pabouche | a slipper
pabulous | of, like or pertaining to nourishment
pabulum | food; provender; nourishment
pacable | able to be appeased; willing to forgive
pace | contrary to the opinion of; in respectful disagreement with
pachydermia | elephantiasis
pachyglossal | thick-tongued
pachymeter | instrument for measuring small thicknesses
pachynsis | thickening
paciferous | peace-bringing
pacificate | to give peace to
pactolian | like or having golden-hued sands
padella | shallow dish of fat with a wick used in illuminations
padrone | innkeeper; employer
padronism | system of obtaining labour through employment agents
paduasoy | corded silk
paean | song of thanksgiving
paedarchy | government by children
paedobaptism | doctrine of infant baptism
paedocracy | government by children; paedarchy
paedogenesis | reproduction by an infant or larval organism
paedology | study of children
paedonymic | name taken from one's child
paedophage | eater of children
paedophilia | abnormal love or sexual attraction for children
paedophobia | fear of children; fear of dolls
paedotrophy | art of rearing children
paginal | of, like or pertaining to pages or pagination
pagophagia | eating trays of ice to help offset iron deficiency
paideutic | educational method or theory
paidonosology | study of children's diseases; pediatrics
paillette | a spangle
pais | people from whom a jury is drawn
paisley | soft wool fabric with ornamental pattern
paizogony | necking; love-play
palabra | a word; talk
palaceous | spade-shaped
palaeoanthropology | study of early humans
palaeobiology | study of fossil plants and animals
palaeoclimatology | study of ancient climates
palaeogaea | the Old World as a biological region
palaeogeography | study of ancient geography
palaeography | study of ancient writing or inscriptions
palaeolimnology | study of ancient fish or lakes
palaeopedology | study of early soils
palaeophile | antiquarian
palaeosophy | ancient learning or thought
palaeotypography | early typography
palaestra | wrestling school; gymnasium
palaetiology | application of principles of causation to past events
palafitte | prehistoric lake dwelling
palamate | having webbed feet
palanquin | light litter for one passenger
palatine | having royal authority over a region
palative | pleasing to the taste or to the palate
palatography | recording position of tongue against hard palate during speech
palaver | to talk profusely or idly
paleaceous | chaffy; like or resembling chaff
paleobotany | study of ancient plants
paleo-osteology | study of ancient bones
paletot | loose overcoat
palette | small plate covering the armpit joint in a suit of armour
palewise | (of heraldic charges) oriented vertically
palfrenier | groom
palfrey | riding horse, especially one for a lady
palification | the act of strengthening with stakes
paliform | shaped like a stake
palilalia | disorder characterized by rapid repetition of words
palillogy | repetition of a word or word or phrase
palimbacchius | metrical foot of two long and one short syllable
palimpsest | manuscript or paper that is erased and then written over
palingenesis | new birth; reincarnation; second creation
palingman | seller of fish or eels
palinode | poem in which earlier thoughts or feelings are retracted
palinola | compulsive repetition of an act until it is perfect
palinspastic | showing geological formations of an area as they existed in the past
palisade | fence of stakes used for defensive purposes
pall | covering cloth laid upon Communion chalice
palladian | of, like or pertaining to wisdom or learning
pallasethesia | sense of vibration
pallescent | turning pale
palliament | white robe or gown
palliasse | straw mattress
palliate | to ease with out curing; to extenuate
pallid | pale; wan
pallium | white woollen band symbolising archbishop's authority
pallograph | instrument measuring ship's vibration
palmar | of, like or pertaining to the palm
palmarian | pre-eminent
palmary | principal; meritorious
palmate | hand-shaped
palmiped | web-footed
palpebral | of, like or pertaining to the eyelid
palpebration | winking
palter | to trifle in talk; to use trickery; to equivocate
paltock | short coat or doublet worn under armour
paltripolitan | term of scorn applied to city-dwellers or urban life
paludal | of, like or pertaining to marshes; marshy; malarial
paludicolous | growing in marshes; marsh-dwelling
paludism | marsh fever; malaria
paludose | marshy; living in marshes
palynology | study of pollen
palzogony | love-play; foreplay
pam | card game in which jack of club has highest value
pamphysicism | doctrine that material nature is the source of all things
pampiniform | like a tendril
panaceist | believer in panaceas
panaesthesia | totality of perception; general awareness
panaesthetism | theory that consciousness may inhere generally in matter
panarchy | universal rule or dominion
panary | of, like or pertaining to bread; bread store
panatella | long; thin cigar
panchion | coarse earthenware pan
panchreston | panacea
pancosmism | theory that the material universe is all that exists
pancratic | excelling all round in athletics or accomplishments
pancyclopaedic | encyclopaedic
pandation | warping
pandect | treatise covering the whole of a subject
pandemian | vulgar; sensual
pandemic | universal; affecting majority of people in a region
pandemonism | worship of spirits dwelling in all forms of nature
pandiculation | the act of stretching and yawning
pandora | musical instrument like a lute
panduriform | fiddle-shaped
panegoism | solipsism
panegyric | elaborate and poetic compliment; eulogy; laudation
panegyricon | collection of sermons for Orthodox church festivals
panegyry | grand assembly; religious festival
paneity | the state of being bread
panentheism | belief that world is part but not all of God's being
pangamy | random or unrestricted mating
pangeometry | extension of geometry to more than three dimensions
Panglossian | overly optimistic
pangolin | scaly insectivorous mammal with elongated snout
pangram | sentence containing all the letters of the alphabet
panharmonicon | mechanical musical instrument operated by a cylinder
panhygrous | moist in all parts
panification | conversion into bread
panivorous | bread-eating
panjandrum | imaginary potentate of great power and self-importance
panlogism | belief that only that which is rational is truly real
panmixia | cessation of the influence of natural selection
panmnesia | belief that all mental impressions are stored in memory
pannage | food picked up by swine in woods; right to pasture swine
panne | heavy lustrous silk or rayon with waxy feel
pannicle | thin sheet-like vestment
pannier | provision-basket; basket carried over one's back
pannikin | small metal cup
pannose | like felt
pannychis | all-night vigil in preparation for Orthodox church feast
panomphaean | all-oracular
panophobia | melancholia marked by groundless fears
panoply | complete suit of armour
panoptic | all-embracing; viewing all aspects
panopticon | prison where all inmates can be watched from one point
panpharmacon | universal remedy
panplain | flat area consisting of several joined floodplains
panpsychism | theory that all nature has a psychic side
panpygoptosis | shortness of the legs
pansexualism | theory that all thought derived from sexual instinct
pansophy | universal knowledge
panspermatism | belief in origin of life from extraterrestrial germs
pantagamy | universal bachelorhood; free love
pantagruelian | marked by extravagant and coarse satire
pantaleon | large dulcimer
pantarchy | government by all the people; world government
pantechnicon | receptacle holding many miscellaneous objects
pantheism | belief that the universe is God; belief in many gods
pantisocracy | government by all equally
pantler | officer in a household in charge of bread
pantochronometer | combined sundial and compass
pantoglot | speaker of all languages
pantograph | apparatus connecting streetcar to overhead wires
pantograph | instrument for copying drawing to a different scale
pantography | complete or general description of something
pantology | system of universal knowledge
pantomnesia | remembrance of everything ever learned
pantomorphic | taking on all shapes
pantophagy | omnivorousness
pantophobia | fear of everything
pantopragmatic | meddling in everybody's business
pantoscope | panoramic camera
pantosophy | universal knowledge; pansophy
panurgic | good at all kinds of tasks
panzoism | belief that humans and animals share vital life energy
paparchy | government by the pope
papaverous | of, like or pertaining to poppies
papeterie | packaged fancy stationery; stationery-case
papilionaceous | of, like or pertaining to butterflies
papilla | nipple-like projection
papilliferous | bearing papillae
papilliform | nipple-shaped
papillose | having nipples or papillae
pappus | downy beginnings of a beard
papren | stone passing through a wall from face to face
papulation | the development of papillae or pimples
papule | pimple
papuliferous | pimply; bearing or pertaining to pimples
papyraceous | like paper; papery
papyrocracy | government by newspapers or literature
papyrography | process of transferring a drawing on paper to a zinc plate
papyrology | study of paper
papyrotamia | manufacture of paper flowers
parabasis | speech where the chorus advances and addresses audience
parabiosis | physical union of two embryos or organisms
parablepsis | false vision; oversight
parabola | rhetorical use of simile or metaphor
parabolanus | layman who tends the sick
parabolaster | a parabola of a higher degree
paraboliform | shaped like a parabola
parabolist | teller of parables
paracentral | situated near the centre
parachronism | representation of something as being newer than it is
paraclete | advocate or intercessor; the Holy Spirit acting in such a role
paracme | decline; period following the zenith or acme
paracoita | female sexual partner
paracoitus | male sexual partner
paracrostic | poem whose initial letters reproduce its first verse
paracusis | disordered hearing
paradiastole | description of an unfavourable quality through a favourable synonym
paradigma | rhetorical comparison by resemblance to another thing
paradisiacal | suggestive of a place or state of perfect bliss
parados | earthworks defending against a rear attack
paradoxography | description of phenomena considered fantastic or wondrous
paradoxology | holding or maintaining paradoxes
paradromic | adjacent; side by side
paraenesis | rhetorical expression of advice or warning
paraesthesia | tingling sensation on the skin
parage | high birth or rank; equality of birth or status
paragenesis | formation of minerals as a joined mass
paragnosia | misunderstanding
paragnosis | skill in matters immune to scientific investigation
paragoge | addition of a sound to end of word
paragram | play on words in which letters are changed
paragraphia | writing of different letters and words than intended
paragraphy | writing of paragraphs
parakinesis | production of movement of objects by a spiritualist
paralalia | abnormality of speech sounds
paralipomenon | thing left out; added in supplement
paralipsis | fixing attention on subject by pretending to neglect it
parallax | seeming change of object position due to observer moving
parallelepiped | solid figure with each face a parallelogram
parallelism | belief that matter and mind don't interact but relate
paralogise | to reason falsely
paralogism | false reasoning
paramatta | worsted and cotton blend
paramedian | near the middle line
parament | rich decoration, hanging or robe
paramnesia | abnormality of memory; inability to remember meaning of word
paranatellon | a star that rises at the same time as another star
paranomasia | rhetorical art of punning
paranym | euphemism; word whose meaning altered to conceal evasion
paranymph | one who solicits for another; best man or bridesmaid
paraph | flourish under one's signature
paraphasia | disorder in which one word substituted for another
paraphilia | any abnormal sexual attraction
paraphonia | alteration of the voice; as at puberty
paraphrast | one who paraphrases
paraphraxis | inability to perform purposive movements properly
parapraxis | blunder; error; mistake
parapsychology | study of unexplained mental phenomena
pararthria | incoherence
paraselene | mock moon; bright patch on a lunar halo
parasigmatism | inability to pronounce the sound 's'
parasitaster | a mean or sorry parasite
parasiticide | killing of parasites
parastatal | indirectly controlled by the state
parastatic | of, like or pertaining to protective mimicry of animals
parasuicide | harmful act appearing to be an attempt at suicide
parasynesis | corruption of forms of words
parasynthesis | derivation of words using hyphenated compounds
parataxis | organization of clauses without connectives
parathesis | apposition; compounding of words without change
paratonic | arresting growth
paravail | inferior; lowest; of least account
paravane | device used to cut underwater cables
paravant | in front; first; beforehand
paravent | wind screen
parbreak | to vomit
parbuckle | sling made by wrapping both ends of rope around object
parcel | partly
parcenary | co-heirship
parciloquy | laconic speech
parclose | railing in church enclosing altar, chapel or tomb
pardie | mild oath; certainly or truly
pardine | of, like or pertaining to leopards
pardoner | one who raises money for religious works by selling indulgences
parecbasis | rhetorical digression or deviation from expected topic
paregmenon | repetition of a word or its cognates in a series of words
paregoric | soothing; lessening pain
parembole | insertion of something related to the subject into a phrase
paremptosis | insertion of something related to the subject into a phrase
parentalia | feasts or rites in memory of deceased parents
parentelic | related by blood
parenticide | killing or killer of one's parents
parergon | work undertaken in addition to one's employment
pareschatology | doctrine dealing with matters after death but before the end of the world
paresis | omission of an element from a word
pareunia | coitus
parfay | by my faith; verily
parfleche | dried buffalo skin
parget | to plaster over; to cover with ornamental plasterwork
parhelion | halo-like light seen in sky opposite the sun
pari passu | side by side; equally
paribuntal | fine straw used to make hats
parietal | of a wall or walls, especially anatomical walls
parietals | school rules regarding inter-gender contact
parine | of, like or pertaining to titmouses
parison | lump of glass before it is moulded into its final shape
parison | even balance of elements in a sentence
paristhimion | tonsil
parisyllabic | having the same number of syllables in all forms
parity | condition or fact of having born children
parlous | full of danger or risk
Parnassian | poetic
parnel | mistress or concubine of a priest; harlot
parochial | local; confined to one region
parodinia | difficult childbirth
paroemia | proverb or adage used in argumentation
paroemiographer | writer of proverbs
paroemiography | writing of proverbs; a treatise of proverbs
paroemiology | study of proverbs
paromoeon | alliteration
paromoion | starting statement with several words starting with the same letter
paromologia | partial admission of opponent's argument to strengthen one's final position
paromology | concession of opponent's point to strengthen one's own point
paronomasia | play on words; punning
paronym | word from same root or having same sound as another
parorexia | desire to eat strange foods
parotic | near or adjacent to the ear
parous | bearing or having borne offspring
parousia | second coming of Christ
parousiamania | obsession with the second coming of Christ
paroxysm | fit of passion; laughter; coughing; sudden violent action
paroxytone | having an acute accent on the next to last syllable
parquet | floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks
parr | young salmon
parrel | band by which a yard is fastened to a mast
parrhesia | asking forgiveness in advance for frank or bold speech
parricide | killing of parent or close relative
parse | to describe a word fully in terms of classification
parsonarchy | government by parsons
parterre | pit of a theatre
parthenian | of, like or pertaining to virgins
parthenogenesis | reproduction by a virgin or by means of an unfertilized egg
parthenolatry | worship of the Virgin Mary
parthenology | study of virgins
parthophobia | fear of virgins
partible | that may be divided up or parted
particularism | belief that only a few are chosen for salvation
partim | in part
partitive | indicating a part of a larger whole
partocracy | government by a single unopposed political party
parturition | the act of giving birth
parure | a set of ornaments or jewels
parvanimity | smallness of mind
parvenu | one suddenly risen to wealth without great social rank
parvipotent | having little power
parvis | enclosed space at the front of a church
parviscient | having little knowledge
pascual | growing on land used for grazing; of, like or pertaining to pastures
paseo | leisurely stroll; march of bullfighters into arena
pasguard | armour for left arm and elbow to protect from lance strike while jousting
pashmina | fine goat's wool fabric used for making shawls
pasigraphy | a system of universal ideographic writing
paso-doble | quick Spanish one-step dance
pasquilant | lampooner
pasquin | to lampoon
pasquinade | to lampoon; a lampoon
pasquinian | satirical
passacaglia | slow solemn Italian or Spanish dance
passade | motion of horse to and fro over ground in dressage
passalorynchite | one who takes a religious vow of silence
passant | heraldic animal depicted walking
passement | decorative trimming of beads or braid
passepied | Breton dance resembling a quick minuet
passerine | of, like or pertaining to sparrows
passible | susceptible to or capable of suffering or of feeling
passim | everywhere; dispersedly
passimeter | instrument for issuing automatic tickets
passiuncle | minor or lesser passion
passivate | to coat metal with oxides to protect from corrosion
passulate | to dry grapes
passus | section of a poem or story
pastance | pastime
pastern | rope, strap or chain used to tie horse by its leg
pastiche | medley, composed from different sources; imitative work
pastille | small cone of charcoal burned as incense
pastose | painted thickly
pastourelle | medieval poem between knight and shepherdess
patagium | wing-membrane of flying mammal
pataphysics | the science of imaginary solutions
patation | act of drinking
patavinity | provincialism; dialectal term
patefaction | disclosure; opening; manifestation
patelliform | shaped like a saucer or kneecap
paten | plate; metal disk used to hold Communion bread
pateriform | saucer-shaped
pathic | passive; a passive subject
pathogenesis | causation or production of disease
pathognomic | indicative of a specific disease
pathography | life history used to trace a disease or disorder
pathomania | moral insanity
pathophobia | fear of disease
pathopoeia | excitation of passion by rhetoric or poetry
patible | capable of suffering or being acted on; passible
patibulary | of, like or pertaining to the gallows
patibulate | to execute by hanging
patina | film or surface that forms on surface of metal or wood
patination | formation of a film on copper from exposure
patrial | of, like or pertaining to one's native land
patrimony | inheritance from father or ancestors
patriolatry | excessive devotion or worship of one's native country
patroclinous | having inherited paternal characteristics
patrology | study of early Christianity
patronym | name derived from father's name
patroon | captain of a ship; coxswain of a longboat
patruity | degree of relationship of paternal uncle
patte | narrow band keeping a belt or sash in its place
patten | wooden shoe; clog; base of a pillar
patulous | spreading; wide-spreading; open
pauciloquent | of few words; speaking little
pauldron | shoulder-plate of suit of armour
paulopast | just finished or past
paulopost | just after
pavage | charge for paving streets
pavane | stately English Renaissance court dance
pavé | setting of jewellery with stones close together
pavid | timid
pavior | one who lays down paving stones
pavis | shield for the entire body
pavonated | peacock-blue
pavonian | of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pavonine | of, like or pertaining to peacocks
pax | tablet decorated with sacred figure and kissed by participants in mass
paxillose | resembling a small stake
paynimry | heathendom
paysage | landscape
paysagist | painter of landscapes
peatary | region, bog or moor covered with peat
peau-de-soie | soft, heavy closely-woven silk
peavey | lumberman's spiked and hooked lever
peccable | liable to sin
peccadillo | a slight offense or sin
peccaminous | sinful
peccancy | sinfulness; transgression
peccary | tropical New World piglike mammal
peccavi | admission of sin or guilt
peck | unit of dry measure equal to 8 quarts
pecorous | full of cows
pectinal | of a comb; comb-like
pectination | comb-like structure
pectineal | of the pubic bone
pectiniform | shaped like a comb
pectize | to congeal; to cause to set
pectoral | armour for the breast of a person or horse
pectoriloquy | sound of patient's voice as heard through stethoscope
pectuncle | cockle
pecudiculture | rearing of cattle
peculation | embezzlement
peculium | private property; especially when given by father to son
pecuniary | of, like or pertaining to money; consisting of money
ped | naturally formed mass or aggregate of soil
pedagogics | study of teaching
pedagoguery | schoolmastering; teaching
pedalian | of, like or pertaining to the foot or to metrical feet
pedaneous | going on foot; pedestrian; of lowly or petty standing
pedantocracy | government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars
pedary | of, like or pertaining to walking or feet
pedate | footed; having feet; like a foot
pederasty | anal intercourse between a man and a boy
pedetentous | proceeding slowly
pedicel | stalk of an animal organ
pedicle | bony protrusion of the skull from which an antler grows
pedicular | of, like or pertaining to lice
pediculicide | killing of lice
pediculophobia | fear of lice
pediculous | lousy
pediform | shaped like a foot
pedigerous | having or bearing feet
pediluvium | foot bath
pedimanous | having feet shaped like hands
pediment | triangular structure crowning front of a Greek building
pedipulate | to work or knead with the feet
pedography | description of soil types
pedological | of, like or pertaining to soils
pedology | study of soils
pedomancy | divination by examining the soles of the feet
pedometer | instrument for measuring distance travelled on foot
peduncle | stem or stalk of a flower
pegamoid | artificial leather
pegomancy | divination by springs or fountains
peignoir | woman's dressing-gown
peirameter | instrument measuring resistance of road surfaces to wheel movement
peirastic | experimental; tentative
peise | weight; burden; load
pejorate | to worsen; to depreciate
pejorism | severe pessimism
pekin | fine soft silk
pelage | animal's coat of hair or wool
pelagic | oceanic; inhabiting or carried out in the deep sea
pelargic | of, like or pertaining to storks
pelasgic | nomadic
pelatast | ancient Greek shield-bearing soldier
pelecoid | shaped like a hatchet; a hatchet-shaped geometrical figure
pelerine | woman's fur cape
pelisse | fur-lined or fur garment
pelitic | composed of fine sediment
pellate | to divide; to separate
pellicle | thin skin or film
pellicule | thin diaphanous fabric
pellucid | completely clear; transparent
pelma | sole of foot
pelmatogram | footprint
pelmet | fringe or valance for hiding a curtain rod
peloid | mud or other semi-solid medium used in baths
pelology | study of mud
pelotherapy | treatment by mud baths
peltastiform | shield-shaped
peltiferous | bearing a shield
peltry | skins of animals with the fur on them
pelurious | furry; hairy
pelviform | basin-shaped
pelvigraphy | examination of the pelvis
pelvimeter | instrument for measuring the pelvis
pembroke | small four-legged table with hinged flaps
pemphigus | skin condition characterized by watery boils on the body
penacute | having an acute accent on the penultimate syllable; paroxytone
penanggalan | female vampire of Malay mythology
penannular | in the form of an almost complete ring
penates | household gods of a Roman family
pencilliform | paintbrush-shaped
pendeloque | drop pendant
pendent | hanging; drooping; dangling
pendicle | pendant, dependency or appendage
pendular | of, like or pertaining to a pendulum
penduline | building a pendulous nest
pendulograph | curve representing combination of musical sounds
penecontemporaneous | of geological processes occurring immediately after deposition
penectomy | surgical removal of the penis
penelopize | to create work as an excuse to deter suitors
peneplain | land worn down by denudation to almost be a plain
penes | in the possession of
penetralia | inmost parts of a building or temple; innermost secrets
penetrometer | instrument for measuring firmness or consistency of substances
penial | of, like or pertaining to the penis
penicillate | having small tufts or bristles
pennaceous | featherlike
pennate | winged; feathered
penniferous | bearing feathers
penniform | feather-shaped
pennyweight | unit of troy weight equal to 24 grains
penology | study of crime and punishment
pensile | hanging; suspended; overhanging
pensum | task; school imposition
pentad | set of five things
pentagamist | person who has or has had five spouses
pentalogy | state of being in five parts
pentamerous | having five parts or members
pentapolis | alliance of five cities
pentarchy | government by five individuals
pentateuch | the first five books of the Old Testament
pentheraphobia | fear or hatred of one's mother-in-law
pentimento | revealing of part of a painting beneath a newer one
penury | destitution; poverty
peotillomania | abnormal compulsion for pulling on the penis
peotomy | surgical removal of the penis
per | through; according to; by means or agency of
peracute | very sharp or violent; very acute
peradventure | perhaps; possibly; by adventure; by chance
peragrate | to travel over or through
percale | closely woven lightweight cloth
percaline | glossy lightweight cotton
perceptionalism | belief that humans perceive things as they truly are
percheron | dappled cart horse
percipient | perceiving; observant; perceptive
percoct | well-cooked; overdone
percurrent | running through the whole length
percutaneous | done or applied through the skin
percutient | striking or having the power to strike; percussive
perdicine | of, like or pertaining to partridges
perdricide | killer of partridges
perduellion | treason
perdure | to endure over a period of time
peregal | fully equal
peregrination | journey, especially on foot or to a foreign country
peregrinity | foreignness; outlandishness
perennate | to live perennially; to survive from season to season
perequitate | to ride through on horseback
perfectibilian | believer in the perfectibility of mankind
perfectibilism | doctrine that humans capable of becoming perfect
perfectionism | doctrine that moral perfection constitutes the highest value
perfervid | very fervid; ardent; eager
perficient | effectual; actually achieving a result
perfuse | to pour or diffuse through or over
pergameneous | like or resembling parchment
pergola | arched framework for climbing plants
periaster | point in orbit of a body in which it is nearest to a specified star
peribolos | precinct; enclosing wall of a precinct
pericentral | surrounding a centre or central body
periclinal | sloping downwards in all directions from a point
periclitate | to endanger; to jeopardise
pericope | an excerpt or passage read during religious services
periculous | dangerous
periegesis | description in the manner of a tour; journey through
periergia | use of elevated style to discuss a trivial matter
periodontics | study of gums
perioeci | individuals living at same latitude on opposite sides of earth
periotic | around the ear
peripatetic | wandering about; itinerant
peripetia | sudden change of fortune
periphrasis | circumlocution; round-about expression
periplus | a voyage or trip around something
peripteral | having a row of columns on every side
periscian | person living inside the polar circle
perispomenon | having a circumflex accent on the final syllable
perissology | verbiage; pleonasm
perissosyllabic | having an additional syllable
perissotomist | knife-happy surgeon
peristalith | ancient stone circle
peristeronic | of, like or pertaining to pigeons
peristerophily | pigeon-collecting
peristrephic | moving round; revolving; rotatory
peristyle | range of columns around a building or courtyard
peritectic | in the state between solid and liquid; melting
periwinkle | a bluish or azure colour; a plant with bluish flowers
perlaceous | pearly
perlative | indicating movement through or across
perliginous | producing pearls
perlocution | effect produced when a particular word is uttered
perlustrate | to traverse and inspect carefully
permeameter | instrument for measuring permeability
pernicious | destructive; ruinous; fatal
pernoctate | to pass the night in vigil or prayer
pernor | one who takes or receives
peroral | through the mouth
perorate | to speak grandiosely or grandiloquently
peroration | lengthy part of speech; especially a conclusion
perpend | to weigh in the mind; to consider carefully
perpilocutionist | one who speaks through his hat
perron | raised platform or terrace at an entrance door
perruquier | wigmaker
perscrutation | thorough search
perse | dark blue or bluish-grey; cloth of such a colour
perseity | independent existence
perseverate | to repeat an action continually or habitually
persiennes | outside shutters with movable slats
persiflage | banter; flippancy; idle chatter
personalia | personal details, possessions or stories
personalism | doctrine that humans possess spiritual freedom
personalty | personal belongings and property
perspectography | theory of drawing according to rules of perspective
perspicacious | clear-minded; astute; perceptive
perspicuous | easily understood; clearly expressed
perstringe | to constrain; to touch on; to censure
pertinacity | quality of holding unyieldingly to a position
pertuse | punched; pierced; slit
pertussis | whooping cough
peruke | a frilly wig
perulate | scaly; having scaled skin
pervicacious | very obstinate
pervigilium | night vigil
pervious | permeable; penetrable
pessary | suppository inserted into the vagina
pessimal | least favourable
pessimum | point at which any condition is least favourable
pessomancy | divination using pebbles
pestiferous | bringing plague or pestilence
pestology | science of pests
petaliferous | bearing petals
petary | peat-bog
petaurist | flying phalanger
petcock | valve for draining condensed steam from engine cylinders
petrary | contrivance for hurling stones
petrean | of, like or pertaining to or made of rock
petrel | long-winged seabird with hooked bill
petrichor | pleasant smell accompanying the first rain after a dry spell
petricolous | living in or near rocks
petrissage | massage by longitudinal rubbing and lateral squeezing
petrogenesis | formation or development of rocks
petroleous | containing or rich in petroleum
petroliferous | bearing petroleum
petrology | study of rocks
petrophilous | living on or thriving in rocky areas
petrous | stony
pettifogger | a lawyer given to underhanded tactics
pettitoes | pigs' feet as food
petulcous | butting like a ram
petuncle | small scallop
pewfellow | one who occupies the same pew as another
pexity | roughness of the nap of cloth
peytral | armour for a horse's breast
phacochoerine | of, like or pertaining to warthogs
phacoid | lens-shaped
phacometer | instrument for measuring lenses
phaeic | dusky
phaeism | duskiness
phaeton | open four-wheeled carriage
phagomania | excessive desire for food or eating
phagophobia | fear of eating
phakic | (of an eye) having a crystalline lens
phalacrosis | baldness
phalanstery | dwelling of a communal group or phalanx of individuals
phalarope | migratory shorebird with lobed feet
phallephoric | carrying the penis
phallic | of, pertaining to or resembling a penis
phallocracy | government by men
phallocrat | one who assumes the naturality of male dominance
phaneromania | habit of biting one's nails
phanerosis | act or process of becoming visible
phanic | visible; obvious
phanopoeia | visual imagery in poetry
phantasmatography | scientific description of rainbows and other lumnious atmospheric phenomena
phaometer | old instrument for measuring light intensity
pharisaic | hypocritical
pharmacognosy | study of drugs of animal and plant origin
pharmacology | study of drugs
pharmacomania | abnormal obsession with trying drugs
pharmacometer | instrument for measuring drugs
pharmacopolist | drug-seller; pharmacist; apothecary
pharology | study of lighthouses
pharos | lighthouse or beacon
pharyngography | description of the pharynx
pharyngology | study of the throat
pharyngoscope | instrument for inspecting the pharynx
phassachate | lead-coloured agate
phatic | using speech for social reasons or to communicate feelings
phellem | cork
phelloid | cork-like
phelloplastic | a model in cork
phememe | smallest possible linguistic unit
phemic | of, like or pertaining to speech
phenakistoscope | early cinematograph in which figures are viewed through a slit
phenetic | of, like or pertaining to classification by phenotype
phengite | bright and beautiful kind of alabaster
phengophobia | fear of daylight
phenogenesis | origin of racial groups
phenology | study of organisms as affected by climate
phenomenalism | belief that phenomena are the only realities
phenomenology | study of phenomena
pheon | the barbed head of a dart or arrow in heraldry
pheretrer | keeper of a shrine
phialiform | saucer-shaped
phialine | resembling a phial
philalethist | lover of truth
philately | study of postage stamps
philematology | the act or study of kissing
philematophobe | one who dislikes kissing
philhippic | loving or admiring horses
philippic | speech or writing full of bitter condemnation
philistine | materialistic in outlook; uncultured
phillumeny | collecting of matchbox labels
philocaly | love of beauty
philodemic | fond of commoners or the lower classes
philodox | one who loves his own opinions; dogmatic person
philogyny | love of women
philologaster | petty or contemptible philologist
philology | study of ancient texts; historical linguistics
philomath | lover of learning
philomelian | of, like or pertaining to nightingales
philonoist | one who seeks knowledge
philopornist | lover of prostitutes
philoprogenitive | of, like or pertaining to instinctive love for offspring
philosophaster | amateur or superficial philosopher
philosophicide | one who kills or wishes to kill philosophers or philosophy
philosophocracy | government by philosophers
philosophuncule | petty or minor philosopher
philotechnical | devoted to the arts
philotherianism | love of animals
philoxenia | hospitality
philter | love-potion or charm; a drug to produce some magical effect
phimosis | inability to retract the prepuce of the penis
phlebography | description or examination of a vein
phlebology | study of the veins and their diseases
phlebotomy | blood-letting
phlegmatic | of a calm; unexcitable disposition
phlogiston | nonexistent principle of flammability inherent in matter
phlogogenetic | causing inflamation
phocine | of, like or pertaining to seals
phocomelia | having limbs like a seal's flippers
phoeniceous | bright scarlet-red colour
phoenicopter | flamingo
pholidosis | arrangement of scales, as in fish and reptiles
phon | unit of loudness of sound as heard by listeners
phonascus | person who maintains rhythm in church choir
phonasthenia | weakness of voice
phonation | production of vocal sound
phonautograph | instrument for recording sound vibrations
phonendoscope | device which amplifies small sounds
phonesis | production of speech sounds
phoniatrics | study and correction of speech defects
phonography | recording of sound by means of a phonograph
phonomania | pathological tendency to murder
phonometer | instrument for measuring sound levels
phonophobia | fear of noise or of speaking aloud
phonophorous | transmitting sound waves
phonus-bolonus | exaggerated trickery or nonsense
phorminx | seven-stringed Greek lyre
phorometer | instrument used to correct abnormalities in eye muscles
phoropter | device with several lenses used to test eyesight
phosphene | light seen when the eyeball is pressed
phossy | caused by phosphorus
photaesthesia | sense of vision
photic | light-giving; sensitive to light; penetrated by light
photism | illusory vision of light
photobiology | study of effects of light on organisms
photodromy | motion towards light
photoglyph | photographic engraving
photogyric | turning towards light
photolysis | disintegration resulting from exposure to radiation
photomania | pathological desire for light
photometer | instrument for measuring light intensity
photon | unit of brightness of light as received at the retina
photophile | organism loving or thriving in light
photophilous | preferring or thriving in lighted conditions
photophobia | fear of light
photophygous | avoiding or disliking light
photopia | vision in bright light
photopolarimeter | instrument for measuring intensity and polarization of reflected light
photopsia | appearance of light flashes due to retinal irritation
photosphere | region of space lit by the sun
phototachometer | instrument for measuring the speed of light
phototaxis | growth or movement determined by light
phototelegraph | instrument for transmitting drawings telegraphically
phototonus | sensitivity to light
phraseography | representation of whole phrases with individual signs or symbols
phraseology | study of phrases
phratry | clan or tribe
phreatic | of, like or pertaining to underground water supplying or wells
phrenesis | delirium; frenzy
phrenic | of or near the midriff
phrenography | observation and description of mental phenomena
phrenology | study of bumps on the head
phrontistery | a thinking-place; place for study
phthartic | deadly; destructive
phthirophagous | lice-eating
phthisiotherapeutics | medical treatment of tuberculosis
phthongal | of, pertaining to, or consisting of a sound; vocalized
phthongometer | instrument measuring intensity of vowel sounds
phugoid | of, like or pertaining to the longitudinal stability of aircraft
phycology | study of algae and seaweeds
phygogalactic | halting milk production
phylactic | defending against disease
phylarchy | government by a specific class or tribe
phyle | division of the people of a state into local clans
phylliform | shaped like a leaf
phylline | leaf-like
phyllomancy | divination using leaves or tea leaves
phyllomania | excessive or abnormal production of leaves
phyllophagous | leaf-eating
phyllophorous | leafy; bearing or having leaves
phylogenesis | origin and history of a species' evolution
physagogue | substance causing flatulence
physicalism | belief that all phenomena reducible to verifiable assertions
physiocracy | government according to natural laws or principles
physiognomancy | divination by studying the face
physiognomy | general appearance of anything, especially the face
physiography | description of landforms or natural features of the environment
physiolatry | nature-worship
physiologus | work containing descriptions of animals; a bestiary
physiophilosophy | system of knowledge concerning principles of natural history
physiosophy | assumption of knowledge of nature
physitheism | attribution of physical form and attributes to deities
physiurgic | due to natural causes
phytivorous | feeding on plants
phytogenesis | origin and development of plants
phytogenic | derived from plants
phytography | description or treatise on plants
phytoid | plant-like
phytology | study of plants; botany
phytomania | obsession with collecting plants
phytopathology | study of diseases of plants
phytophilous | fond of plants
phytosophy | knowledge of plants
piacular | expiatory; atrociously bad
pianette | small upright piano
pibcorn | old Welsh instrument like a hornpipe
pibroch | piece of music for bagpipe
pica | craving to eat dust
picamar | bitter oily liquid obtained from tar
picaresque | of, like or pertaining or pertaining to rogues or roguish behaviour
picaroon | person who lives by his or her wits; rogue or scoundrel
picayune | five-cent-piece or other coin of little value
piceous | like pitch; inflammable; reddish black
pichi | small dark Argentinian armadillo
pichiciego | small South American armadillo
piciform | of the form or shape of a woodpecker
piciform | of the nature of or resembling pitch
picine | of, like or pertaining to woodpeckers
pickelhaube | spiked helmet
pickery | petty theft under Scottish law
picksome | particular; picky
pickthank | sycophant; flatterer
picot | loop in an ornamental edging; raised knot in embroidery
pictography | representation of ideas by means of pictures
piddle | nonsense
piebald | of an animal, consisting of two or more colours
pied | variegated; of various colours
piedroit | square pillar attached to wall, lacking both base and capital
piend | a salient angle
pierage | fee paid for use of a pier
pieta | representation of Virgin Mary with dead Christ across her knees
pietism | unquestioning or dogmatic religious devotion
piezometer | instrument for measuring pressure or compressibility
piggin | small pail or bowl made of staves and hoops
pight | to pitch
pigmentocracy | government by those of one skin colour
pignorate | to give or take in pledge or pawn
pigsconce | blockhead
pigwash | rubbish; nonsense
pika | rabbit-like mountain-dwelling mammal with rounded ears
pilaster | square column partially embedded in a wall
pilch | fur or wool outergarment; rug laid over saddle
pilcrow | paragraph-mark
pile | upside-down wedge at an acute angle on a coat of arms
pileated | cap-shaped; crested; capped
pileiform | shaped like an umbrella
pileum | top of a bird's head
pileus | umbrella-shaped portion of a mushroom
pilgarlick | poor wretch; self-pitying person
piliferous | bearing or growing hair
piliform | shaped like hair
pillion | light pillow or saddle for a woman rider
pilliwinks | torture instrument for crushing fingers
pillory | wooden frame with holes for head and hands used as punishment
pilose | having scattered soft or moderately stiff hairs
pilule | little pill
piment | spiced sweetened wine
pinacotheca | picture-gallery
pinafore | loose protective garment worn over a dress
pinchbeck | cheap copper and zinc alloy; spurious or trashy
pinder | one who impounds cattle
pineal | shaped like a pine-cone
pinetum | collection or plantation of pine trees
pingo | cone-shaped mound with ice core
pinguefy | to become or make fat or greasy; to make rich
pinguid | fat
pinion | small wheel with teeth
pinion | wing; last joint of a wing; outermost flight feather
pinnace | small vessel with oars and sails
pinnate | shaped like a feather
pinniped | seals, walruses, and other such sea mammals
pintle | bolt or pin on which something turns, as a hinge
piolet | ice-axe
pipa | Chinese lute
pipe | unit of liquid capacity equal to two hogsheads
pipistrelle | small reddish-brown bat
pipkin | small pot
piqué | stiff durable corded fabric of cotton, rayon or silk
piscary | the right of fishing; a fishing pond
piscatology | study of fishes
piscatorial | of, like or pertaining to fishing or fishers
piscicapturist | fisherman
piscicide | substance that kills fish
piscifauna | fish life of an area
pisciform | shaped like a fish
piscina | basin set in wall of church to drain away ceremonial water
piscine | of, like or pertaining to fish
piscivorous | fish-eating
pisiform | shaped like a pea
pismire | an ant; something or someone insignificant
pismirism | hoarding of small or insignificant things
pisteology | science or study of faith
pistiology | doctrine concerning faith
pistolography | instantaneous photography
pistology | branch of theology concerned with faith
pitchometer | instrument for measuring angles of ship's propeller blades
piteous | arousing or deserving pity
pityroid | bran-like
pixilated | bemused; bewildered; intoxicated
pizzle | bull's penis used as instrument of punishment by flogging
placage | covering of walls with thin marble slabs or with plaster
placard | thick metal reinforced plate of armour for back or breast
placee | investor who is sold shares by private placement
placentiform | cake-shaped
placentigerous | bearing a placenta
placentography | examination or imagery of the placenta
placentophagy | eating of the placenta
placet | vote of assent in a governing body
placitum | decision of a court or an assembly
placket | opening in a skirt or shirt for a pocket
placoid | plate-like; having plate-like scales
plafond | decorated ceiling
plagate | marked with a streak or streaks
plage | fashionable beach
plagiary | one who plagiarises
plagium | the crime of kidnapping
plainstones | flagstone side-pavement of a street
planation | making level
planchet | blank metal disc to be stamped as a coin
planchette | board or similar tool used in interpreting spirit messages
planetesimal | of, like or pertaining to asteroids or similar tiny celestial bodies
planetic | erring; erratic
planetogeny | theory of the origin of planets
planetography | description or treatise on the planets
planetolatry | worship of the planets
planetology | study of planets
plangency | resonance; noisiness
plangent | deep or loud sounding
plangorous | mournful
planigraph | instrument for copying drawings at a different scale
planigraphy | drawing of ground plans
planiloquent | speaking plainly
planimeter | instrument for measuring area of plane figures
planipennate | having flat; broad wings
planish | to polish; to flatten
planisphere | sphere projected onto a plane; map of the heavens
planity | the quality of being plane
plankwise | in the manner or direction of a plank
planography | cartography
planomania | abnormal desire to wander and disobey social norms
planster | petty or poor planner
plantar | of, like or pertaining to the sole of the foot
plantigrade | walking fully on the soles of the feet
plantivorous | plant-eating
plantocracy | government by plantation owners
plapper | to make sounds with the lips
plash | dash of water
plashy | full of pools or puddles; marshy or boggy
plasmophagous | consuming plasma
plastography | art of forging handwriting
plastron | fencer's padded breast-shield; steel breastplate worn under hauberk
plataleiform | spoonbilled; of the shape of a spoonbill
platband | flat molding that exceeds its projection; fillet between column's flutings
plateasm | broad speech; talking with the mouth open too wide
platilla | fine white linen
platiniferous | bearing platinum
platitude | commonplace or trite remark made as if it were important
platitudinarian | one who utters platitudes
platometer | instrument for measuring area; planimeter
platten | to flatten into a plate or sheet
platurous | flat-tailed
platypodia | flat-footedness
platypussary | building or pen where platypuses are kept
platysma | broad sheet of muscle in the neck
plauditory | issuing enthusiastic approval or applause
plaustral | of, like or pertaining to a wagon
playa | basin which becomes a shallow lake after heavy rainfall
pleach | to intertwine the branches of
pleasance | pleasure; enjoyment; complaisance
plebania | mother-church having authority over several local churches
plebeian | of the common people or vulgar classes
plebification | making something vulgar or plebeian
plebiscitarism | principle or practice of using plebiscites
plectile | woven or plaited
plectrum | pick for stringed instruments
pledget | wad of cotton or lint used to dress a wound
plegometer | instrument for measuring the strength of a blow
pleiomery | condition of having more than the normal number
pleiomorphy | occurrence of several distinct stages in the life cycle of an organism
plemyrameter | instrument for measuring variations in water level
plenary | full; entire; complete; absolute; unqualified
plenicorn | having solid horns (as a deer)
pleniloquence | excessive talking; fullness of speech
plenilunar | of, like or pertaining to the full moon
plenilune | full moon
plenipotence | absolute power
plenitude | fullness; completeness; abundance; sufficiency
plenum | space completely filled with matter
pleochroic | displaying different colours when seen from different directions
pleonasm | redundancy; use of more words than necessary
pleonectic | greedy; covetous
pleonexia | greed; avarice
pleroma | fullness; abundance
plerophory | full conviction
plethysmograph | instrument for measuring change in body part size due to blood flow
plethysmography | measurement of variation in blood pressure
pleurotropous | laterally flattened
plexiform | shaped like a network
plexure | network; web; interweaving
plexus | network
plicated | folded fanwise; pleated
plication | the act of folding
plimsoll | rubber-soled canvas shoe
plinth | rectangular base of column or pedestal
pliofilm | thin waterproof transparent sheet used for packaging
pliothermic | of, like or pertaining to periods of above-average temperatures
plissé | fabric with puckered finish
ploce | repetition of word in more expressive sense for emphasis
plodge | to trudge through anything in which the feet sink
plosion | release of breath after consonant
plousiocracy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plumassier | worker in feathers; feather-seller
plumbago | graphite
plumbeous | leaden; lead-coloured
plumbiferous | bearing or yielding lead
plumbism | lead poisoning
plumbless | incapable of being sounded
plumeopicean | of tar and feathers
plumigerous | plumaged
plumiped | having feathered feet
plumulate | downy
pluralism | belief that reality consists of several kinds or entities
plurennial | lasting or surviving many years
pluriarc | West African stringed instrument like a zither
pluriliteral | of more than three letters
plurinominal | having more than one name
pluriparous | giving birth to multiple young in a single birth
pluripresence | presence in multiple places at one time
pluriserial | in several rows
plutarchy | government by the wealthy; plutocracy
plutocracy | government by the wealthy
plutography | description of the lives of the wealthy
plutolatry | worship of wealth
plutology | political economy; study of wealth
plutomania | mania for money
pluton | mass of rock solidified under earth's surface
plutonic | of volcanic or deep origin
plutonomy | economics
pluvial | floor-length open-fronted ecclesiastical garment
pluviograph | self-registering rain gauge
pluviometer | rain-meter
pluviose | rainy
pneometer | instrument that measures respiration
pneumatics | study of mechanics of gases
pneumatographer | one who receives and writes spirit messages
pneumatography | description or treatise about spiritual beings
pneumatolith | stone in the lung
pneumatology | science of spiritual phenomena or beings
pneumatomachy | denial of the divinity of the Holy Ghost
pneumatometer | instrument for measuring quantity of air breathed
pneumatomorphic | like a spirit
pneumatophany | appearance of a spirit; especially the Holy Ghost
pneumatophilosophy | philosophy of spirits or the spirit world
pneumatophony | sound caused by a ghost or spirit
pneumatosis | presence of gas in the body
pneumograph | instrument for measuring and recording respiration
pneumography | description of the lungs
pnyx | ancient Athenian place of assembly
poaceous | of, like or pertaining or pertaining to grass
pochette | pocket notecase or wallet
pochoir | manual colour stencilling onto a printed illustration
pocillator | cup-bearer
pococurante | uninterested; indifferent; nonchalant; apathetic
poculation | drinking of alcoholic beverages
poculent | fit for drinking
poculiform | cup-shaped
podagra | gout
podagrous | gouty
podalic | of, like or pertaining to feet
podex | rump; anal region
podiatry | study and treatment of disorders of the foot; chiropody
podiform | shaped like a pod
podobromhydrosis | smelly feet
podocarp | stalk that bears the fruit of a plant
podology | study of the feet
podoscaph | pedalled boat; canoe-shaped float attached to feet for walking on water
podzol | acidic soil with ash-like subsurface layer
poecilomere | part of an animal's body where colour variations first appear
poecilonym | synonym; one of a variety of names for a thing
poêlée | broth or stock
poephagous | eating grass or herbs; herbivorous
poetaster | petty poet; writer of contemptible verses
poetolatry | worship of poets
poetomachia | contest or quarrel among poets
pogamoggan | wooden club with iron or stone piece on end, used by Indians
pogoniasis | excessive growth of beard
pogonip | dense fog of suspended ice particles
pogonology | book or treatise on beards
pogonophile | one who loves beards
pogonophobia | fear of beards
pogonotomy | shaving
pogonotrophy | growing of a beard
pogrom | organized massacre
poiesis | creation
poikilitic | mottled
poikilothermic | cold-blooded
poimenic | pastoral
pointel | sharp instrument
pointillism | use of separate dots of pure colour rather than blends
poise | unit of viscosity of liquids
poitrel | armour for a horse's breast
poivrade | pepper sauce
pokerish | causing terror; uncanny
polacca | stately Polish dance; polonaise
polarchy | government by many people; polyarchy
polarimeter | instrument for measuring polarised light
polariscope | instrument for detecting polarized light
polder | piece of low-lying reclaimed land
poldermitton | curved reinforced armour for the right arm
pole | unit of area equal to a square rod
polemarch | ancient Greek military and civil officer
polemic | controversial discussion or attack
polemology | study of war
polemomania | mania for war
polemoscope | telescope with angled mirrors for seeing over walls or around corners
poleyn | piece of armour for the knee
policeocracy | government by police
policlinic | outpatient department of hospital
poliorcectic | of, like or pertaining to siegecraft or besiegement
poliosis | premature graying of the hair
politicaster | petty politician
politicide | killing of people because of their political beliefs
politicomania | mania for politics
polkamania | craze for polka dancing
pollarchy | government by the multitude or a mob; ochlocracy
pollard | tree having the whole crown cut off
pollent | strong
pollex | the thumb
pollicitation | promise; especially one not yet accepted
polliniferous | bearing pollen
pollinigerous | pollen-bearing
pollyanna | one who is naively optimistic
polonaise | stately Polish dance of moderate tempo
poltophagy | prolonged chewing of food
poltroon | craven; cowardly
polverine | glass-makers' potash
polyacoustic | amplifying sounds
polyaemia | plethora
polyarchy | government by many people
polychotomy | division into many parts
polychrest | thing or medicine useful in many ways
polycracy | government by many rulers; polyarchy
polydemic | native to several countries
polydipsia | abnormal thirst
polyergic | having many functions
polyethnic | consisting of or derived from many races or ethnicities
polygenesis | theory that humans derived from many separate origins
polygenous | of multiple origin or composition
polygoneutic | having several broods in each season
polygraphy | copious or productive writing
polyhidrosis | excessive perspiration
polyhistor | person of exceptionally broad knowledge
polylemma | argument forcing choice between contradictory statements
polylith | prehistoric monument consisting of many stones
polyloquent | speaking much; loquacious
polymania | mania affecting several different mental faculties
polymath | person possessing knowledge of many subjects
polymicrian | compressed into a very small space
polymythy | use of multiple plots in a single story
polynesic | in multiple separate locations
polynia | open water amid sea ice
polyommatous | having many eyes
polyonym | name consisting of several words
polyopia | multiple vision
polyphagous | eating many types of food
polypharmacy | treatment with many medicines
polyphiloprogenitive | very fertile; very imaginative
polyphloisbic | loud-roaring
polyphloisboisterous | noisy
polyphone | many-stringed instrument like a lute
polyphyletic | descending from more than one original type
polypnea | rapid breathing
polypod | many-legged animal
polypragmatist | busybody
polypsychic | having several souls
polypsychism | belief that one person may have multiple souls
polyptoton | repetition of word in same sentence with multiple inflectional endings
polysarcous | obese
polysemant | word with many meanings
polystachious | having many spikes
polystichous | arranged in many rows
polystomatous | having many mouths
polystyle | building having many columns
polysyllabilingual | relating to polysyllabic languages
polysyllogism | series of syllogisms where each is basis for next
polysyndeton | rhetorical device of repeating conjunction for emphasis
polythalamous | having many chambers
polytheism | belief in multiple deities
polytocous | producing many or several at a birth
pomace | crushed apples for cider-making
pomaceous | of, like or pertaining to or consisting of apples
pomade | ointment for the hair
pomander | ball of perfumes
pomiculture | growing of fruit
pomiferous | bearing apples
pomiform | shaped like an apple
pomoerium | open space around a town within the walls
pomology | study of fruit-growing
ponceau | poppy red
ponderation | weighing or weighing up
pone | card player on dealer's right responsible for cutting cards
ponent | western
ponerology | theological doctrine of wickedness or evil
pongee | thin soft fabric woven from raw silk
poniard | small dagger
pontage | toll paid on bridges; tax for repairing bridges
pontifice | bridge-work; a bridge
pontist | bridge builder
pontlevis | drawbridge
poodle | coarsely looped or nubby fabric
poop | enclosed structure at stern of ship above main deck
poophyte | meadow plant
popinjay | conceited person
popjoy | to amuse oneself
poplin | corded woven silk and worsted
popliteal | of, like or pertaining to the back of the knee
popocracy | government by populists
popple | to flow tumblingly; to heave choppily
poppycock | humbug; nonsense
poppyhead | raised ornament on top of upright end of seats in churches
populicide | killing of the population of an area or nation
poral | of, like or pertaining to pores
porbeagle | shark with a pointed snout
porcellanous | resembling porcelain
porcine | of, like or pertaining to pigs; swinish
porculation | fattening or feeding of swine
porge | to make meat kosher by removing veins and sinews from hindquarters
poriferous | having pores
poriform | having the form of a pore
poriomania | abnormal compulsion to wander
porism | geometrical expression of possibility of multiple solutions
porlocking | irksome intrusion or interruption
pornbroker | one who deals in pornography
pornerastic | lecherous; bawdy; lewd
pornocracy | government by harlots
pornogenarian | dirty old man
pornolagnia | desire for prostitutes
pornomania | obsession with pornography
pornotopia | perfect setting for the antics of pornography
porogamy | fertilization of seed plants
poromeric | permeable to water vapour
porometer | instrument for measuring degree of porosity
poroplastic | both porous and plastic
poroscope | instrument for investigating porosity
porosis | knitting together of broken bones
porphyrogenitic | of royal birth
porphyrogeniture | accession of 1st son born after father's accession
porphyrous | purple
porphyry | beautiful and valuable purplish stone
porraceous | leek-green
porrect | to stretch forth; to present
porriginous | suffering from a scalp disease that causes baldness
porringer | small dish for soup or porridge
portatile | portable
portesse | portable breviary
portfire | prepared paper cylinder used to fire rockets and fireworks
portière | curtain hung over door of a room
portiuncle | small piece of something, especially of land
portmanteau | word formed by blending two existing words
portreeve | mayor
posaune | archaic trombone
posh | nonsense
posigrade | auxiliary rocket on a spacecraft
positivism | doctrine that that which is not observable is not knowable
posnet | small cooking pot with feet and handle
posology | science of quantity or dosage
possessive | indicating possession; genitive case
posset | milk curdled with alcohol used as remedy
post | after
postament | frame; pedestal
postcenal | after dinner
postcibal | after a meal
postconnubial | after marriage
postdiluvian | after the great Flood
postern | back door or gate; small private door
postexilic | after exile
postface | concluding note added to end of written work
postiche | excessively and inappropriately added to a finished work
posticous | posterior; outward; extrorse
postil | marginal note; commentary
postilion | someone who guides posthorses
postjacent | posterior; behind
postliminary | subsequent
postliminy | right of returned exiles to resume former status
postlude | closing piece of music at end of church service
postmundane | after the end of the world
postprandial | after dinner
postreme | lastly
postscenium | part of stage behind the scenery
poststructuralism | belief that there is no objective meaning to a text
postulant | candidate for a religious order
postulator | official who presents case for canonization or beatification
potable | fit to drink; drinkable
potager | garden laid out in a decorative way
potamic | of, like or pertaining to rivers
potamography | study of geography of rivers; a description of rivers
potamology | study of rivers
potation | the activity of drinking
potatory | related to excessive drinking
potentiate | to use drugs in combination to increase their power
potentiometer | instrument for measuring electromotive forces
pother | choking smoke or dust; fuss; commotion
potichomania | craze for imitating Oriental porcelain
potomania | abnormal desire to drink alcohol
potometer | instrument measuring rate at which plants absorb water
potshop | small public house
potter | to busy oneself with trifling tasks
pottle | small conical fruit basket
pottle | unit of liquid measurement of two quarts, or one-half gallon
potto | small nocturnal West African monkey
poudrin | small ice crystals
poulard | fattened or spayed hen
poulp | octopus
poult | young fowl
pounce | fine powder spread on writing paper to keep ink from running
poundage | charge for keeping stray cattle
poundal | unit of force that accelerates 1 pound to 1 foot / second / second
pourboire | tip; gratuity
pourparler | discussion prior to negotiation
pourpointerie | quilted armour with studs
poussin | chicken raised for eating at around six weeks old
powellisation | means of preserving timber
practive | practical; concerned with practice
praedial | of, like or pertaining to or connected with the land or farming
praepostor | prefect of a school
pragmatica | royal edict that has the force of law
pragmatism | doctrine emphasizing practical value of philosophy
prairillon | small prairie
pralltriller | rapid musical trill
prandial | of, like or pertaining to dinner
prasinous | leek-green colour
pratal | growing in meadows
prate | to talk foolishly or sententiously; to tattle
pratincole | fork-tailed, long-winged Australian bird
pratincolous | inhabiting meadows or fields
pravity | wickedness; depravity
praxeology | study of practical or efficient activity; science of efficient action
praxinoscope | early cinematograph using series of moving drawings
praxis | customary practice or conduct
preadamic | before Adam
preagonal | immediately preceding death throes
preallable | previous; preliminary; preceding
preaudience | right to be heard before another
prebend | stipend or salary paid to clergyman
prebendal | of, like or pertaining to stipends issued by a church
precantation | prophecy; foretelling
precative | supplicating; expressing entreaty
precatory | of the nature of or expressing a wish or recommendation
precentor | leader of the singing of a church choir
preceptive | concerning rules of conduct, laws or precepts
preciation | evaluation of the value or price of a thing
précieuse | woman affecting a fastidious over-refinement
precipitinogenic | causing precipitation
precisian | overly precise person; formalist
precissive | separating; defining; exact
precognosce | to take a precognition of
preconcert | to settle beforehand
preconize | to proclaim; to summon publicly
predacean | predatory animal
predacious | living by prey; predatory
predella | platform for altar; portable altar or decoration upon it
predestinarianism | belief that what ever is to happen is already fixed
predevote | foreordained
predicant | preaching; predicating
predicative | indicating the predicate
prefatorial | serving as preface or opening remarks
prefigure | to imagine beforehand; to foreshadow
prefulgent | extremely bright
pregustation | foretaste
prehensor | something that grasps or seizes
prelacy | episcopal church government
prelapsarian | belonging to the time before man's original sin
prelate | bishop or abbot of superior rank
prelation | preferment; promotion; eminence
prelect | to lecture
prelibation | foretaste; offering of first fruits
preliography | description or treatise about a battle
prelusive | of the nature of a prelude; introductory
premiate | to give a prize or premium for
premonish | to warn beforehand
premorse | ending abruptly as if bitten off
premotion | divine impulse determining the will
premove | to incite or prompt to action
premundane | period before the creation of the earth
prenarial | of, like or pertaining to or in front of the nostrils
prenticecide | killer of an apprentice
prepense | premeditated; intentional
prepollence | predominance
prepone | to reschedule for an earlier time
prepossess | to bias or prejudice favourably; to impress
prepotent | potent in a very high degree
preputial | of, like or pertaining to the foreskin
prerupt | broken off; steep; abrupt
presbycousis | hardness of hearing during old age
presbyophrenia | female senility marked by loss of memory
presbyte | old man
presbytery | part of church reserved for officiating clergy
prescind | to cut off; cut short; separate
prescious | prescient
prescriptivism | belief that moral edicts are merely orders with no truth value
preseminal | before the onset of puberty; before fertility
presenium | period of life preceding old age
presentationism | theory that the mind has direct access to perceived objects
presentient | prescient; having a premonition
presentoir | ornamental shallow tray or cup
presidial | of, like or pertaining to a garrison
presidial | presidential
pressible | able to be pressed
prest | to loan
prestigiator | conjurer
prestriction | blindness; blindfolding
preterist | lover of the past
preterite | signifying past time or a completed action
preterition | passing over or omission; drawing attention to a thing by claiming to omit it
pretermit | to pass by; to omit; to leave undone
preterpluparenthetical | tending to use excessive parenthesis; pedantic
prevenancy | courteous anticipation of others' wishes
prevenient | antecedent; preceding; anticipatory
prevernal | blossoming or foliating early
prevision | foresight; foreknowledge
prevoyant | having foresight
Priapean | of, like or pertaining to male reproductive power; phallic
priapism | constant erection; licentiousness; lewdness
pricket | spike or antler used as a candlestick
pridian | of, like or pertaining to yesterday
prie-dieu | prayer stool or kneeling bench in a church
prill | nodule of metal obtained after assaying
primage | fee paid to loaders for loading ship
primatology | study of primates
prime | prayer service held at 6 a.m.
primigenial | first or earliest formed or produced
primiparous | having borne only one child
primitiae | first fruits
primitial | of, like or pertaining to first fruits; primeval
primitivism | doctrine that a simple and natural life is morally best
primo | in the first place
primogenous | of, like or pertaining to the earliest or first developmental stage
primrose | pale yellow
princeps | first; especially first edition of a book
prion | small Antarctic petrel
priscan | ancient; of early times
prisoptometer | instrument for measuring degree of astigmatism
prithee | expression of wish or request
privatism | attitude of avoiding involvement in outside interests
privative | indicating absence, deprivation or negation
privity | privacy; secrecy; secret or confidential conversation
pro | in favour of; for
pro rata | proportionally
pro tanto | to that extent; accordingly
proairesis | the act of choosing
probabiliorism | belief that when in doubt one must choose most likely answer
probabilism | belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute
proband | one with a certain feature by which descendants analyzed
probang | flexible rod put down throat to clear obstacle
probit | unit of measurement of statistical probability
proboscidate | having a proboscis or long snout
probosciform | shaped like a long nose
probouleutic | for preliminary deliberation
procacity | petulance; insolence
procatalectic | lacking the unaccented part of first foot of a line of verse
procatalepsis | anticipating and answering an opponent's objections
procathedral | parish church serving as a cathedral
proceleusmatic | inciting; encouraging; exhorting
procellous | stormy
procephalic | of, like or pertaining to the front of the head
procerity | tallness
prochronism | assigning a date to an event earlier than actual
procidence | prolapse; falling forward or downward
procinct | preparedness
proclisis | pronunciation of word dependent on following word
proclivitous | steep
procoelous | cupped in front
procrustean | seeking to enforce uniformity
procrypsis | protective coloration
proctal | of, like or pertaining to the anus or rectum
proctology | study of rectum
proctor | disciplinary officer at a college or university
proctoscope | instrument for examining the rectum
procumbent | lying or leaning forward; prone
procuratory | authorization to act for another
procursive | running forward
procyonine | of, like or pertaining to raccoons
proditor | traitor
prodrome | initial symptom of a disease; introductory treatise
proeguminal | predisposing; preceding
proem | preface
proemial | introductory; prefatory
proemptosis | addition of extra day to lunar calendar every 300 years
proethnic | of, like or pertaining to primitive races
profectitious | derived from a parent or ancestor
profligate | debauched; rashly extravagant
profluent | exuberant; abundant
profulgent | shining out; radiant
progeria | second childhood; disease of premature aging
prognathic | having a jaw that projects forward
projacient | jutting forward
projectionism | theory that some apparent qualities of reality are projections of the mind
projicient | communicating between an organism and its environment
prolate | having flattened sides due to lengthwise elongation
prolation | utterance
prolative | indicating motion alongside or means of motion
prolegomenon | introductory study or treatise
prolepsis | anticipation; device where objections are anticipated
proleptical | prehistoric
proleptics | prognosis
prolicide | killing of offspring; killing of the human race
proligerous | bearing offspring
prolix | long-winded; garrulous; dwelling too long on particulars
prolocutor | spokesman; speaker of the House of Lords
prolusion | preliminary performance, activity or display
promachos | champion or defender; tutelary god
promptuary | repository; reference book of facts
promulgate | make known; disseminate
pronaos | vestibule in front of a temple
pronasale | tip of the nose
pronation | turning hand and forearm so that palm faces downward
pronograde | walking with body parallel to ground
pronomination | description of a thing by its qualities rather than its proper name
prooemium | preface
propadeuctic | a preliminary study; preliminary
proper | elements of Christian mass that are variable
prophetocracy | government by a prophet
propine | to pledge in drinking; to present or offer
propinquity | closeness
propitiate | to render favourable; to appease
proplasm | preliminary model or mould
propolis | resin of tree buds collected by bees
proprioception | sense of muscular position
propugnation | defence
prore | prow; ship
proreption | creeping attack or secretive advance of troops
prorogue | to discontinue meetings of a group without dissolving it
prorrhesis | preface
prosateur | one who writes prose for a living
proscenium | part of the stage in front of the curtain
prosector | one who dissects bodies in anatomical lectures
proseuche | place of prayer; oratory
prosilient | outstanding; conspicuous; jumping forth
prosit | toast to good health
prosodemic | contagious; infectious
prosodic | of, like or pertaining to versification
prosody | study of versification
prosopic | of, like or pertaining to the face
prosopography | biographical sketch; description of person
prosopography | description of an individual's life, character, or physical form
prosopopoeia | personification; representation of absent person as speaking
prospice | look forward
prostyle | building having columns only in the front
prosy | prosaic; tedious
prosyllogism | syllogism whose conclusion forms premise of another
protactic | prefatory; preliminarily explanatory
protanopia | colour-blindness with respect to red
protasis | first clause in a conditional expression; introductory part of a play
protean | variable; versatile; assuming different forms
protension | duration
protensive | extensive in time or length
protervity | peevishness; petulance; perversity; wantonness
protestation | avowal or solemn declaration
prothalamion | song or poem celebrating a coming marriage
prothonotary | chief registrar of a court; keeper of canonisation records
prothysteron | putting last what normally comes first in an expression or argument
protistology | study of protists
protocolist | registrar or clerk
protogenic | formed at the beginning
protogenist | inventor
protolithic | from the earliest Stone Age
protomorphic | primordial; primitive
protopathy | first or direct experience
protoplast | original ancestor; first-formed person or thing
prototrophic | feeding directly on uncombined elements
protozeugma | zeugma in which word referring to two clauses is placed before both of them
protreptic | exhorting; encouraging; didactic; doctrinal
provand | allowance of food; provisions
provection | transfer of last letter of one word to first of next
proveditor | purveyor of supplies or goods
provenance | source; origin
provenient | issuing forth
providore | steward; quartermaster
provine | to propagate by layering
proxemics | study of man's need for personal space
proxenete | procurer; marriage broker
proximo | of next month
proxysm | close or near relationship
pruinose | having a frosted look; bearing whitish dust
prunella | strong and heavy silk or wool
pruniferous | bearing plums
prunt | moulded glass ornament attached to a larger glass object
prurient | stemming from the indulgence of lewd ideas; lascivious
prurigo | irritating skin disease causing itching
pruritus | itching of the skin
psalligraphy | the art of paper-cutting to make pictures
psalmodist | singer of psalms
psalmody | act of singing psalms in church services
psalmography | art of composing psalms
psaltery | ancient stringed musical instrument
psammite | fine-grained rock
psammophile | sand-loving plant
psammous | sandy
psellism | defect in articulation or pronunciation
psephitic | of, like or pertaining to pebbles
psephocracy | government resulting from election by ballot
psephology | study of election results and voting trends
psephomancy | divination by drawing lots or markers at random
pseudacusis | mistaken or false hearing
pseudaesthesia | imaginary feeling or sensation
pseudandry | assumption of man's proper name by a woman
pseudaposematic | imitating the coloration of a dangerous animal
pseudepigrapha | apocrypha; non-canonical books of the Bible
pseudepigraphy | assignment of false authors to books
pseudepigraphy | false attribution of authorship
pseudepiscopy | existence or rule of a spurious bishop
pseudoautochiria | murder disguised as suicide
pseudoblepsis | imaginary or false vision; hallucination
pseudochromaesthesia | mental association of sounds with colours
pseudochronism | error in dating
pseudocide | pretended attempt at suicide
pseudodox | false doctrine or opinion
pseudography | unsatisfactory spelling
pseudography | false, incorrect, or spurious spelling
pseudogyny | adoption of woman's name by a man
pseudohermaphroditism | condition in which sex chromosomes and genitals are of different sexes
pseudolalia | incoherence of speech
pseudolatry | false worship
pseudologia | lying in speech or writing
pseudologue | pathological liar
pseudology | art or science of lying
pseudomania | irrational predilection for lying
pseudomorph | false or abnormal physical form
pseudonymuncle | lesser or minor writer who uses a pseudonym
pseudophonia | suicide disguised as murder
pseudopsia | optical illusion
pseudoptics | study of optical illusions
pseudosmia | false perception of odours
pseudosopher | one who pretends to hold knowledge or wisdom
pseudosophy | pretension to wisdom
psilanthropism | denial of Christ's divinity
psilosis | loss of hair
psilosophy | shallow philosophy; limited knowledge
psilothrum | substance causing loss of hair
psithurism | whispering noise; sound of leaves moving in the wind
psittacine | of, like or pertaining to macaws, parakeets or parrots
psittacism | parrot-like repetition of speech
psittacistically | mechanically; in a parrotlike fashion
psoas | loin muscle
psomophagy | swallowing food without thorough chewing
psophometer | instrument measuring audible interference of electrical current
psychaesthesia | sensation in relation to feeling or thought
psychagogic | attractive; encouraging
psychagogue | conductor of souls to the underworld
psychalgia | mental pain or distress
psychiasis | healing of the soul or psyche
psychism | belief in universal soul
psychobiology | study of biology of the mind
psychodynamic | concerning psychological motives and causation
psychofugal | proceeding outward from a mental state
psychogenesis | origin and development of the mind
psychogenetics | study of internal or mental states
psychognosy | study of mentality, personality or character
psychogony | development of the mind or soul
psychogram | writing supposedly produced under influence of spirits
psychograph | instrument that supposedly records spirit messages
psychography | production of writing purportedly by a spiritual entity
psychologism | theory that mathematical or metaphysical laws can be derived from psychology
psychomachy | conflict between the body and the soul
psychomancy | divination by means of spirits
psychometry | measurement of intelligence and psychological attributes
psychomorphism | doctrine that inanimate objects have human mentality
psychoneuroendocrinology | study of relationship between the mind, the nervous system, and the endocrine
psychopannychism | belief souls sleep from death to resurrection
psychopathology | study of mental illness
psychophysics | study of link between mental and physical processes
psychorrhagy | separation of the soul from the body
psychosomatic | of a physical disorder, having a psychological cause
psychosophy | doctrine or theory of the soul
psychotaxis | alteration of mental outlook to satisfy the personality
psychotheism | doctrine that God is a purely spiritual entity
psychroaesthesia | sensation of cold in part of body that is actually warm
psychrolusia | bathing in cold water
psychrometer | instrument for measuring air moisture or temperature
psychrophilic | thriving in cold temperatures
psychrophobia | fear of the cold
psychurgy | mental function, operation or energy
ptarmic | substance that causes sneezing
pteric | of, like or pertaining to the wing or the shoulder
pteridology | study of ferns
pteridomania | passion for ferns
pterography | treatise or description of feathers
pteronophobia | fear of being tickled by feathers
pteropine | of, like or pertaining to flying foxes
pterospermous | having winged seeds
pterygium | abnormal mass of tissue obstructing vision in the eye
pterygoid | like a wing
pteryla | patch or clump of feathers on a bird
pterylography | treatise on the feathers of birds
pterylology | study of distribution of feathers on birds
ptilosis | plumage or mode of feathering; plumage
ptochocracy | government by beggars or paupers; wholesale pauperization
ptochogony | production of beggars; pauperization
ptosis | drooping of the upper eyelid
ptyalagogue | substance that promotes salivation
ptyalism | excessive flow of saliva
pubarche | first appearance of pubic hair
puberulent | feebly or minutely pubescent; covered with minute down
pubigerous | hairy; bearing or growing hair
puccoon | blood-root; dark red colour
puce | brownish-purple; purplish-pink
pucelage | virginity
pucelle | maid; virgin
puckery | astringent; tending to wrinkle
pudendum | external female reproductive organs
pudibund | shamefaced; prudish
pudicity | modesty
pudor | sense of shame
pudu | small Chilean deer
puericulture | child-rearing
puerperal | of, like or pertaining to childbirth
pug | ground clay mixed with water
pugil | small handful; pinch
pugioniform | dagger-shaped
puisne | inferior in rank; later; junior
puissant | powerful; mighty
puku | red Central African antelope
pulchritude | beauty
pule | to pipe; to whimper or whine
pulicide | flea-killer
pulicine | of, like or pertaining to fleas
pulicoid | like a flea
pullastrine | of, like or pertaining to pigeons
pullet | young hen
pulley-piece | armour for the knee
pullulate | to swarm; to teem; to breed freely; to sprout
pulmonic | of, like or pertaining to the lungs
pulpitum | gigantic stone screen separating cathedral choir from the nave
pulsimeter | instrument for measuring the pulse
pultaceous | macerated and softened; like porridge; pulpy
pulverous | dusty or powder
pulverulent | dusty-looking; readily crumbling; powdery
pulvil | perfumed powder
pulvillar | cushion-like
pulvilli | pads between claws of an insect's foot
pulvilliform | shaped like a cushion
pulvinated | cushion-like; bulging; pillowy
punalua | marriage of brothers of one family to sisters of another
puncheon | tool for punching or stamping
punctal | like a point
punctate | dotted; pitted
punctatim | point for point
punctiform | shaped like a point
punctilio | minor detail or point of conduct
punctilious | scrupulous and exact
punctiuncle | insignificant or trifling point of an argument
punctulate | bearing small spots or dots
punctule | minute dot, pit or aperture
punctus | point used in medieval manuscripts to indicate a short pause
pundigrion | play on words; pun
punditocracy | government by political pundits
pundonor | point of honour
puniceous | bright or purplish red
punk | dry decayed wood used for tinder
punnet | small shallow fruit basket
pupate | to pass through a chrysalis stage
pupigerous | bearing a puparium
pupillarity | the state of being a pupil
pupillography | examination and description of the pupil of the eye
purblind | nearly blind
purfle | to ornament the edge of with embroidery
purificator | cloth used to wipe Eucharist chalice
puriform | like pus
purlicue | curl or flourish in writing; summary of speeches
purlieu | a person's usual haunts; neighbourhood
purline | supporting timber stretching across rafters
purloin | to steal; to filch
purpresture | encroachment on public property
purpure | heraldic colour purple
purpureal | purple
purser | ship's officer in charge of finances and passengers
pursuivant | follower or attendant
purulence | the quality of being filled with pus
pushful | energetically or aggressively enterprising
pusillanimous | lacking firmness; cowardly; having a weak character
pustule | pimple containing pus; lump or wart
putanism | lewdness in women; prostitution
putative | supposed; reputed
putcher | wire trap for catching salmon
puteal | wall round the top of a well
putid | decayed; fetid
putlock | cross-piece in a scaffolding
putois | brush for painting pottery
putrefaction | rotting
putrilage | products or remnants of decay
putto | plump naked winged boy in artwork
puture | foresters' claim of subsistence within bounds of forest
puy | small volcanic cone
pycnometer | instrument for measuring specific gravity or density
pycnomorphous | compact; dense
pycnosis | thickening
pycnostyle | having closely spaced columns
pyelography | examination of the kidney and ureter
pygal | belonging to the rump end; pertaining to the rump
pygia | pain in the rump
pygmachy | boxing; fighting with clubs
pyknic | characterized by short squat stature
pyknometer | instrument for measuring specific gravities
pyogenic | pus-forming
pyoid | purulent; pus-like
pyramidography | treatise on the Egyptian pyramids
pyranometer | instrument measuring solar radiation from the sky's whole hemisphere
pyrene | fruit-stone
pyretic | of, pertaining to or for the cure of fevers
pyretology | study of fevers
pyrexia | fever
pyrexical | feverish
pyrgeometer | instrument for measuring radiation from earth
pyrgoidal | tower-shaped
pyrgology | study of towers
pyrheliometer | instrument for measuring heating effect of sun
pyriform | shaped like a pear
pyritiferous | bearing pyrite
pyroballogy | study of artillery
pyroclastics | ash and other material released by volcano
pyrogenation | subjection to heat
pyrogenous | produced by or producing heat or fever
pyrognomic | easily made incandescent
pyrography | study of woodburning; writing using hot instrument
pyrokinesis | ability to start fires using mind alone
pyrolatry | fire-worship
pyromachy | use of fire in combat
pyromancy | divination using fire
pyrometer | instrument for measuring very high temperatures
pyrophanous | becoming transparent when heated
pyrophobia | fear of fire
pyrophorus | substance that spontaneously combusts
pyroscope | instrument for measuring intensity of radiant heat
pyrosis | heartburn
pyrosophy | knowledge of the properties of fire
pyrrhic | of, like or pertaining to the dance or to the foot
pyrrhonism | total or radical skepticism
pyrrhotism | state of being red-haired
pyrrhous | reddish; ruddy
pyrrhuline | of, like or pertaining to bullfinches
pysmatic | questioning; interrogatory
pythogenic | produced by filth; causing dirt or decay
pythonic | like an oracle or a python
pythonism | possession by an oracular spirit
pyx | box or vessel in which coins or consecrated Eucharist are kept
pyxis | little box or casket for jewels or toiletries
I hope you have found this site to be useful. If you have any corrections, additions, or comments, please contact me. Please note that I am not able to respond to all requests. Please consult a major dictionary before e-mailing your query. All material on this page © 1996-2021 Stephen Chrisomalis. Links to this page may be made without permission.