; remedy
succentor | bass soloist in a choir
succenturiate | to supply what is lacking; to supplement
succiduous | ready to fall; in the process of falling; tottering
succiferous | bearing or producing sap
succinctorium | band or scarf worn from the Pope's girdle
succinic | of, pertaining to or derived from amber
succiniferous | bearing or producing amber
succise | appearing to have the lower part cut off
succorrhoea | excessive secretion
succour | to aid in distress
succubus | female devil who seduces men and copulates with them in their sleep
succursal | subsidiary; branch or subsidiary establishment
succus | juice extracted from plant
succuss | to shake up
sucrier | table vessel for sugar
suctorial | designed for sucking or adhering
sudarium | cloth for wiping away sweat
sudation | sweating
sudatory | inducing sweat
sudd | mass of floating weed blocking the Nile River
sudiform | shaped like a stake
sudor | sweat
sudoral | sweaty
sudoriferous | inducing or secreting sweat
sudorific | causing sweat
sudoriparous | secreting sweat
sudorous | sweaty
suede | light beige
suffibulum | veil worn by vestal virgins prior to their sacrifice
suffisance | sufficiency; satisfaction; enjoyment
sufflaminate | to check; to obstruct; to block
sufflate | to inflate
suffragan | assistant bishop
suffrutescent | having a woody base
sugent | designed for sucking
sugillate | to beat until black and blue
suicidology | study of suicide
suidian | of, like or pertaining to pigs
suilline | like a pig; of, like or pertaining to pigs or hogs
suine | mixture of margarine and lard
suint | dried sheep perspiration
sulcal | of a sulcus; grooved; furrowed
sulcalize | to furrow
sulcate | with grooves or furrows
sulciform | having the shape of a groove
sulcus | groove, furrow or fissure
sulky | light two-wheeled, one-person horse-drawn carriage
sullage | filth; refuse; sewage; scum; silt
sulphorous | of, like or pertaining to hellfire; infernal; blasphemous
sulphureous | bright yellow
summa | comprehensive treatise
summate | to add together
sumpsimus | correct expression that replaces popular but wrong one
sumpter | pack horse; beast of burden
sumptuary | of, like or pertaining to expense or extravagance
sunbittern | brightly coloured South American bird
sundog | bright spot or halo appearing on either side of sun; parhelion
suni | dwarfed southern African antelope
supellex | furnishings; apparatus for an experiment
superannuate | to discharge as being too old
superbiloquence | arrogant or proud speech
supercalender | to give a high polish to
supercargo | ship's official in charge of business affairs
supercherie | deception; hoax; fraud
superciliary | of, on or near the eyebrow
supercilious | disdainfully superior; overbearing
supercrescent | parasitic
supererogation | doing more than needed to complete a task
superessive | indicating location upon or on top of
superfetate | to conceive during pregnancy
superfetation | superabundant production or accumulation
superficies | surface layer; surface with length and width only
superfuse | to pour over
superhumeral | ecclesiastical garment worn over the shoulders
superincumbent | resting on top; overlying; overhanging
superinduce | to bring as addition
superjacent | lying above
superjection | exaggeration; hyperbole
superlunary | otherworldly; above the moon
supermanism | theory that emphasizes the qualities of the 'superman' above mere humanity
supernal | on high; celestial; exalted
supernatant | floating on the surface
supernumerary | above the stated, usual or necessary number
superscribe | to write at the top or at the head
supersensible | beyond physical perception; spiritual
supersensualism | doctrine that emphasizes qualities above those perceptible by the senses
supersolid | magnitude of more than three dimensions
supervenient | extraneous, additional or unexpected
supeter | armour for the feet
supinate | to lie on one's back; to make to lie on the back
supine | lying flat on the back
suppalpation | coaxing; wheedling
suppedaneum | support under foot of crucified person
suppletion | addition; supplement
suppliant | supplicating; entreating
suppositious | conjectural; hypothetical
suppurate | to discharge pus
supra | above; earlier in a text
supraliminal | conscious
supralunar | beyond the moon; very lofty
suq | Middle Eastern marketplace
surah | soft twilled silk or rayon
sural | of, like or pertaining to the calf of the leg
surbate | to bruise from walking; to make footsore
surcease | to stop or cease
surcingle | girth or strap for holding saddle to animal's back
surcoat | garment worn over armour bearing a heraldic device
surculation | pruning; cutting off shoots to propagate them
surculigerous | producing suckers
surculose | having or producing suckers
surd | deaf; senseless
surd | irrational number
surdimutism | state of being both deaf and dumb
surdomute | deaf-mute
suretyship | responsibility assumed by one person on another's behalf
surexcitation | excessive excitedness
surfactant | substance which reduces surface tension
surfeit | excess; state of being full
surficial | of, like or pertaining to the surface of the earth
surnominal | of, like or pertaining to surnames
surplice | loose-fitting ankle length overgarment worn by clerics
surquedry | arrogance
surrey | light four-wheeled carriage with two seats
suscept | host of a parasite
suscipient | recipient of a sacrament
suscitate | to excite; to rouse
suspercollate | to hang
suspiration | sighing
sussultatory | characterized by large up-and-down vibrations
sustentacular | supporting
sustentative | sustaining
susurrate | to whisper
susurrus | murmuring; whisper; rustling
sutile | accomplished by stitching or sewing
sutler | one who sells liquor or provisions to soldiers
sutor | cobbler
sutorian | of, like or pertaining to cobbling or sewing
svedberg | unit of time used to measure sedimentation velocity
swag | looping hanging down bit of fabric over a window or door
swage | groove; grooved shaping tool
swale | marshy hollow or depression; meadow
swallet | place where water disappears underground
swansdown | heavy napped cotton flannel
swanskin | soft napped fabric resembling flannel
swape | beam with which water is raised to irrigation ditches
sward | a portion of land covered with grass
swarf | grit from an axle; stone or metal filings
swasivious | agreeably persuasive
sweven | vision seen in sleep; a dream
swingometer | instrument for measuring swing in votes during an election
swink | to toil; to labour
swipple | striking part of a flail
swissing | ordinary calendering of cloth
swith | instantly; quickly
swive | to enjoy conjugal intimacy with a female personage; to fuck a chick
swoopstake | in an indiscriminate manner
sybaritic | devoted to luxury
sybil | female prophet; hag; witch
sybilline | like an oracle or prophet; mysterious
sybotic | of, like or pertaining to a swineherd
sycomancy | divination using fig leaves
sycosis | inflammation of the hair follicles or beard
syllabatim | syllable by syllable
syllabub | anything frothy or insubstantial
syllepsis | figure where word related to two others differently
syllogism | argument in which two premises lead to a logical conclusion
sylph | airy female spirit or fairy-creature; slim girl
sylvatic | belonging to or found in woods
sylvestral | of, like or pertaining to trees
sylviculture | forestry
symblepharon | adhesion of the eyelid to the eyeball
symbolaeography | drawing up of legal documents
symbolatry | undue worship of symbols
symbolography | writing of symbols or figures
symbology | study of symbols
symmachy | fighting jointly against a common enemy
symmetrophobia | fear of symmetry
symmography | string art
sympatric | occupying the same regions but not interbreeding
symphilism | the state of being in a symbiotic relationship
symphily | living together for mutual benefit
symphonia | old name for the hurdy-gurdy or other musical instruments
symphoric | accident-prone
sympiesometer | instrument for measuring pressure of a current
symploce | repetition of word at start of one and end of next clause
symposiarch | leader of a conference
symposiast | participant at a conference
symptomatography | description of symptoms
symptomatology | study of symptoms of illness
symptosis | emaciation
synaeresis | running together of vowels into a diphthong
synaesthesia | confusion of one sensation with another
synaesthesis | harmony of differing impulses from a work of art
synallagmatic | mutually or reciprocally obligatory; bilateral
synaloepha | contraction of two syllables into one by omitting a vowel
synanthy | growing together of two flowers
synaphea | metrical continuity between verses in a system
synaposematism | warning coloration common to many species in region
synarchy | joint sovereignty
synartesis | close junction
synastry | comparison of horoscopes of two or more people
synaxarion | account of a saint's life
syncategorematic | meaningless or unable to form a term without other words
synchoresis | concession made for the sake of more effective retort
synchroscope | instrument for detecting whether two moving parts are synchronized
synchysis | confusion of meaning due to unusual arrangement
synclastic | curved in all directions towards a single point
syncline | downward fold in geology
syncope | omission of a sound from middle of a word
syncrasy | combination
syncretism | combination of different religious beliefs
syncrisis | comparison of diverse or contradictory things
syndactylic | with digits joined together
syndetic | connective
syndeton | phrase whose parts are joined by a conjunction
syndicalism | doctrine of direct worker control of capital
syndyasmian | marked by a loose temporary pair-bonding or one-night stand
synecdoche | part used to refer to whole or vice versa
synecdochial | broadened or narrowed in interpretation
synechiology | continuity or union of all things
synechthry | cohabitation of hostile species
synecology | study of ecological communities
synectics | study of processes of invention
synedrion | judicial assembly
syneidesis | conscience as passing judgement on past acts
synergism | belief that human will and divine spirit cooperate in salvation
synergy | combined action of two or more forces
synesis | syntax having regard to meaning rather than form
syngamy | free interbreeding between organisms
syngenesis | sexual reproduction
syngraph | writing or contract signed by both or all parties
synizesis | movement of one part causing movement in another part
synod | ecclesiastical assembly or council
synodical | of, like or pertaining to conjunction
synoeciosis | rhetorical figure of coupling opposites
synoecism | uniting of several towns under a single capital city
synoecize | to unite in one community or city-state
synoecy | association of species with benefit to one species only
synonymicon | thesaurus
synoptic | of or giving a synopsis or summary
synorthographic | spelled in the same way
synsemantic | of a word, having no meaning outside a specific context
syntagm | organized body, system or group
syntectic | having the quality of melting or dissolving
synteresis | conscience as guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge
syntexis | liquefaction; melting; wasting
synthronus | joint throne for an Orthodox bishop and his presbyters
syntomy | brevity; conciseness
syntrierarch | an ancient Greek citizen charged with equipping a trireme
syphilology | study of syphilis
syphilomania | pathological belief that one is afflicted with syphilis
syphilophobia | fear of syphilis
syringadenous | of, like or pertaining to sweat glands
syrinx | rock-cut tunnel; pan pipes
syrt | quicksand
syrtic | of, like or pertaining to quicksand
syssitia | ancient Greek custom of eating chief meal together in public
systaltic | alternately contracting and dilating; pulsating
systatic | bringing together
systematology | study of systems
systyle | having columns separated by a distance of twice their thickness
syzygy | alignment of three or more celestial bodies
I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2021 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.